Man Killed By Customers on black friday

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by kingdomheartz, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Repliku Chaser

    Watching more info come out of it tonight... That guy was 6'5 and 270 lbs. He was held under a glass see-through door as people trampled over him to get in and apparently an 8 month pregnant woman was also knocked down...though of course, she too had to trample over the guy to get in.

    The news is saying the family of the man could sue Walmart in a civil case because they did not have a line and security outside of the store but really...when has any store really done that? I'm a bit peeved that the person also stated that it would be harder to go after the people who trampled over the guy because the judicial system has to rule whether something was done in cruelty or not.

    If I were of that family, I would be going after -anyone- seen on that video tape that is identified and going after them. Mal-intent, my happy ass. If a driver hits someone and flees the scene, whether there was mal-intent involved or not, that person is arrested and charged for damages. This, in my opinion is worse. How can people -not notice- a 6'5 heavy set man under a see-through glass door??? Their intent was selfish and I think it's only fair that they pay for what they have done with their greed to go get a bargain while some man suffered wretchedly and died after authorities were finally able to get the door off him and try to rescue him. These people were simply awful there and rather than punishing Walmart (which does other things lame, sure) because they underestimated the stupidity of customers and cruelty, every one of those people who trampled on this guy ought to lose some money so they can have a dose of reality and have at least half as bad of a holiday as the man's family that won't have him there now.

    Hundreds of people... and their complaint of they were out there since the night before... it just doesn't hold up in any court of law if you say... Not a single one of them tried to help that poor man out. The trampling..yeah, some people may have been pushed, but the true crime is not one of those people showed an ounce of humanity to rally others and lift the door off the guy after. I'd really love to punch some heads in over that.
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    You know, the sad part about all of this is that it's happened before. This ALWAYS happens during Black Friday. People are injured, mangled and killed for the sake of being able to save money.

    However, it comes to mind that it wasn't a question if people SHOULD have helped, but COULD they have helped. Trying to help a person up with a constant stream of people flowing in one direction is like trying to fight against an ocean current. If someone tried to help the guy out, they probably wouldn't have been able to succeed because of the constant barrage of people trying to push their way in. Trying to get people's attention wasn't going to be any use. Their only focus is to save $200 on a new HD TV.

    So yeah, it's sad and heartbreaking that this happened to someone who didn't deserve it. But at the same time, I wonder if it would've been possible to help the guy at all without getting swept away in the crowd's current...
  3. ♥ Momo ♥ Traverse Town Homebody

    Some people are too selfish to notice someone is right in front of them... Thus, that someone ends up dead >.<...
  4. Repliku Chaser

    I would not give them the credit. They don't deserve the -could not have helped- excuse. Hell, there's not -one- report of -anyone- even trying so I seriously am not seeing this as an issue of defense for those people at all. Humanity was just absent from the building and replaced by self-absorbed idiotic greed behavior. There's no way no one recognized that a man behind a see-through glass door was in deadly peril. You didn't need a hero at such a scene. A decent few people with consciences would have been enough to tell others harshly to cut their **** and get that man out of there. I'd have gone and gotten some weapon and freaked out on people. Not a single person rallied at all to save that person. Not one. They all deserve at least a loss of money so they can suffer some for their poor choice of saving a couple hundred bucks versus saving a man's life they consciously trampled over. Ugh.
  5. kingdomheartz Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 13, 2008
    I just found out the police are trying to view the security tape to find out who exactly stepped on the guy.IMO thats a waste of time.How can one contact these hundreds or thousands of people who stepped on him??You can't only thing we can do about it is move on.
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    I'm not defending their behavior. I'm just trying to think of how events would've happened realistically. Ideally, saving the guy's life would've been possible. However, if you were in the front or the middle of the crowd, you would've been pushed forward or, even worse, knocked to the ground and joined the other injured on the floor. If you happened to notice the guy and tried to grab a weapon, that would mean having to fight your way back against the crowd (causing more collateral damage) just to get back to the guy. By that time, it would've been too late. Same as if you were in the back of the crowd. By the time you reached the guy, it would've also been too late.

    Even if a few people were able to grow their consciences back, would they still have been able to resist against a forceful crowd that was constantly pushing their way in? I don't think it would've been physically possible. They would've probably been pushed down on top of the poor guy.

    I don't know. I just think that the best way to have prevented any death or injuries was before the store opened. After the mob forced their way in, there wasn't anything anyone else could've done as human nature would've taken over and doomed anyone who got in their way.
  7. Skylight_Defect Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 16, 2008
    This is why I don't go out with my family on Black Friday. Because of crazy stuff like this.
  8. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    Ditto. I stay away from the crazy loonies out there that will fight you tooth and nail for a parking spot and give you the evil eye if you happened to grab something that they spotted. It's unbelievable that people would act like wild animals when there are good deals.
  9. Xe54 Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 19, 2007
    New York City, NY
    Thats why I call it Black Friday.
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    seriously people arent even like....humans on black friday...they are like.....I dont know, they dont even care about rational things anymore. I dont understand how people can be like that for a laptop or a game or whatever.
  11. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    That's horrible.
    At this point I don't even know what to say.