Males being topless is okay, but Females being topless is not?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Rho, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. Rho Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 28, 2009
    Something that's confused me: In most places, men being shirtless on media or in public is considered to be fine, but when it's a woman, it's considered inappropriate. Why? Before you give me the whole "sexual" thing, many females think of shirtless buff men the same way many males think of shirtless women. It's basically the same level.

    I'm just confused by this.
  2. Master of the Onyx Flame Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    it is basicly the whole males are pigs theory that people have...
    its also ok to say things against men, yet if you say a bad thing about a woman it makes you sexist...
  3. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I think a few countries allow that, because they realize that female breasts are not sexual organs, and thus cannot be called indecent exposure, as such a denotation requires the visible exposure of a sexual organ, such as a male's penis or a female's vagina.

    America (and many other countries) have some stupid morals. They allow the nude male ass (and in some cases, even the penis) to be shown on countless cartoons, yet any nudity of a female, and it's instantly off the air or censored, unless it's a movie channel or something along the lines of a biography. Perhaps American society views the female body with more value than the male body for the ability to give birth, but that still doesn't make sense with the top area.

    tl;dr: Some countries are wimps with an "oh no boobs thats so immoral" view on things
  4. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Women can legally roam topless where I live, which is the glorious province of Ontario.

    However, I've never once in my life seen a topless woman walking around town. I suppose it's a good step that they've legalized it, to get rid of the biased law I mean. But I'm pretty sure most of us women aren't keen to let their boobs roam free. It's not the most comfortable feeling in the world.
  5. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The reason that it is frowned upon (and is often illegal) is most likely because women can carry and give birth to children. Not only that but they possess mammary glands that secret milk. This means that because they are related to children they must be covered. This is the reason why even if a fat man is topless it is not as bad as if a woman with the same cup size as the fat man is topless.
    If you get what I mean. To be honest I wish more hot men were topless in public =/
  6. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    This. However unfortunately it's mostly old tubby guys that think the world wants to see them shirtless. :B(:
  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Lmao ^

    Basically, if they start milking, it would get everywhere. Get it?
  8. Kaidron Blaze Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 22, 2009
    The Gale Valleys, before the darkness attacks...
    on this subject it's down to pure inequolity, simple people think that topless men are fine in public but women need to be covered which to me spells simple sexism......
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Brb taking shirt off.

    Anyway, I thought males could do the milk thing too (though not as well as females).

    And yeah, girls I know have said going without a bra can get a bit uncomfortable due to the lack of support.
  10. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    xD Nope. Lactating requires mammary glands which men don't have.

    Or at least I think that's how it works ;o
  11. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Agreeing with everyone else so far, but I also wanted to point out that breasts are kind of sensitive...a lot more so than a guy's chest. That being said you'd think it would be better to "protect them" even if its just a shirt.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Wait, what? That's kinda basic anatomy :S Being able to produce milk is what females need to be able to do. Men don't need to do it and so don't waste resources on having mammary glands.
  13. Vanitas Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 1, 2007
    Dont be confused.
    It's just how it is.

    Male breasts=not

    The majority thinks this way. There are always those who have opposing views.
  14. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Guys, this isn't the Spam Zone. I had to delete quite a few posts just now and I don't want to have to do it again.

    Like Hayabusa and Radiowave said, breasts are sensitive and require more protection and support than a man's chest. Maybe it wasn't until after breast support was invented that men actually started to be aroused by them? That's just a thought I'm having now though.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    I'm pretty sure a woman going topless is frowned upon -not- because they are delicate and 'need protection'. Women probably don't always want to go topless because it can be uncomfortable etc, and if that was the main reason, there would be no law forbidding it. It would be up to the woman herself to decide that it's not what she wants to do. In the end, it stems back to a thing called 'people think men have no control', and some boys are raised under that concept which needs to die. As men in some countries do get raised to accept it publicly rather than staring like idiot buffoons, it can be legal in those places.

    I had a serious debate publicly at my university with a zealot Christian guy who was speaking publicly to us in the hall about how women need to dress more appropriately so that men do not get ideas and that men who have problems with women in 'seductive' attire, if they need help coping, should turn to God to help them work it through. I told him that this mentality is basically trying in some way to say we men are stupid and have no control so it's an attempt at condoning rape. There are seriously men out there who believe women showing too much, even with breasts covered, makes them '****ty' and provocative. Women -commonly- do not 'rape' men, and a male having his shirt off in the 'right place' is not frowned upon because men have always been allowed to do so, and it's not seen as sexual.

    The initial post does come out and say here that women do look at topless men who have well defined muscles etc and can be attracted to that. So, what is the problem with a topless woman? There are countries that have nude beaches where men and women roam around fine, not feeling threatened at all. There are people of countries where it is illegal to have nude beaches, that go to a nude beach and find their first exposure to it as awkward. I've gone to one and found the experience at first also to be awkward, but in the end, I came to find the experience liberating and I have no weird feelings about it anymore. The men and women that go to them frequently do have control and talk and interact the same as people who go to regular beaches where we're near to wearing nothing anyway. I can say that I recommend it as a way of getting over shyness and feelings of inadequacy xD.

    Some men and women in America have issues even with a woman breast feeding in public as it is 'breast exposure'. When people worry about female babies under 2 running around topless, I think it's time to realize that we are instituting a wave of fear that is really ridiculous. We really do need to grow up some and catch up with European countries that are more free with nudity. Being nude does not have to equate with 'men have to hump it'. Seeing a topless woman, sure, males can be attracted (or lesbians can), but we also can have as much control as a woman that sees a hot guy's chest and admire and move on.

    The problem though is as long as some boys are raised that it is inappropriate and that they -should- react to a topless woman as something to ogle and be 'amazed' at or worse, because we are supposed to be weak in the regards to the female body, we get nowhere. Things have been changing, albeit at times rather pathetically. Most court judges aren't going to listen to some defense lawyer saying 'the woman was wearing a super short skirt and a tube top and thus she gained the attention of my client and so he had a right to rape her'. I wish I could say we always would not listen to such a reason, but occasionally there are some idiot hicks who do. We have learned more about why people rape and have been studying the actual reasons and mentality behind it. We also have been shown that rapists go after women wearing -whatever- and so this theory that women's clothing matters is pretty foolish. Unfortunately, there are still men and women that solidly believe that rape happens for -purely- a lack of sexual control in men and that they need help and a preventive method is for a woman to be clothed in non-sexual attire. If I think a woman is hot, I have to say straight that she can be wearing nearly whatever and it's not just the clothes that make her attractive to me. Also, rape is more complex than just some man wants to get with some girl. It's not a crime of passion under most circumstances. It's also not a crime that just happens out of the blue. Some guy who has 'rape' on the brain is not just going to think it at some opportune time.

    In the end, rape is an awful thing, and those who do so are just not fit to be in society. Rape can happen within families too, which why someone would want to do that is beyond me and it has nothing to do with what the woman or -kid- wears. I bring in 'kid' because there are enough rapists that have gone after minors that are not even close to being of age for sex. What's the excuse for that? We have to stop giving them excuses, which some even try to use for sympathy though it's untrue, and instead try to work on finding the actual reason why it happens so we can recognize that these people need some help prior to committing the act if possible. Most men, I believe, can deal with a woman being topless if we are raised to accept it early on and are not taught that women should not expose themselves in such a manner or we are expected to act like morons and be weak. Rape and molestation are done for more complex reasons than merely what some small minded people believe. I feel that if a woman wants to be topless in the similar scenes in which it is appropriate for a male to be topless, it should be up to her and not the law to decide. We aren't protecting women's interests or well being with the law. We're just continuing to allow old outdated thoughts to govern us.
  16. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    the easiest way to explain this is that guys get "aroused" at the sight of a half naked girl/woman while that is not the case for girls which i have actually asked them (they're my friends by the way, not random people). Its as simple as that. its the way society has been created.
  17. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I know plenty of girls that get excited when they see a guy's bare chest. (depends on the guy though, I mean moobs aren't exactly attractive) I don't think that has anything to do with it.
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Meh. It's a social tihng.
    Some African and South american tribes are equal in their use of clothing. Meaning if guys have nothing on, neither do the women nor the children.

    I think it could be attributed to the fact that in European societies always had to have full body clothing. However, labour working people (mainly men, back then) who would build houses roads, etc, would have likely have been hot from the work and would start to take their clothes of to relieve the heat. And after a while it just became the norm thing for men, thus topless guys are fine, whilst women are still left being topless-less.
  19. Xyam> Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 7, 2009
    Wherever i want to be...
    say what you will, topless men are fine by me, well obviously coz i'm a girl but some are a little unsightly like guys with moobs...they shouldn't be allowed to be photographed without tops. the only reason why girls shouldn't be topless is the fact that they have more pronunced chests that are considered wrong to look at. god knows why we can't all just walk around nakie, then we wouldn't have a problem with all this in the first place.
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well let's be honest, men are more involved in finding women "sexy." The entire media and culture is obsessed with the female physique so it should come as no surprise that we get defensive about the female body.

    In fact a paradox exists where the female body is constantly advertised as a temptation almost, yet we are so restrictive of things like women being shirtless.

    The entire thing is really ridiculous. A double standard, even.