Marluxia has a bad day ~ Chapter 4

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Jordier0xs0x, May 21, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Do you know HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN since i have done this?!?!?!?!? Im sorry guys!
    Okay so here is the Chapters:

    ~Chapter 4 - Jobs~

    Marluxia was walking up and down his room. Finally he sighed and stopped walking "I need something to starving" He soon walked out of his room and down the hall. Just then he saw Xigbar looking worriedly down the hall to him. They soon approached each other.
    "Hey!!! Marly i really need your help!! I have lost Tiny and..and...I have so many jobs i need to do for Xemnas but i cant do them and--" Marluxia cut worried Xigbar off
    "So what do you need me to do? Find the dog?" Marluxia asked
    "No can you please do my jobs? Tiny only comes to me!" Xigbar gave him a A4 piece of paper with all his jobs on it "Hey this isint so bad--" But soon dropped his jaw when the piece of paper became 10 pieces of paper and fell to the ground
    "Oh god..." Marluxia looked at Xigbar then back at the long paper
    "Thanks Marly!! You have really helped me this time!" Xigbar ran off
    "But--" He sighed. "I need to do my job as well..." Marluxia gave a great big sigh and went to do the jobs.
    "Okay...1). Inspect the castle step by step...Great.." This was going to take a long time so Marluxia got started straight away.
    He walked around the castle. After an hour of walking only half the castle he had sore legs "Oww...How does Xiggy do this.." He sighed
    Suddenly he saw Demyx who looked like he was trying to hide
    "Eep..Hi Marluxia! I need a place to hide quickly! Can you help me?" He asked "Sorry Demyx i have to do a lot of jobs" Marluxia replied
    Suddenly Demyx's eyes became watery and big "Plleassee..." He gave Marluxia the puppy dog eyes "Aww...Fine what do you want me to do?" He asked the puppy dog eyed Demyx
    "Can you do my jobs for me?" Demyx asked and handed him a sheet of Jobs written in Xemnas' handwriting
    "Uhh..." The Graceful Assassin sighed and nodded as Demyx went and hid somewhere

    A while later Marluxia was up to Xigbar's 3rd job "3). Your turn to make lunch.." He sighed and went off to the kitchen where Zexion was "Hey Zexy..." Marluxia looked awful "You okay Marly you look kind of...puffed" Zexion asked "Yeah i am..."That was the last word he said for a while
    Marluxia wasint having much luck with the egg mixer either. He thought omelette's would be an easy lunch and everybody liked them. But the egg mixer wasint working.
    Marluxia kept turning the mixer on and off...on and off until
    "ARGG!!" Marluxia shouted as eggs went everywhere on him. "Great..." Marluxia tightened his fists "Stupid...egg mixer..." He mumbled and got out the old egg mixer and started using that.
    He mixed the eggs slowly "This is going to take ages...." He said as he looked at the eggy and messy lists that Demyx and Xigbar gave him.
    Marluxia gave a great big sigh and switched hands with mixing.

    There is that one
    I will try to do Chaper 5 tomorrow...catch up a little
    Also i need ideas...i had trouble thinking of some then...but yeah i think it turned out okay :D
  2. Axel's#1fangirl Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 14, 2007
    The realm of twilight
    Awww....poor :)

    Great job! And take your time on your chapters!

    If your readers really like your stories, then they will wat for them (like I will :D)
  3. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    Awww poor marly.....He Needs A Day Off!!
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