(I dunno if I put it in the right category, if I didn't, I'm sorry ; A ;!!) Well, title says it all. A marriage proposal with memes. http://fourfeetnine.com/2011/12/11/the-proposal/ This is a breakdown of the proposal. She thought it was a break-up at first, then as it progressed she realized he was proposing to her. I find it really creative. I do admit, I don't like the fact that it seemed like he was going to break up with her at first, but I guess it made a better reaction in the end. I would honestly love if someone proposed to me with memes hinthint. Thoughts?
Whoa, one hell of a way to get engaged. XD Must have been funny. And shocking. (Personally, I have no idea why no-one else got this idea. ^^) I wish them all the best.
This . . . is awsomest thing evah! Bringing love and memes together once was imposibru!! but they were like challenge accepted and in the end they was like b**** please, and got married!! Cool story bro ^_^
My sister showed this to me just last night :3 It was super adorable and funny. Except, I had to keep asking her about the memes and stuff... I like how the video was made though, really captured it and it was so adorable how nervous the guy was and how the girl really didn't expect it. Plus, it's creative too. A totally awesome way of getting proposed. I love adorable and quirky proposals x)
People may find it sort of weird he proposed with memes, but she is from the internet. Also, he did go down on his knee to propose, and it was quite the sweet little speech he had. I like this a lot, because it's an original way of proposing.
I find it a compelling idea that memes were used for such an idea, but I also find that it seems to be slightly... Personal? I just don't think that it should have been advertised as it has been, it should have been something just between the two of them, but it wasn't. Well, good luck to him and her with their kids. Probably call the kid Dovahkin or something?
Wow. This is very unique and creative. And very, very sweet. :) What makes it more interesting is that they're both cool geeks and pulled off the meme thing very well. lol
There are some couples that are like that, I guess. I find that whole bended-knee-at-the-fancy-restaurant thing to be cheesier than Paris, anyway. It's 2011, act your generation.A little creativity never hurt anyone.
Wow, that's a wonderful story. Congrats, he really loves her. This is shown in the way he make the propose. A very creative idea. Great going.
Kawaii <3 Thats a smart way of using your brain with the annoying memes you see everyday and put them to good use! I will do something like that one day. You'll see! cuz it will be posted on FaceBook :P (inside joke ^^^^^)
I think it's sweet, honestly. Though...Despite the creative side of it, it does feel a bit...I don't know the word I'm trying to think of. Odd? Awkward? Neither of those really fit what I'm thinking... Maybe it's just not the way I'd like the be proposed to, apart of the Internet or not. It did make me emotional, but that was mostly because of how cute it is. xD I hope they find eternal happiness and all that jazz.