Man refuses to drive "No God" bus

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Patsy Stone, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Please quote whenever I have discriminated against atheists. I have nothing against them. My best friend is atheist. For some bizarre reason, you think all Christians discriminate against anyone who is not Christian.
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    There aren't as many atheists in the world as Christians. No one cares about atheists, because they aren't as big in numbers as any other religion, I think. I have nothing against them, or Christians, but I don't see the point in freaking out about religion.
  3. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    That being said, he still neglected his duty for selfish reasons.
    Society needs people it can count on.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Would you like to give reasons as to why it isn't discrimination? Also, you have no right to say what I can or cannot put in my signature. In the case of the buses, Christian propaganda saying that god exists for certain already litters our public buses. It is arrogant and pretentious for Christians to complain about an advert saying that there is probably no god when theirs are claiming complete certainty.
    As for the t-shirt argument, that would only be valid if there were other options as well. The problem in this case is only the theist (mostly Christian) options are allowed and respected. Apparently Christian propaganda is considered more important than Atheist propaganda.

    I will make my opinions and thoughts on Christianity known where and when I please thank you very much. Christian certainly pass judgement on Atheism and Atheists enough. It would also help if you spelt Atheists right, as well as with the capital "A".

    And how would that be? For making an opinion known?
  5. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I am Christian. Bunterx is making a valid point about the special privileges given to white Christians and how, in this argument at least, Atheists are getting the short end of the stick. You are denying that this is discrimination against Atheists, when in fact it indirectly is.
  6. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    xD I never mentioned race, that was a parallel argument drawn. But I get the point.
  7. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Lol, I know race wasn't part of your original post, but I had to comment on that too.

    And thanks. :)
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    there is no right or wrong in this situation.
    im a Christian, and yet i see valid points from both side.
    i completely agree with Bunterx and everyone on his side, because if we Christians can put up our advertisements so should Atheists.
    And then on the other hand, i do think his signature is offensive and i myself believe if that man decided he was not going to do his job because it offended his religion, then an atheist should be able to say he's not driving his bus because it says God does exist.
    the only thing that could solve anything is options: his boss making him wear a "Jesus rocks" tshirt? then he should be able to wear an atheist shirt any other day he wants.

    And i would like to add: I have proudly committed intellectual suicide, kudos on all who have. Kudos on those who havent for sticking to your personal beliefs.
    but does that give us the right to commit intellectual homocide? If you get offended by an atheist pushing views on you, how do you think people feel when you do the same?
    Christianity says we should bring everyone to the "path to God".
    The Atheist religion (atheisty? whats the name for that? even if its technially not a regilion) says nothing about bring people OFF the path to God but they should still have that right to do it.
  9. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Your ignorance is disgusting. I have no respect for you or your posts thus far. All you are doing is painting an 'ugly' portrait of your religion. I, in no way, have offended your religion or beliefs thus far. Just view my past post..

    Yet, in every chance you get, you spit on Christianity in every post. Your signature is disgusting. It insults my religion. Even if it wasn't my religion, I would still be disgusted by it.

    You speak of Christian messages 'littering' city buses. Yet I have not, not once, spoke of athiest messages littering anything. I do not condone you or spit on you for your religion. But have some respect for mine and other peoples' religion.

    You have no respect from me, at all. I have nothing against athiests, nor any other religion besides mine. But, quite frankly, your methods of supporting your religion makes me sick.

    Short end of the stick? What short end? This man just stepped off the bus because of the message. Any athiest would've done the same if the sticker said 'Praise God and Glory to His name.' Yet, I wouldn't grow angry over an athiest doing this. For the bus has a message that they don't support and they wish to make a 'stand' for their religion.

    Bunterx is making a big deal about nothing and trying to show that Christianity is ignorant and stupid. Athiests like that don't deserve a second glance.
  10. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Again, I don't have a religion. I presume you mean Atheism? All I am doing is showing that Atheism refuses to roll over just because theism happens to be in the majority position. Also, just because something is ugly or hurtful doesn't make it any less true.

    That is because there are no Atheist messages littering anything. Society is biased towards Christian and theistic messages because of the "death grip" theism has on society. This is the first campaign in the whole of the UK to put Atheist messages as opposed to the many advertising campaigns in place for theistic organisations. There is even the God Channel on TV!

    Again, I am not supporting my religion, I am supporting my viewpoint (based on fact and evidence). Also, I will not have respect for something that has not earned my respect. Religion in my mind has no place in mainstream society. It is something personal and should be kept that way. As for respecting you, I believe in not judging or basing my opinion on people according to their race, sex, orientation or religious belief, but in this case you are directly insulting me for doing nothing but state and support my viewpoint based on evidence which I have clearly quoted in my first post. I wonder who is being more disrespectful to whom?

    The point is if an Atheist had done it there would have been a fuss kicked up. He/she would have been seen as rocking the boat and told to wise up. Whereas in this case the guy is fully accommodated. It seems that in modern society you are a decent human being only if you follow some sort of religion (this being more pronounced in the USA).

    I would also like to point out that you are still misspelling Atheist as well as not capitalising it. You have also still didn't answer my question.

    Thank you. Some more coherence from a theist. It is two way, and I will keep fighting until there is actually some balance and justice in society.

    By intellectual suicide I meant not thinking for yourself anymore. Letting dead men control your thoughts and actions without thinking about what you really want to do. Ugh, I don't feel like I have got that across as best as I could but I can't think of any way of improving it at the moment =/
  11. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Bunterx gave me solid back-up in another thread so I owe him. Not that he needs it, but I still feel like it.

    So you are allowed to disrespect someone but he isn't? My my, aren't you a saint?

    It must be tiresome being so oversensitive...

    You can't "order" respect from people. If someone feels you don't deserve respect, he's got the right to keep it for himself.

    Yet you continue to reply to his posts. How ironic.

    It's fine as it is. Fallout is in no right to feel insulted or offended.
    If your statement is false, then he should refute it instead of just ranting about it. And if it is true then it deserves to be heard.

    On topic:
    I already made my point. It doesn't matter if the whole incident had a religious context or not. That man didn't do his job even though he was perfectly capable of driving that bus. Such neglect should not be tolerated. It was selfish of him to think only of his personal beliefs. Tsk tsk tsk. :rolleyes:
  12. Repliku Chaser

    So you can't take his signature and yet he and others have to live with Christian stuff all the time out in public about how if you don't believe you are going to Hell? If you don't follow God, you don't mean anything? You are all sinners? blah blah? Give me a break. That signature is nothing compared to the crap some of us hear spewed out of the mouths of 'good Christians' who 'turn the other cheek' and 'do not judge thine fellow man'.

    Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of people I know who are Christian and they are awesome. However, to try to say that Atheists are 'picking' on Christianity is simply naivete at best. Also, if you think many Atheists and people of other religions than Christianity have not had to bite the bullet and wear stuff or drive in stuff, or sit by stuff constantly that is Christian, or get help from Christian services that try to force Bibles into hands while someone just wants a bowl of rice or a shot... think again. You don't see this stuff because you accept Christianity as your religion. However, if you went to a Middle Eastern country and were stuck with Islam being all around while your beliefs are considered heretic and absurd, you might get the picture of how others of other beliefs feel.

    As I said before, I'd rather -no one- put up stupid religious stuff on public transportation or buildings etc that people have to go by all the time. A religious store, sure. A church, sure. Someone's private business, sure. However, the constant reminders of either Christianity or Atheists, I really could care less. Dawkins made his point that of course Christians would throw a fit about something we Atheists and Agnostics have had to live with for extremely long. I hope in a way he's done because the irony worked to show the hypocritical nature, but unless they get a bus driver that can suck up the pain of driving a sacrilegious bus (or get someone who doesn't give a crap) just as other drivers who aren't Christian have driven buses for years that compromise their beliefs, the gig is up. I wish people would just learn in the end that not everyone is going to think like they do and if they don't, too bad. It doesn't make them evil and it isn't compromising their souls if they aren't hurting anyone.
  13. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Your post didn't solve anything. I'm not posting in this topic again. I've said what I wanted to say. It's time to quit feeling sorry for the atheists. Because all they keep saying is how nothing is fair due to the ignorance of Christianity. Bunterx, gain some respect for Christianity, and I might gain some for you. I don't believe in your religion as you don't believe in mine, but I still treat your religion with respect and dignity. But people like you who go around with quotes like the one you have in your signature make me sick. I apologize for the ignorance of people forcing their religion on you. It makes me sick when people do that. But I'm not sorry for what we Christians believe in: That people who don't accept God into their hearts are going to hell. And you shouldn't be sorry for what you believe in, like the 'Big Bang'; like no life after death. Your religion and beliefs are yours. I'm not offended by your religion, but by you. You, in every post, say how we have 'false hope' and are ignorant. Yet I don't speak nor any other Christian on this Forum, about how everyone who doesn't accept Christ is going to burn . I apologize again for the ignorance of other Christians who try to force their religion on you and stuff it down your throat. However, not all Christians are like that. I know I'm not.
  14. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    ^ I agree. There shouldn't really be any religious advertisements of any kind. It just causes the overly-sensitive people to make a scene.
  15. Kiburedo Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2007
    People, a theist getting angry at a sign against their religion and an Athiest getting angry at religious propoganda are not the same thing. Christianity, all religion, isn't simply a belief. It's a lifestyle. It's the center of a theist's life. When something that has infinite importance to you like that is put down, how can you not be angry, or protest? Atheism isn't a belief, as many of you have said, it's a LACK of belief in any higher power. Atheist's have no belief to discriminate against in the first place. "There is no God" To a Christian =/= "There is a God" To an Atheist. One is challenging and insulting someone's belief and lifestyle, th other is just something that Atheists can simply ignore, for it doesn't hurt them the same way, if at all.
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    If we're gonna post signs up praising God and promoting Christianity then right down the street i want to see a sign that says "praise Allah!" or "Zeus is mighty" or anything else.
    besides, what does putting a sign up praising any religion do? people read it and automatically convert? no. It just makes the people of that religion feel good or agree when they see it.
    and Bunterx, even though I am Christian, i sin knowingly and willingly all the time, i could end up in hell (or the Atheist equivalent: just plain dead with no afterlife) and that's because even i don't believe in letting the bible run my life. I think its pretty damn impossible that if our God exists how would get it all written down? every single thing? and translate every word correctly over the centuries?
    I may be a Christian and I believe God exists but not in the form and fashion we think.
    I am offended by Bunterx's signature but ironically enough, i'm on his side.

    Every religion just needs to take a chill pill.

    On an ironic note, i'm watchin the American Dad episode where Stan's new friend is Atheist and Stan tries to convert him but his friend ends up a devil worshipper in the end haha
  17. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Dude. Why the hell does that have to do with driving? I bet if it had something like "What would Jesus do?" that man gladly drive it. If you get paid to do a job, religion should have no factor. It's not like their forcing him to be an atheist, just drive a bus. Dear god, people get offended so damn easily anymore. I bet you I offended like 50 people with that last expression too...
  18. Serbkiller Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2008
    Why do people make a big deal of this thing?