Make up the story plot for kh3 (Group Effort)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pezz, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Hey lil' did you send a copy of your reports to StarSeeker and Kme?
  2. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    done with the keyblades for now. I did some crazy designs.

    Normal Keyblades

    View attachment 2370

    A) The shape of a crescent moon was my inspiration for this one. Like most of my keyblades, it has a unique handle. not much else to say.

    B) Another unique handle, with twists and turns.

    C) Here's one of the more strange ones that I drew. While drawing the first two, I realized that I had a hard time imagining how the keyblades would transform into their evolved form. so I took two boomerangs and made a Keyblade out of them.

    D) Same Idea, but worse looking.

    View attachment 2371

    E) An attempt to make It look more evil.

    F) Not sure where this one came from.

    G) Based this one off of one of my evolved forms.

    H) same story here.

    Evolved forms
    View attachment 2372

    A) the boomerang form I found tough to do. I wanted to make this one look evil.

    B) This one shares similarities with normal keyblade A.

    C) Based off a car key.

    D) Tried to make it a little more symmetrical.
  3. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    From the normal keyblades I like B and E
    from the evolved forms,i like A (mostly cuz of the whole fiery design on the side)

    On the wiki I added the world to the timeline (forgot to do that b4)
    For more disney movies to add to the story, I'd like to consider these;

    1) Pinocchio
    Even tho this was already dealt with in the 1st, I feel that maybe one of the Antagonist could cause pinnochio to lose his SOS and his Desoul would be this massive puppet boss thing.

    2)The Emperor's New Groove
    Ive always wanted to see this in Kingdom Hearts, but it never showed up. Kuzco is a selfish emporer and has little values, so Yzma could be controlling Desouls and try to turn Kuzco into a desoul so she can finally rule his empire! bwahahaha!! Its Brrriliant!

    I'll think of more later,

    Since you guys are discussing and handling the keybladers backstory and keyblades, I'm just occupying myself by adding more disney movies and updatin the wiki now and then :P
    Just want to try and contribute another way since u guys are breaking down character profiles

    Also 2moros my birthday (turning 17, yay.) So u may not see me 2moro.
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    The Emperor's new groove is a yes, but as for Pinocchio, that idea can't work. I he losses his sos, then he can't get it back. And of course Pinocchio must survive. What about Jungle book?

    btw. Happy early birthday!!!
  5. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Happy birthday, Kme92!

    And happy birthday, Pezz, cuz you're 4 days away from it!

    Happy anniversary to both of you! :birthday:

    ... Not much else to say, except my opinion on Pezz's Keyblades. I like the A, in both the normal and evolved form. The normal A has a quite awesome handle, and as with Kme92, I like the "fiery" design on the evolved's A blade.
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Oh, that's right. It is, isn't it? I forgot, lolz. :D
    Thanks StarSeeker! :)
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Wow everything's been said already...
    Happy Birthday KME and early birthday to Pezz!
    might as well say Happy Bday to you too, Starseeker! no matter how many months early i am lol

    KME, i'm not sure if I sent you my draft of the reports. I just recently added u as a friend so I may have sent it before I added you, so did i?

    As for the Keyblades, like I said, everything's been said lol I like the NOrmal Keyblade A. and the same for the evolved Keyblade, A but quick question. Her evolved Keyblade is two boomerangs right? So are you going to give her two different boomerangs or two identical ones? I figuerd you were going to make them two different keyblades that split from one but that would be too much like dual wielding and it'd be stealing Roxas' glory lol Unless you make her schizophrenic or something and they represent her personalities haha jk
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I just sent it to them. :D

    Edit: Ummm...... not sure :-/. It should be different. I'm just too lazy right now to work on it. but again, How will the keyblade look when it transforms?
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    thanks lol

    hm well I can see it happening for Eclipse like this.
    She holds her keyblade straight out with both hands and it glows so you can't see the details on it just an outline. It then grows and curves and she pulls her hands apart and now she has one in each hand.

    The way I imagined it for Turpis (I seriously forgot his name! It took me a second to remember whose name I was typing)
    He holds his keyblade in one hand and points it straight to the side, and it grows longer while the blade goes out until it becomes an axe. I think i'll make a step by step transformation sketch for it now lol

    But we'd only need to show its transformation in cutscenes, otherwise in battle itd just transform really quick like Lingering Sentiment's.

    BTW for other worlds, I just went to a list of Disney Films and the ones I noticed most were Atlantis and Treasure Planet
    but I have no idea what to do with the story. The underwater thing was already done with Atlantica but Atlantis would be way more battle based.
    Treasure clue whatsoever
  10. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    That could work.

    Atlantis wasn't really like that, and I never saw Treasure planet. I hated Atlantis. but I'll rewatch it and also watch TP to see if they work with our theme.
  11. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    EDIT :
    Oh btw, CTR has responded to my Private Message about Copyright questions. I don't know if she sent it to you too, so I'll post it here :
    Considering we definitely aren't the first ones to do such a thing, I say we will be fine. We'll need to really start making a game in order to have problems.

    I must admit my knowledge of Disney movies is quite minimal, so I can't help in that department, lol.

    I received Lilbueno's reports. They are very good, but Pezz pointed out some important details. For example, Turpis sure arrives at the good conclusions fast. Way too fast. That needs refining. Other than that, what Pezz already pointed out is pretty much true. Btw Pezz, you are a perfectionnist when it comes to the Reports ; I was surprised how many things you proposed changes to. That's not a bad thing, don't worry :D

    As for my own ideas, I've had two particular ones that I'd like to share.
    First, for the Reports, maybe it's worth it to go back and read some of our older Posts. Actually, it's useful to go through this entire Thread, quickly reading your own Posts, to compare how your ideas changed. Sometimes we express our ideas in pretty detailed fashion, and all we need to do is put some "Xehanortish" grammar to make a prototype Report.

    The second one concerns Rin. I just don't like the idea of Oriens and Turpis keeping her only because of housekeeping ; if that's so, they would've probably just let her on her own. She must've had some more serious usefulness for them. Since she didn't have her Keyblade yet, I thought of a random idea :
    How'bout making Rin have some Synthesis knowledge? Like, she could be the same as Moogle, and craft items. Or at least be able to do some basic stuff.
    That would've interested Oriens and Turpis, because it's always handful to have a Synther around you :D
    Turpis would've also been more interested in Rin, when he started making his experiments. She could've been a bit useful to him. I thought of making Turpis exploit Rin's abilities without her knowledge, by asking her to do items that he uses in his lab.
    What do you think of this? It's one of the details in Rin's story that I'm having trouble with. The story itself is brewing, and when it comes, expect something that's ridiculously long and that will have to be cut down :D
  12. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I don't know, perhaps Oriens has some sort of premonition about her or something. similar to him and Kairi.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    good to know.

    same here lol

    Yea, I realized I rushed them. Pezz had a good idea to rewrite the first three and then work from there. If I could figure out how to make them similar to the other report's openings I should be able to Xehanort-ize them.

    That'll be interesting considering there's like 14 pages before my post...But I would learn everything that you decided upon from scratch. I just wish you guys wouldn't have typed posts so damn long!

    Well my logic for this was that since they didn't save her parents and she had no where to go (remember that she was a younger) they took her in. Oriens would have had to convince Turpis to do it and Rin didn't want to be a burden so she housekept, that helped persuade Turpis to keep her. AFter all, two teenage guys living by themselves? They would be living off junk food and ramen noodles with trash all over the floor lol

    idk about the synther part. Unless their past was playable it wouldn't fit right. Even though Synthesizing and Moogles were a big part of a KH gameplay, they weren't too important to the storylines. Maybe Rin could also have been adapt at magic? She was able to heal TUrpis and Oriens after fighting HEartless.
    Which reminds me, I think it would be awesome for our version of KH3 to have secret movies explaining the Keybladers' past. Like a cinematic you can unlock. For Turpis, you'd have to collect all his reports and some other criteria. The Cinematics would be what we write on the Wiki, their backstories.
    I really like this. That would add a lot of hatred for Rin towards Turpis.
    She would have unknowingly helped him in his initial experimetns and when she realized what was going on, she told Oriens.

    haha I think all the backstories would eventually end up like this.
    Well we don't want to reuse the same ideas too much, unless Orien has a sixth sense? Think about it, every Keyblader's Keyblade will grant them a special power besides it's evolved form.
    Turpis' is "absorbtion" to a degree. It absorbed the flame of the first Desoul and gave him that power, then when he used it to power his experiment and the creature (One) was born, it's his Keyblade that lets him control it.
    Eclipse's grants her the ability to travel to other worlds and collapse the heart (I couldn't think of a better way to word what she does to the heart)
    Blaze would obviously have something to do with Darkness seeing as how he was able to re-unlock Riku's darkness.

    Oriens Keyblade would have mystical properties since he represents Faith. It could give him visions, a sixth sense, etc.

    BTW I'm thinking up the scene where Turpis first meets Kairi and where he meets Sora and Riku
  14. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    @lilbueno - I suggest have turpis meet him in Radient gardens while hes facing demons from his past

    I was browsing thru Youtube and found this fanmade original version of a Kingdom hearts story

    The quality is not super gr8, but i was thinking maybe we could do something like that. Except maybe get voice actors so we can expand this so its not just the 4 of us
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    perhaps. no promises.... though i could easily do that using flash. yes I have flash too.

    Despite what I said earlier, I drew Eclipse anyway. It turned out very nice I think. I'm very proud of myself.

    View attachment 2373

    elipse side.jpg
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    @KME-Are you talking about Riku? That would be a good idea but that's when he meets Blaze, it'd be too soon to introduce Turpis after that. Maybe on his second visit to it.

    For Kairi, After Dive into the Heart, she meets Rin who talks to her and then takes her to Highnoon Hamlet to get help from Oriens
    So HH would be her second world.
    Since Sora's first world was HH, I'm thinking Oriens took him to Radiant Gardens and Kairi and Rin would have missed them. (Sora would also have just missed Riku) Kairi then encounters Turpis and fights his creature and after barely defeating it, Turpis decides to get her out of his way and evolves his Keybalde to attack her. Rin then saves her with her evolved Keyblade and recognizing Turpis goes after him. Turpis and One disappear avoiding the conflict.

    @Pezz-That's good, I always imagined Eclipse with really long hair. For some reason that goes well with the whole mind descending into insanity. I like the dress too. Her design looks really simple but well done
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Sora goes to Radiant Gardens much later on. Radiant Gardens is a plot point, so we would have one or two worlds before that. Same goes for Kairi. Sora's second World should be Camelot because Merlin is there. Sora can go see Merlin to get his magic back.

    Oh, and thanks
  18. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Interesting. Having Rin being a Synther seemed a bit out of place for me too, but having her being a mage is better. Not too into magic, like, say, Donald, but she'll have some powerful mystical strength.
    Since you like the idea that Turpis exploits her abilities, that can work with magic too. Not sure how exaclty, because Turpis must get "help" from Rin without revealing his secret lab. I'll have to think that one up.
    As for healing Oriens and Turpis in battle, that's cool. She can thus have helped them with any Heartless they fought, before she got her Keyblade.

    And about your idea of Kairi fighting Turpis, and Rin interfering when Turpis' creature is defeated, it's good, except that you didn't explain why Rin let Kairi fight to begin with. Wouldn't she have interfered when she saw Turpis? She must've left somewhere or something.

    Nice drawing, Pezz! You did s good job there. I practiced drawing a human today, and even though I only did the basic body shape, I realised it can be done. Your success inspires me further.
    One concern I have about your Eclipse, is that her dress is completely unsuitable for fighting. It's the kind of clothes that you need to be in a video game so that they don't make you trip :)

    EDIT :
    Oh, and as for making a movie, that seems cool. As long as we have some moderate quality, it should be fun, at least to try out an episode or two.
    However, we would definitely need sound advanced sound editing programs. I like Kme92's idea of having voices, but to the best of my knowledge, we're only guys here. It's gonna be hard for us to voice Eclipse, Rin, Kairi, and any eventual Disney/random female character.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    kk, I have an idea to fix it.
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Okay, so pretty much all we have left to flesh out is Blaze.