I just made this before. Took me about 15 minutes. And I made two 2 versions. V1 V2 Personally, I like V2 better. CnC? Comments? And which version you like better. And since I still have the file open, I will make a CnC Version.
It doesn't really have a focal point, which is a huge no-no. There is absolutely no flow what so ever. The text is in really bad places. Look at some tuts and try to get some ideas of flow and placement.
La Sofa, I am going to tell everything that I need to tell in one phrase: READ SOME FREAKIN TUTS! It doesn´t have a focal point or flow, and the first version sticks horribly. Oh yeah, and the good sigs are supposed to take HOURS, no minutes. Sorry if I am too rought :sweatdrop:
Actually they take min. A ****load, but not hours. Hell no hours. If it takes hours, you phail at gfx. Sofa go read some tuts nao. Get some brushes, patterns, lighting sources, gradients, etcc etcc
Well, the second one is definatly an improvement from the first. I actually like the second one! :) The first one, though, is too blurry, and it's difficult to see what it's supposed to be.