Make up the story plot for kh3 (Group Effort)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pezz, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Sorry, i've had a long, bad, stressful week, so I haven't thought about KH3 much.

    If we could figure out why Blaze is after Maleficent, we should be able to come up with the rest pretty easy.

    I at first thought that Maleficent should have raised Blaze as a secret weapon. She would want to strengthen his heart so he could steal the Keyblade (she would have started this around BBS) but in KH1, she found Riku, the original wielder of the Keyblade. So instead of raising a child to steal the Keyblade, she decided to use the original Keybearer to obtain it (I'm not sure if she knew Riku was the original chosen, if not she could just have used him because of his closeness to Sora)

    Believing she no longer needed him, she cast Blaze aside. But because she feared he would be able to help Sora find her stronghold, weakness, plans, etc. She banished him to the realm of Darkness. Hence, he would have a strong connection to Darkness and because of Maleficent's training he had a strong enough heart to be able to use Darkness without falling under it's control.

    That was a quick thought I had eons ago. I don't think it could work out because this would be the first time we went BACK into the KHU to make something, would it not?

    But if we can work with this or something similar, maybe he escaped when Riku and Mickey did (Right before CoM) but we have no idea how got out of the RoD. One way or another, he managed to get out and and was able to manifest a Keyblade. He then started looking for Maleficent and found out she was "destroyed". So during CoM and the year before KH2, he would need some kind of objective he would have been working towards.
    It's been said (I think in "Another Report" and in a 358/2 Days trailer) that Xemnas sent Axel and Roxas to Hollow Bastion (?) to free a raven. It was Diablo, Maleficent's pet, because he knew Diablo would find a way to revive the Dark Fairy and she would end up gathering more Heartless for Roxas -and then Sora- to defeat and release their hearts which would help Org. XIII's goal.
    Idk why i put the last part in. Maybe Blaze talked to Xemnas in order to get his help in reviving Maleficent so he could permanently destroy her?

    Any other ideas?
  2. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say that I flat out don't like this idea. I don't think of him as an evil type of guy.

    I think we should think of something else.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Who said anything about him being evil?

    He's just pissed that Maleficent cast him aside after everything like a useless piece of trash. He's not doing anything evil, he's just out for revenge.

    THe way I see it, he needs something very personal to connect him with Maleficent, that way his revenge would be more interesting.

    And after he finds out that it was Riku that she chose over him, he would be an even better and more intense rival for Riku.
    But like I said, even I'm not sure my idea could work. However, we have accomplished close to nothing concerning Blaze.
    Have you any ideas you haven't shared? Don't hold out on us, Pezz! lol
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    What if He just wants to see if she is worthy to wield the power of darkness or something. Perhaps he sees her as unfit to do so, so he wants to dispose of her.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Hm idky but I really don't like the sound of that.
    IT doesn't seem like a big reason to go after someone specifically. Wasn't it Blaze that despises the Darkness? Which is why he doesn't fall under it's control. If he's going after Maleficent specifically, then he needs a special reason for a personal vendetta
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I don't know.... this guy is a tough one.
  7. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Blaze despises Darkness. Maleficient loves Darkness. We have a conflict here. If they also met each other in the past, we have reasons for a massive hatred between them.

    I once proposed Blaze to be MAleficient's son. I personally don't like the idea, but I'm retelling it nonetheless.

    Random ideas, but they are a lot like Eclipse's story, so give me your opinions on this :

    1 - If not, then Blaze could've witnessed his homeworld's destruction by the Heartless, and was unable to stop them.

    2 - Brimming with hatred fro the Heartless and Maleficient, the Darkness got a hold on him, but Blaze proved way too strong for it.

    3 - He managed to use the power of Darkness to actually espace his dying world, and now seeks revenge. That way, he has some control over the power he despises.

    4 - He hates Heartless, but since they are mindless, he realised that he must hunt down the one who controls them : Maleficient.

    5 - He helped Sora in KH1 by putting some of Ansem's Reports where Sora would find them. Not sure how. Anyway, Blaze was smart enough to make a copy, and keep it, so that he also studies Ansem. He finds out Ansem is the one he must truly defeat, even more than Maleficient.

    6 - By the timne he realises this, Sora already pwns both Maleficient and Ansem. We could say Blaze somehow interfered, or actually fought Maleficient just before Sora did, ending in a draw or something.

    7 - Since the Organization spread Heartless, Blaze turned his eyes towards them. But since Maleficient was dead for a year or so, he could've just took a break first. Maybe it's during that time that he realised what Chaos means to him :

    8 - Now that his nemesises were defeated, he felt incomplete, because he wasn't the one to kill them, but also because he had no objective. He alwyas thought he would achieve peace and Order upon accomplishing his self-imposed mission, but his revenge turned out to be pale in excitement. He realised that the Order wasn't for him ; he wanted action and a purpose, even if that meant living in constant warfare and Chaos.

    9 - Xemnas makes Roxas and Axel revive Maleficient. Blaze now has his purpose back, and forgets about the Organization. Or acts against it. Whichever you like most.

    10 - KH2 ends, and Blaze has the Organization out of the way. Now only Maleficient remains.

    11- ... But he'll soon learn that Xehanort's Heartless and Xemnas' defeat brought Xehanort back, and the HE is the one that must truly be stopped...

    Ok, this is very strange. By writing this, I realise that there are always TWO factions which spread/control Heartless. Maleficient + Xehanort's Heartless, then Maleficient + Organization, then Maleficient + Xehanort. The only expection is during the year between KH1 and KH2, when Maleficient was dead.

    Stoppind RIGHT HERE before this Post's lenght becomes eligible for my philosophy dissertation.
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Blaze cannot be Maleficient's son since that would go against her disney history. if she ever had a son, which she does not, it would be a disney character from Sleeping beauty.

    We could say that Blaze looks down on those who are doing things that can ultimately cause the universe harm. perhaps Blaze is new with his Key Blade. perhaps he stopped the heartless from destroying his world and then set out to other worlds to do the same.

    Eventually (meaning only recently), he learned of the witch, Maleficient, who has been mass producing heartless to create her own army. That could explain why he's after her, because she is creating so many heartless.

    We could also say that he never knew about Xehanort which would explain why he never got involved. Remember Blaze has no connections to other keybladers. Because of this, He would have little information on everything else that's been going on. He would also prefer being alone.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    We need something more creative..
    and something that would explain his connection to Darkness.

    If he goes after Xehanort in the end, he'd be another Turpis. That's why I liked the idea of Blaze going after Maleficent the whole time. He'd be a wild card. None of the other characters would be able to tell what he's going to do.

    I thought that maybe Blaze should be trying to get control of the Heartless from her, but as we said before, Blaze isn't the powerhungry type.

    As for Blaze being new with his Keyblade, he'd need to have SOME experience prior to the story. Remember how he unlocked RIku's darkness with his Keyblade? He must've known he was unleashing Riku's Darkness by stabbing him, he just didn't know Riku would be able to control it.
  10. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Well if he's a wild card, then he's just doing it for fun. It would just be for the heck of it. for the trill of the hunt. Those types of personalities are quite interesting because you really don't know what they will do next. I would seem like has no real goal, but deep down he would.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Oh, well I don't mean he's doing it just for fun, I meant that no one can tell what he's up to, what he's thinking, his ultimate goal, etc. If he was just going for the thrill of the hunt he would eventually set his sights on the other Keybladers and Keyblade Masters.
  12. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    perhaps he should be a little similar to the Joker and just do things
  13. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    I have an idea. Let's make others think that Blaze is a Nobody, because he's a wild card, unpredictable, and has obscure goals.
    After all, he IS chaos, so he seeks to be mysterious.

    For example, after Rin realises Myst isn't Turpis, she should start thinking Myst is Blaze (provided she meets Blaze evnetually).
    Riku could wonder how come someone can like chaos so much, and will thus wonder is Blaze can actually feel anything. The few lines I wrote for him already DO make him sound like someone out of the Organization. The kind of guy who knows more than you, talks in such way that you may or may not understand, talks as if you knew as much as him, despite not being the case, comes and leaves, shows great power, has objectives that seem opposite, etc etc etc.

    Hm... since we're one person short for Blaze, why not flesh him all together? It will definitely make him the most mysterious Keyblader, except Myst.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Well the Joker is, according to himself, an "agent of chaos".

    So Blaze would be a little insane.

    That makes some sense, if he goes after Maleficent, he eliminates the Queen Bee, with no one to give them orders, the Heartless won't be organized and then go wild and cause more Chaos.
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Well done starseeker! impressive. but we so make it less obvious that he can use a keyblade then. perhaps he keeps his keyblade in an evolved form at all times and can further transform it into a third form. this is sounding a little more like bleach. lolz

    not exactly what I meant.
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I just read Starseeker's post.
    THat is a great idea, although it eliminates his goal of Maleficent, but we can probably think of something for his backstory if we still want to include that.
  17. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    I like the idea of him hiding his goals and pursuits. The joker was a psychological genius!
    I'm not saying Blaze should be exactly like that, but his sense of morals, and meaningless effort helping ppl from other worlds.

    I can hear him saying stuff like "The world's a dangerous place.. Only the strong should survive."
    Thats why in my drawing of him, i made him huge lol. He has great strength and an overpowering will, enuf to withstand darkness

    (sorry ive missed the past few dayz)
  18. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    We may not really need too much of a backstory.

    No problem Kme92. we've all been busy lately Me thinks.
  19. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    A theory on how Maleficent may have met Blaze:

    sometime b4 KH1, Maleficent freed, Pete from another dimension to build her a heartless army rite? but what if Blaze was there to, and she freed him aswell? Malefiecent couldve made a deal with him, but when she found out he was unable to be consumed by darkness, she switched to Riku. (he'd would do anything to find kairi) Blaze hated riku for this and becuz of that, Maleificent broke her deal with blaze, so he was still stuck in a banished dimension.

    Eventually as time passed his hatred may have consumed him and he escaped the banished dimension with the power of darkness
  20. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Which Post? The long one (with a proposed backstory) or the short one (with the idea of being seen as a Nobody)?

    I'm starting to have a lot of respect towards Blaze now. I suggest that he makes a sudden appearance at an importnat moment, like, for example, when TWTNW is destroyed, and he surprises everyone. He could help the Keybladers escape... or better, ignore them, and go after Maleficient, realising that he's missed the fun of fighting her. (again, since he missed it in KH1) He tries to kill her now that she's been weakened (I assume SRK fought her), and hopes that TWTNW will vanish with it.

    Making it less obvious he has a Keyblade? Remember, he stabs Riku with it first thing in the game. We can try to disguise his Keyblade by giving it a 1st/2nd form which doesn't really look like a Key... but that would defeat the purpose of a new Keyblader, wouldn't it?
    I like the idea of 3rd form Keyblade. Regardless if he actually succeeds it or not, it's cool. It will also prove Blaze strenght, because he can keep his Keyblade in its 2nd form non-stop (I mean, there should be a downside to having your Key in its 2nd form, no?)

    If we got over the potential copyright problem with squeenix, sounding like an anime doesn't seem too dangerous, lol. It will only make fans more excited!

    Blaze insane? I dont' think so, becasue he seems powerful enough to hold his will. Think of Riku. He never got on the verge of insanity, even if 99% of people would've. Furthermore, we already have Eclipse who lost her mind.

    Also, he wants Chaos, but I'm not sure he wants to spread it everywhere. If so, he'll be JUST LIKE Maleficent. With or without my suggested backstory, it causes problems. I was thninking of him liking Chaos, but controlling his desire for it.
    A bit like going through a mall while hungry. You would like to eat the apples on the shelves, but you won't because that would be stealing.

    No problem, just remember that missing one day can often mean you have to read thousands of words of posts :D

    Eh? How come?