Make up the story plot for kh3 (Group Effort)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pezz, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I think that #3 sounds the best. Oh, I just thought of something else. when Riku happens upon his first group of desouls Blaze should save Riku. He would then see the darkness in Riku's heart and release it by stabbing Riku with the Keyblade. The moment Riku gets stabbed, he should have his station of awakening.

    btw, for anyone who is unaware, the wiki now has a report page. So far there are two ideas for Report #1. If anyone has there own idea, then feel free to submit it. Once we come to a decision on the reports that we will use, we will make another page where we will place everyones' ideas for the reports.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I like that. I can see a battle with Riku fighting Desouls and after awhile it turns into a cutscene (Like KH1with Sora and Leon, where he loses anyway but if you win the fight you get experiences) RIght before he's jumped, Blaze appears, defeats some of the Desouls, looks at Riku and says "interesting..." and stabs him.

    And I can't find hte page for the reports on the wiki..
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    whoops, my bad. ok, The link is now on the nav bar.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    iight, I thought I was just havin a blonde moment and couldn't find it...

    I really want to get more into the other Keybladers
    their history
    how they got their keyblades
    Especially Turpis and Blaze
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Blaze has a personally similar to Axel. we were thinking of trying to do something interesting with Rin and Riku, like maybe some sort of relationship (though they would not be like that at first). we haven't really played with that idea yet. As for appearances, be my guest at creating some ideas. I'm not good at that kind of thing.

    Edit: I also want to give Eclipse two keyblades that look similar to boomerangs. not sure why, I just think it fits. As for Oriens/hope, I think his keyblade should strap on to his arm. If you watch fullmetal alchemist, then it would be kinda like ed's arm after he transmutes it.
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I like the idea keyblades ideas.

    I want to make either Turpis or Blaze like an anarchist...more specifically Turpis because Blaze seems more like a rebel (not much difference tho)
    I can see Turpis's keyblade's handle being a variation of the anarchy symbol.

    Edit: Since the Keybladers are a lot different than Sora/Riku/Mickey, their Keyblades should look extremely unusual and different. That's why i like the boomerang and strap ideas.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    hmm... sounds like an idea. please continue....

    btw, if you have any drawing talent, then i wouldn't mind seeing your ideas drawn out.

    Edit: just saw your edit. I agree with you, plus it makes the boss fights a tad more interesting.
  8. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    1. Riku's story. I build off both of your ideas :

    Riku must, as you said, encounter Desouls on Radiant Garden. Since he doesn't have the power of Darkness, he'll have to re-learn it, find the chains of memories inside his Heart, and regian that power, fully controlling it.

    Blaze, with his special Keyblade (see point 4) can indeed release Riku's Darkness... but Riku will have to really learn it. Remember : he's not afraid of the Darkness, and used it quite masterfully beforehand. He should be reluctant to regain the power, but for the sole reason that he ignores the threat of the Desouls.
    And anyway, while fighitng the Desouls, Blaze will stab him/release the Darkness withtout Riku knowing what's going on.

    2. So, when that happens, Station of Awakening.
    Who's gonna voice that part? I mean, the celestial voice that's only a bunch of subtitles (annoying in FM, unless you read Japanese)? Is it gonna be Xehanort? In KH2, it was DiZ, I guess, and in KH1, it was... who was it anyway? Still DiZ/Ansem?
    So now, we need someone to do that part. It could be anyone or anything, even a "reminescence" of DiZ, or Riku's Heart talking to him? I need your opinions on this.

    Anyway, Riku will learn, in his SOA moment, that there is a major threat. Then, he will accept the Darkness. He'll then finish his SOA moment... I have a great idea for that :
    Riku fights Desouls, while being instructed how to play the game, what are his unique gameplay abilities, etc. In the end, he should fight a boss Dehero. Who else is better fighting a Desoul that uses the powers of its past?
    Reminder : the Dehero Desoul uses the powers of the Hero it fights. Therefore, it should use a lot of Dark-themed attacks, such as Dark Aura, etc.
    When Riku wins, he gets... absorbed by the Darkness (that always happens after defeating the SOA boss, no?), and he comes back on Radiant Garden.

    3. After the SOA moment, Blaze should be impressed with Riku. Blaze wanted to see Riku's power, sensing his Darkness. However, in front of his dumbfounded eyes, he sees Riku emerging from the SOA realm, fully controlling his Darkness and accepting it. After unleashing such dangerous power without hesitation when he learned he'll need it, Blaze should be shaken. I have trouble imagining Blaze admiring Riku for that, but he'll probably be jealous.

    And then, Riku will learn Dark-themed abilities as the game progresses, not to mention he gains the power to move through the Worlds, in Dark Portals.

    4. Keybaldes of Keybladers : I agree with lilbueno ; let's have some fun! I was personally dissapointed that in 358/2 Days, Xion had the exact Kingdom Key. So let's be cretive and make some new and original Keyblades. Boomerags, hand-strap-ons, hammers, bows, shields, and anything you can imagine. Let's have each new Keyblader have an unique design for its Keyblade.

    How'bout we take each Organisation XIII member weapon, and turn it into a Keyblade?

    Last but not least : Unity Swords, or whatever they're called : swords that can be assembled into one. I only saw this twice, as Cloud's sword in Advent Children, and as a creative idea in a story by my best friend.

    Ok, that's it for now. A lot if ideas, so I'll put them in the Wiki's Bank of Ideas.

    P.S. : Pezz, you said you don't know why you see Eclipse as having Boomerang Keyblades? Well, could it be because an eclipse involves the sun/moon taking a crescent shape? And that Boomerangs usually have a crescent shape too?

    I hope this doesn't get Auto-Merged with my last post, because they are two distinctive Posts for a reason.
    EDIT : And whadd'ya know, it did auto-merge. So now I have a tremendous 1430-word Post.

    I updated the Wiki to include Riku’s story… by that, I mean that I simply Copy-Pasted Sora’s Story, and cut out the part where Roxas appears. So I would like to suggest this storyline for Riku, inspired by all your ideas, as well as mine.

    NOTE : We MUST change Mickey’s letter so that it doesn’t include “I fear your world may soon be lost to Darkness”. Halfway through the first sentence of the story below, I realised Riku would never leave Kairi alone, more so on a world that’s about to vanish. And Sora will never do that, especially after having lost her so many times.
    So Mickey should have underestimated the Desoul menace, like everyone else.

    *This is when they are in the Gummi Ship, in space, going towards Disney Castle. The Castle is in sight, not too far away.*

    *An alarm starts blaring*

    Chip : “Huh?”
    Dale : “What is that?”
    Chip : “There’s something strange going on…”

    *The ship shakes very hard*

    Dale : “What’s going on? We aren’t picking up any signals! What’s causing this?”

    *The ship shakes again. Sora and Riku, having got up from their seats, are suddenly thrown on the ground.*

    Sora : “I think we’re going t-…”

    *The ship shakes even harder than before, and for longer. Sparks fly off. The view changes from the outside. It shows the Ship desperately going towards Disney Castle, and a cloud of Darkness surrounding the area around the ship. The screen fades to black, and from here on, Riku and Sora’s story separate.*

    World 1: Radiant Garden

    *The screen comes back, showing Riku, face down on a blue floor. He struggles to get up.*

    Riku : “What… what happened… did I…

    *He gets up, looking around him. He realises he’s in Radiant Garden. He’s on a cliff of some sorts, overlooking a restored town, and ever-present castle.*

    Riku : “I really… came here? Sora! Sora, where are you?! Chip?! Dale?!”

    *Riku runs towards the town as the “Radiant Garden” words appear on the screen*

    *Riku comes close of the town, in a blue hilly region, when he stops running to catch his breath.*

    Riku : “What caused that? And did I use it?”
    *from out of the screen* “Of course you did. I sensed someone arriving to this world by using a Dark Portal. I assume that was you”

    *Riku is surprised, turns around and sees Blaze. More importantly, he notices Blaze’s Keyblade*

    Riku : “What? *to himself* So, it seems I remember correctly… I managed to use the power of Darkness to avoid the crash…”
    Blaze : “Hmm… you do seem interesting. I wonder just what else lies hidden in your Heart…”
    Riku : “Wait! What happened? Why did I end up here? Do you know anything?! Answer me!”
    Blaze : “I know nothing of your powers, or how you used them. However, I can detect a powerful strength lying in you… I wonder what it is…”

    *Blaze approaches Riku, who summons Way to The Dawn. Suddenly portals open, and Ember Desouls appear.*

    Blaze : “Now?! It seems we must postpone our little chat.”
    Riku : “Quit your nonsense! What are those creatures?”

    *The Desouls furiously attack both of them. They both evade, ending next to each other.*

    Blaze : “Are you going to study them, or fight them?!”

    *Battle starts. Blaze will help. Depending on the gameplay ideas we’re yet to develop, he’ll either be a party member or a guest character.*
    *When all Desouls are defeated… Riku is exhausted, already worn down after his near-crash and unexpected travel through a Dark Portal.*

    Blaze : “Now that they’re out of the way… yes, it seems I was right. The power I feel in you is none other than the power of Darkness. You hold such power hidden within you... aren’t you afraid? Afraid it might take you over and cause harm to those you love?”
    Riku : “Say what?!”
    Blaze : “Don’t worry; everyone is afraid of the dark. The power inside you might very well lead to you succumbing to the Darkness… but I burn of desire to see that power. Now, by the power the Key grants me, I’ll release the power inside your Heart!”

    *Blaze raises his Keyblade, and Riku can’t react quick enough. The screen quickly fades white as we assume he gets stabbed/sliced. When the screen fades back, Riku is in the Station of Awakening.*

    What do you think? I have ideas for what happens later too. In fact, some will connect ot what I already wrote, so you don’t know all my ideas just yet ;)
    I’ll stop here for the moment though, as not to put TOO much at once.
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    That's Great! for the voice at the station of awakening, I think it should be Blaze.

    As for the forms that the keybladers' keyblades will take, we should try as much as possible to make each keyblade different from the org's weapons. I think that Rin/Order should have a chain that she uses to swing the keyblade in circles. Occasionally she'll throw the keyblade at lightening speed, and then tug on the chain to pull the keyblade back. However, this chain cannot be a keychain.

    I think that the chain on her keyblade should be connected to the hilt and to a rod that has the blade of the key on it. she would hold each part of the keyblade in separate hands. here's my idea for the basic look.

    View attachment 2350
  10. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Well, unfortunately, it doesn't work with what I planned for later on... and doesn't work with wha tI already said, either. Blaze would be abel to see what Riku does, and I wanted him to be surprised by how he masters the Darkness.
    And besides, I don't Blaze knows waht a Station of Awakening moment is. Unless we say that each and every Keyblader had one, then it will be odd. It's like, I throw you into a different dimension, nearly killing you, and then I decide to watch you try to come back, while randomnly encouraging you.

    Original idea, but I strongly disagree with it :(

    I don't know who else it can be. OH WAIT! Maybe I know! Someone, maybe Brexen, had suggested having Maleficient trying to mess with Riku's mind, again, but failing miserably. I liked the idea, but couldn't include it in my suggestion of Riku's story, because it came out of nowhere.
    But now we have a reason. Maleficient could be the one that causes the "dark cloud" which crashed the Gummi Ship (btw, I haven't thought where that darkness came from, unitl now). There are several reasons why she would do this... she may or may not have targeted the Gummi Ship itself, etc etc., but I'll leave her motives for later. We can find something.

    Now, your Keyblade idea. Fantastic! I really give the image of someone who's easily impressed, although that's not true, lol. Anyway, since a Key has a chain, your idea should have popped up already...
    So, that weapon is a Flail. Rin's fighting style will of course differ, and she won't be able to do some things (such as raising her weapon in victory).
    I have doubts over Rin wielding it, though. A Flail is dangerous, and cause harm allies as much as ennemies if used incorrectly. Sounds more like something related to Chaos. I would thus see Blaze wielding it. And what about the other Keybladers?

    EDIT : Actually, since Rin is Order, it also works. We can say it takes order to actually wield such dangerous weapon.

    Now, time to continue Riku's saga.

    *Riku is standing up, protecting his face with his arms. He slowly lowers then as he notices where he is. He doesn’t know where he is, but all SOA moments feature the Hero not being too surprised. The music is that of all SOA moments.*

    *He is, of course, on a tower in a realm seemingly filled with dark clouds. On the floor is an artwork focusing on his portrait, and showing Sora and Kairi as well.*

    *A mysterious voice (subtitles-only) talks.*

    Voice: “Don’t be surprised. You hold, deep in your Heart, a power that already proved its strength.â€

    *Riku tries to see where the voice comes from, but gives up soon. He sets his eyes on a stairway floating in mid-air, leading to another tower. His eyes show no emotion.*

    Voice: “The many powers you possess have always been those you chose to keep. You decided to chose who you are, and let nothing stand in your way.â€

    *Riku’s eyes show determination*

    Voice: “In this place, you will come face to face with all your Heart has to offer. It is time you unleashed the full power that lies within you.â€

    *The part where Riku goes from tower to tower will be playable. Desouls will occasionally appear to hinder his progress. Any specific gameplay element that only applies to Riku will be explained.*

    *Eventually Riku arrives at the highest tower, where the floor is decorated with images of him controlled by Xehanort, consumed by the Darkness, his sad friends in the background, and so on.*

    Voice: “A new journey lies ahead of you. A new threat must be fought. Observe the power that you have!â€

    *As the words fade, a large dark portal gathers. Riku, alert, brandishes Way To The Dawn, ready for battle. The darkness subdues, leaving a humanoid creature behind. The creature wears a coat made of darkness, and suddenly tosses it aside.*

    *Riku’s face shows shock. The view slowly changes to show the creature’s face. It is Riku’s. The creature is a slightly bigger version of himself, shrouded by dark energy, and purple eyes. This is a DeHero, a powerful Desoul who takes the powers of the Hero it fights.*

    *The DeHero unleashes a lot of dark energy, but Riku stands still, his eyes burning with determination.*

    Voice: “Now, see what lies within you, and choose what you keep, and what you toss aside!â€

    *The DeHero attacks Riku, and the fight commences.*

    *The DeHero uses a lot of Riku’s Dark-themed moves, but also employs some unique moves that related more to the Desouls. As all Desouls, he gets more vicious as he loses life.
    He starts the battle with a Way to The Dawn replica, but then suddenly changes his appearance. His fake Keyblade takes a more “consumed†appearance, like an evil sword. The DeHero itself looks deformed. More energy swirls around it, and his powers increase.
    Later, it once again morphs. This time, its weapon looks like a mixture between a corrupted Way To The Dawn, and an Ember Desoul. The DeHero barely resembles Riku, and fights with extreme violence.*

    *When he is defeated, the DeHero is shown struggling to survive. Its Desoul nature is revealed as it dies, engulfed by green and purple flames, iconic colors of the Desouls. Then, dark clouds engulf everything in sight, including Riku.*

    *We see Riku, engulfed by the darkness. He is standing up, eyes closed, as clouds of darkness turn around him.*

    Voice: “You’ve made up your mind…

    *Suddenly, Riku’s Heart flashes, and he swings his arms open, instantly dissolving the dark clouds. He is still on the highest tower of the Station.*

    Voice: “Indeed, you are the one whose Heart no Darkness could conquer…â€

    *The screen fades to white, and Riku is back on Radiant Garden. Blaze is near him, and is extremely surprised, unable to talk.*

    Riku: “So, you were saying that I’m afraid of the darkness?â€
    Blaze: “What?! You can control it?! Such unimaginable power… and you wield it, with no fear!â€
    Riku: “If I need this power now, then so be it. I have no fear when it comes to use my Heart’s power.â€
    Blaze: “Hmph. Darkness makes both of us strong. As powerful as you are, it’ll take more than strength to endure the trials up ahead… they are coming… and when they do, you’d better be ready. I would love to say and chat, but I think I’ve seen enough of you for today. But don’t worry; we will meet again.â€

    *Blaze creates a Dark Portal. Without showing any surprise or doing any effort to prevent his escape, Riku just watches as the Keyblader vanishes.*
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Sounds great! I have two suggestions though. first off, the scene, at the end of both SOA in KH1 and 2, was slightly different. Sora is about to be consumed by darkness, but is saved by light, Roxas was being consumed by darkness and only survived because Namine came to his rescue. We should continue to make these scenes be slightly different.

    So for Riku, he should be about to be consumed by darkness, but then then he closes his eyes and absorbs the darkness. There should be a flash of light, and then Riku is back in Radiant Gardens dressed in a new costume (maybe he should be in dark form).

    The second suggestion is that the Dehero should get bigger with each transformation and should summon Embers occasionally.

    I like the idea of having blaze use the flail (I think that's what you said it was called).
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I think we should alter this speech a little bit, make it more iconic. The way it started "Don't worry; everyone is afraid of the dark" is awesome, we should build his speech around that if you know what i mean

    I'm working on a ROUGH sketch of ideas. since all i have is Paint on my computer so they won't be that good but hopefully they'll inspire
    hmm I don't know about Maleficent, I agree she would try to mess wit his mind but a Station of Awakening seems too...deep for her.

    I think we should put the word "Chaos" somewhere in Blaze's departing speech, to foreshadow his role
  13. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    to be honest, I also think that the SOA dialogue should slightly altered.
    and i agree that say maleficant did it is a tad bit much for her.

    Edit: what ideas are you sketching? keyblades or characters?
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    but what i'm actually doing is chopping up different keyblades from kingdomhearts wiki and painting them so the parts match. I'm not using that idea but itd give you the basic outline of the keyblades

    and i think the keyblades should have charms but no keychain. Where the keychain starts is just the charm. TO symbolize something but to also differientate them even more from the regular keyblades
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    agreed. Keychains also mean keyblade master
  16. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    I was thinking that there should be somesort of Keyblade Law. Since we have the keybladers that believe in corruption, and others that believe in order. Like the ansem reports, these law can be quoted by the keybladers along sora, kairi and rikus travels. Sort of like the "keybladers handbook"

    Without Chaos, order cannot be made
    Without Order, chaos cannot thrive
    One cannot exist without the other.

    anywayz thats just a seperate thought.
    As for the looooooong amount of info i just took in from the previous posts,

    I agree with lilbueno, Maleficent should come later after Riku gains the power of darkness. And as for the rest, ill leave that up to u guys
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I agree, that does make sense.

    anyways: here's four ideas for keyblades
    theyre pretty rough but you should get the idea for what I"m thinking
    Ignore Ed's head in the corner.
    A: The flail idea, although I put a blade at the end instead. I kind of thought of using a THINK blade, like the metal chocobo (which in fact is what I copied)
    B: The strap keyblade: I'm disappointed in what I did. The keyblade Fatal Crest with the dragon's head, i overlapped two and connected them too the back of the hand, but then i just changed it to two blades. I think of Keyblader putting his hand up and summoning keyblade and then his arm gets covered wrapped up and the blade part comes out.
    C: pretty simple. A doubled sided sword or staff, I imagine either Rin or Oriens using this one.
    D:A double sided axe. I wasn't sure if we should use either just an axe or an axe with a blade in the middle. But the blades of the axe should be huge.
    and to restate, these aren't the ideas themselves, so the skeletons on the axe, edward's arm, etc. aren't really there, that's just what i used for structure.

    Also for Myst. his keyblade should HINT at his true identity, such as a dark keyblade resemblance, something dark and white (Xemnas robe), twin lightsabers, you get what i mean.
    any other ideas?
  18. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Except for the costume change, that's exactly the fallback plan I had in mind. I agree.

    Get bigger, maybe, but not much.
    Summon Embers, definitely, since both Dark Side and Twilight Town summon things.

    Well, here's a random attempt, using more philosophical though from Blaze :

    "Don't worry, everyone is afraid of the dark. Darkness is all around us... and within us. No wonder we are afraid of what we can't understand. And yet, it makes up half of everything... but you, you are different. I see more than just a mere shadow in your Heart. Darkness makes up much more than half of what YOU are... what are you then? What makes the Darkness so attracted to you? I burn of desire to find out. By the power that is mine, I shall break the seal upon your Heart!"

    Upside - More epicness, in my opinion.
    Downside - Riku must be pretty tired after his near-crash, if he just stays there and listens for a whole minute.

  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I like the idea about Maleficient, we should play around with it.

    I also think that it would be interesting for each of us to create the personality of one of the keybladers. It looks like StarSeeker pretty much already has dibs on Blaze, who I personally like best sighs, so I'll have to choose someone else, and make that keyblader to my liking. I guess I'll go with Eclipse.

    btw I drew some designs for the keyblads by hand. I've been thinking that maybe each keyblade should have a normal form that is similar to the rest of the keyblades. These other forms for the keyblades should be like bankai (or however it's spelled) in Bleach. you kinda misunderstood my idea for the strap on Keyblade, so I have a detailed view. Kh-vids seems to be acting up on me, so i don't know if you can see the pictures

    Edit: the keyblade of corruption could use work. I was having difficulty making an ax looking keyblade.

    View attachment 2351 View attachment 2352
  20. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Then Turpis is mine, awesome. Since not much is known about him, i can go crazy.
    Have we agreed on Turpis making the Emblem Desouls? or is it still just a plot idea?
    About the bankai part, I'm not sure how thatll work. Kind of like a level two for the boss battle? EX: Sora fights Rin and her regular keyblade and defeats her, she unlocks her power and that keyblade "evolves" and gains special abilities?
    Like every final boss battle always has that boss and then you have to fight his upgraded form (the main reasons I hated Ansem, Marluxia, and Xemnas).
    It seems it could work, but i'm not a 100% on it.

    Yea the strap was hard for me to get creative on.
    So for corruption it's not supposed to look mini tentacles on the end? Its just a wavy axe blade?