was really good and I liked it a lot All the effects and fairies and stuff were very cool, lots of bright and vibrant color schemes and Jolie is phenomenal Fer sure go see it, especially if you liked Frozen (which is kind of a spoiler but I'm sure you'll figure it out anyway)
I liked it but wouldn't watch it again. They really copped out on developing any of the characters or lore other than Maleficent to the point that her attachments to those characters were hard to empathize with. 6.5-7/10 - Would profit from being longer/investing more in other characters. Maleficent herself - 9/10 would watch again.
Yeah, kinda like with Frozen, they really played it safe with "twisting up" the anti-heroine/antagonist thing and just made her entirely likeable from the start (like, for real, her name almost literally means "to make evil" -____- ), but whatevs, Jolie's great and the effects were cool.
I'm honestly fine with that. My problem with the movie is that they did go with how the original Sleeping Beauty went. Once she turned evil she should have stayed evil, maybe show her regretting her actions here and there but still being evil, and have her become a dragon then die by falling into a firery explosion while "Sitting on Top of the World" pl- Wait... wrong movie. Sorry.
I get you, but it felt like they already had a lot of ground to cover to begin with so I can't see how they could've fleshed out the characters more without sacrificing other important aspects. They didn't dig deep into the other characters, but I felt they made excellent use of what little time they got; Aurora's smile fuckin' melted my kokoro (from birth to adulthood, which is impressive in itself), Stefan's transformation was pretty dark and haunting, and Diaval's oft-bewildered wit came through a lot when he got the chance to speak. Not to mention they all stood out visually; costuming and make-up did double time for this one and added some nice touches.
Stefan's transformation came out of nowhere. He was the main character I disliked because he got minimal screen time. They told what he felt more than they showed it. The characters were not fleshed out in earlier films about this story either. Wouldn't mind so much if I could empathize because of outside knowledge, but I can't.
Betcha the deleted scenes will have more of that, actually I wish more directors would take a chance with longer films :'c
They cut out Peter Capaldi's part ;-; I really want to go and see this but I also want to see Xmen and sdkjfposdofji too many films right now.
Dunno about you but I try to go in theaters for heavy FX movies and to wait the DVD for everything else. I haven' t seen Maleficient yet, but I have seen X-Men. That one was focused on its story. It does have heavy FX scenes, but nothing you haven' t seen a thousand times already. Certainly nothing that warrants being watched on the big screen (except maybe Quicksilver' s big scene). Maleficient on the other hand, judging from its trailer, is a visual fest.
YEah, i like that ideology but I would rather watch Xmen now and wait for meleficent :D I like films and seeing then in the cinema c:
I mean Maleficent was good and all but I went opening weekend and there were a bunch of children and families.. Wasn't the best since kids are kinda obnoxious in movie theaters... Other than that it was ok I'm not the biggest fan of sleeping beauty bUT OmG CINDErELLA PREVIEWs i WANT TO SEE ITTTT