It's my final project for my audio class. My general idea is to try to create a medieval battle of some description using only household sounds, and failing that, some sort of a western any ideas, suggestions, tips?
I don' t know how long you have but you might be better off recording anything and everything in order to make a library you can fish in rather than coming up with a story first and trying to illustrate it second. It' s easier to let the sounds convey pictures in your mind than to try to recreate the exact sound you' re looking for. I heard that' s the way professionals work, what they end up using often comes from sources you wouldn' t expect in a million years. For instance if memory serves the Tie fighters engine sounds from Star Wars are modified elephant trumpetings.
Tie pots onto a string and shake it to simulate armor clanking together? Pick up an end of a table and drop it for a drawbridge dropping into place?