Marvel: |Σχτrεmε Χ~Μεη |

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Apr 18, 2011.

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  1. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Bree sighed, "Yeah but we've got to do something. And we're not powerless, I saw you guys before, you were a force to be reckoned with. We have numbers and if we get one on their own, surely we can take them down together. Right?" She asked the them, attempting to make light of the situation. She knew they could probably do a lot more actual damage to him than she could, her powers were mainly defensive but she could protect them and get them close.
  2. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Deadpool teleported right behind Cyclops, suddenly holding a small mine of some sort.
    "Here, hold this." he said, literally just dropping beside the mutant before teleporting further away.
    "And, for the final touch..." he called out, drawing several granades, hopefully all of the ones he had on her person, and tossed them towards Summers all together, pins removed.
    ", my wonderful exploding monkeys!" he yelled as they were hurled towards the mutant in a wall of flashing, beeping devices.


    Feral growled in approval, knowing that the girl's words were true. Together, they would be able to deal with at least on of them, but the question was; who did they go for? Deadpool seemed to be their leader, but at the same time taking out him wouldn't deter the others, and Summers could probably take care of himself.
    The fire-mutant seemed to be doing the most damage, but then again; his opponent was Hellion, who seemed to be holding his own against him for the time being. Although, that fireball looked like it could be a heavy-hitter. Somebody needed to do something about it.
    Then there was the speed mutant, who seemed to have left. Since he wasn't quite around right now, he shouldn't be a problem...
    So it was the last of them: the mutant that seemed to control shadows somehow. That would have to be their target, especially since one of their own seemed to be in trouble, despite the blast they had just fired at the enemy.
    "Help Whiteout." he suggested, hoping they would do so as he ran towards Hellion and the fire-mutant. Even as a wolf, it didn't look like he'd get there in time, but if he could just get close enough, he might be able to weaken the shot with his vibrations.
    I'll never know unless I try. he though to himself, throwing himself the rest of the distance, and firing as much vibration at the fireball as he could manage without making himself useless.
    Work. Just work!
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Ellie just sort of stood there after murmuring her thanks to Bree.
    Her Pulse Healing had pretty much finished healing her injuries by now... she was kinda saw, but she was using the electrical impulses to her advantage and numbing the pain without dulling all of her senses together.
    That was one thing she was becoming adept at at least.
    But so far, this fight had done nothing for her confidence other than push it down further..
    So she just kinda stood there shyly near the others, one arm holding the other in a timid fashion.
  4. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Bree blinked in suprise as Ferrel darted off to Hellion. "Okay then..." She looked at the others, noticing Ellie in particular looking very nervous, "So, are we going to help Hellion then?" She said, smiling supportively and offered a hand to the girl. This was partially to help her feel more confident but also she can protect her if need be. "Can't let them get hurt, now can we?" She'd already seen one person murdered today, which she was desperatly trying to forget. She was not going to lose anyone else.
  5. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Phantom couldn't find where the now-free Mutants had escaped to. He moved back to the battle site, to find them going after Scorch, who was already in a fight. Instead of moving in, he decided to stay back and watch how Scorch would fare in those circumstances. "This should be quite interesting." He said, crouching in a shady area.
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Hyah!" Cyclops' reflexes kicked in and he sent a kick in Deadpool's direction, but the mercenary was gone before he made contact, leaving only a mine. Damn it! Cyclops quickly reacted by aiming his visor down and blasting himself high into the air, barely avoiding the explosion. As he flew into the air, he looked at the oncoming onslaught of grenades. A smile escaped his lips as he readied himself. "Take this, Wilson! Take my full blast!" He raised a hand to his visor and clicked. Cyclops could feel his eyes heat up as he let out an extremely large optic blast, large enough to hit all grenades and keep going, as well as sending him flying backwards even more. It wasn't his full blast; Cyclops could never control his 'largest' blast. It always changed, due to his degree of control. He recalled a situation where he literally punched a hall through a mountain, something he hasn't been able to do again. Professor X once told him that he had the potential to split a small planet in half, but that force...Cyclops couldn't even fathom it.

    The fireball was hit by the vibration, but it simply caused the ball to explode instead of shrinking or dissipating. The original potential of the ball could have fatally injured Hellion, but the early explosion barely reached him. "Stinkin' mutt!"Scorch yelled, now aiming a fireball at Feral. "Bad dog!" He took his attention off of Hellion and focused on the wolf.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Bree was watching Feral as she waited for the others replies and as soon as she saw Scorch change his target, she made up her mind. "I've got to help him" She said as way of explanation to the others and sprinted as fast as she could towards Feral. She was no where near as fast as Feral but she'd been working on her fittness in the time she'd been with the X-Men so she wasn't that slow. All she needed was contact with him but she needed to reach him in time and even then she just hoped he wouldn't shake her off and brake contact.
  8. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Acting as fast as he could, Feral sent another series of vibrations into the new fireball, but he was unable to make it as strong as the previous one. He would not be able to keep this up, and he knew it. He tried to think of a form that would be able to do something significant, but there just wasn't anything alive that would be able to.
    Unless I use something that's not alive... he thought to himself, trying to formulate a plan in his head. There was a chance, as slim as it was, that he knew enough about the extinct predators of the world to be able to take the form of one, but if he tried and failed that would be it; out of energy and unable to keep fighting. But even if it did succeed, the form would be clumsy and new to him, and therefore as dangerous to him as the enemy. Not that it would matter soon anyway, since it was only a matter of time before the fire-mutant broke through his guard.


    "Oh cra-" he managed in response, before drawing his favoured katana's and trying to refract some of the blast away from him. It proved futile however, since even side-on, the blades were far too thin to deflect more than a tiny amount on the beam, and he was sent flying backwards with great force.
    "You are me, you stupid yellow boxes! You're getting as pounded as I am!" he yelled, as he slammed into the ground and skidded along it.
    "Owowow, friction burn!" he cried out, apparently forgetting the fact that he had just been slammed in the everything with the worlds strongest torchlight.
    Maybe it was time to have a plan of some kind. Going all gung-ho didn't seem to be working out for him just now.
  9. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio kept glowing and spawning shadow soldiers and the glow kept getting brighter and the soldiers were getting more numerous and more powerful.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    'Well that's surprising.' Hellion thought to himself as he lowered his hands, having snuffed out almost all the flames in the area. He wiped off some sweat from his forehead as he had to lift several tons of soil just to take out the fires. "Whew..." He breathed out and watched as Bree and Feral were ready to take on Scorch. 'Ah...whatever. I'll let them take care of this. I could blast the guy through them but I'd have to hold back on it.'

    Whiteout kept out of the reach of Demetrio's soldiers by flying higher as he sent an even stronger blast of light than before right at the mutant, tearing down anything in its path as the white light sped towards Demetrio. 'At this rate...I'll tire out too fast.'
  11. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio quickly dodged the blast but he has lost focus and many soldiers vanished grr.... he re-stabilized himself and the aura re-appeared but it was growing slowly
  12. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Phantom watched as two of the mutants had joined up with one another against Scorchm making it a 3-on-1. "I'd say now's the time to help out." He sped up next to Scorch. "Looks like you've got your hands full. Mind if I give you a hand?" He said, readying himself to fight some more.
  13. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    The mention of Deadpool got Logan's full attention. "Yeah," he muttered, now trying to figure out what Deadpool was doing with Magneto's little lackies. He walked away from Professor X, hands in the pockets of his jeans. At the gates to the X Mansion was Scott's motorcycle, and as Logan knew, the was with it. He got on the bike, lit off the engine, and sped away from the X Mansion.
    He gunned the motorcycle up the hill where Cyclops and Hellion had taken the kids for training. Scott could thank him later.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Guys, I'm really sorry. If you've noticed some things I've said around the forum, I've been going through a really hard time in real life due to a huge family crisis and I've been in such a depressed rut that I lost all motivation to RP for a couple of weeks. However, due to some encouragement and part of the crisis getting solved, I'm back!
    "What's wrong, Wilson?! Can't stand the heat?!!" Cyclops stopped blasting Deadpool only for a moment in order to aim down and soften his fall. "You know something, Deadpool? Do you know how careful I have to be?" Cyclops stood up and quickly aimed back at his opponent, shooting off a narrow blast that slowly widened. "If I so much as crack my eyes open without my glasses or visor," the blast kept growing, threatening to completely envelop Deadpool, "I break down a wall, bring down an entire building, and god forbid if I happened to look at someone. You know what they say about red dawns? Well I have red days, red nights, a red life!" He started walking as he blasted Deadpool. "I have to be so careful, making sure I pick up my visor before I even open my eyes in the morning so nobody gets hurt. It's like living in a world of cardboard. But you?" He reached up and grabbed his visor, "You can take it, can't you, Wilson?" He ripped his visor off of his face and opened his eyes wide, shooting forth a blast strong enough to level a building. "You can take all this and then some, right?! Well take it! Take it all!"

    "What's wrong, mutt?" Scorch asked angrily as he walked towards Feral. "Is it getting too hot for you?" He continued to send blasts of heat towards the dog.

    Wolfman sent his paw slamming down on another shadow warrior just to see another take its place. "This ain't working,"He growled. "We need another plan of action here, ya know?"
  15. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Ohcrapohcraphcrapoh--" Deadpook continued, being blasted with everything that Cyclops apparently had.
    This fight had gone from easy to curbstomp in less than just a few minutes, and Deadpool was definitely on the receiving end.
    "I don't know, okay?! You come up with something!"
    "Good point. I guess we're leaving this to the kids!"
    Forcing his hands downwards, Wilson managed- barely - to press his teleporter belt once more, vanishing from the path of the beam and out of sight. He had retreated for the time being, needing to regenerate before doing anything else.


    Feral was in trouble. There was only so much more of this he could take, and he definitely wouldn't be able to win on his own.
    Deperate times... he thought, not even bothering to finish the sentence before letting on one last transformation.
    He was smaller now, small enough to duck under the flames with relative ease. The way he had to stand now was odd, to say the least, but not too dissimilar from a humans. The talons would take some getting used to, as would the odd beak-like muzzle, but this form would do as he wanted for now.
    He had taken on the form of a Velociraptor, standing now at just over 1.5ft tall, but with large claws that could easily rip soft flesh apart if he got the chance. And he was fast, even faster than his wolf form had been. Fast enough that he was able to whip to one side of Scorch's next volley with almost no effort.
    He was still exhausted from the exersion that he had gone through to survive this long, but in this form he should be able to survive long enough to get some help.
  16. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Thanks to Cyclops' outburst of power, Logan had no trouble tracking down his group. He pulled Scott's motorcycle to a stop right next to the mutant just in time to see Deadpool disappear. His jaw clenched; he would have loved a word or two with Deadpool. "So..." Logan took a look around at the massive damage Cyclops had done to the terrain. "You couldn't have, I don't know, grabbed his arm or something?"


    Anemos pulled Thyella with him to Feral's side. Thyella, unable to see Scorch's attacks, let go of her brother to put up a wall of air in front of the three of them, keeping them safe from Scorch for the moment.
    "Need some help?" Anemos asked Feral with a grin. He hurled two blasts of air at Scorch, one from each of his hands. Once they'd made sure Feral was okay, Anemos and Thyella could switch their tactics. She could easily attack Scorch while Anemos guarded against the fire he created.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Bree was also by their sides, "Same here. I may not be good at offense but I can protect you and get you close enough to do some real damage. Touch me and his attacks will go straight through you." She explained, trying to be of use. Though she was currently impressed by feral's latest transformation and he seemed to be doing okay on his own but she was determined to be there to help anyone when they needed her.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Cyclops closed his eyes before he replaced his visor and let out a sigh. Good, he's gone... He turned over to Logan and studied him for a second. It was no secret that Cyclops and Logan had some...hostility between the two of them, mostly because of Logan's past infatuation with Scott's wife. That and the fact that they were both "leaders" to the X-Men, despite Cyclops being the official leader, and both had very opposing views on how to handle things. Logan was so much more...violent than Cyclops would like...but the red eyed mutant couldn't help but see a use for that sometimes. Wolverine's way of handling things had saved the day more than once. "He's dangerous. You know that. If I went easy on him, than the New Mutants might be in trouble." And then it him. "Oh no, Logan, we need to go help Hellion. The rest of the Brotherhood is attacking the students!"

    "The hell is that overgrown lizard?" Scorch inquired as he stopped and took a step back cautiously. Some kind of dinosaur? He was worried now. He honestly didn't expect that. He wondered if it was instead some type of African lizard he didn't know. That thought relieved him a bit and he was back to throwing fireballs...until interrupted by the twins and another girl. "No girls allowed, remember?" He growled.
  19. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Bree grinned and raised an eyebrow, "Really now? And what are you going to do about it?" She was phasing and ready to touch the others if they needed protecting. She wasn't sure what she could do to back up her confidence but she knew that he couldn't touch her and if she distracted him from Feral, it can't be a bad thing. She stared at him, almost daring him to come and get her, she was not going to let him get the better of her.
  20. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Scorch smiled and raised an open hand. "I was hoping you'd ask, sweetie," this time, he changed his game plan. He was no longer focusing on fire, just heat, his true forte. "If you really want to know...I'M GOING TO SCORCH THAT SKIN OFF THAT PRETTY BODY OF YOURS!!" He pushed his powers to his limit, sending out a thick stream of pure heat towards Whisper.
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