Make up the story plot for kh3 (Group Effort)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pezz, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Not that I can think of at the moment. I loled when I read what you put for Kaua'i. btw, keep in mind Desouls don't discriminate when it comes to their victims. they would attack who ever is closest.
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    whoops, careless mistake. Thanks for fixing that.

    So it would be too late? Not soon...I guess you just used the wrong word lol

    That was another careless mistake, thanks for pointing that out. I should easily be able to fix the time-line of it.

    So I'll change it to this:
    Even though Turpis wanted to visit other worlds, he couldn't stand being near Eclipse at the time because it brought back the guilt he felt when he couldn't save the girl. So he let Oriens and Eclipse go by themselves. Oriens and Eclipse would occassionally come back to HH to rest or visit Turpis, but Turpis didn't have extended contact with them because of the aforementioned reasons.
    Rin could have lost her parents somehow (I initially thought about having her parents taken by Heartless but Turpis would feel guilty about that too and I don't want to repeat that) and Oriens and Turpis took her in. Turpis didn't care much for her (Like he later said about Eclipse: it's not their job to babysit) but after finding Eclipse and taking her with him, Oriens left Rin with Turpis for that year.
    Turpis pretty much left Rin alone and vice versa. During that year, Rin could be attacked by Heartless and before Turpis could save her, she gets her Keyblade. Turpis finally becomes interested in her, but Rin becomes uncomfortable the new way Turpis acts around her. Oriens come back to find she has a Keyblade and they begin to train her. Later they fight the Desoul (Rin's not with them) and after they collapse, Rin goes looking for them because they didn't return home.

    That doesn't mean some people wouldn't know about it before the KH Crew.
    Xehanort, the other apprentices, Ansem the Wise, Leon's gang, and other people all knew about the Heartless (and in some cases, NObodies as well) YEARS before Sora found out, probably before the King himself found out.
    And only Turpis and ORiens would have encountered the Desoul, even if they tell Rin about it, they wouldn't know what it was. They could have figured it was just a special type of Heartless.

    Did he somehow close ALL the world's hearts?? Even the worlds he never went to or heard of?

    He didn't "suddenly learn" it. When the blue flame appeared, i thought of it as appearing right behind Turpis during the Heartless attack, and Turpis jumps and stabs it thinking he's being attack. His keyblade absorbs part of it and grants him the power which slowly evolves, that's why he didn't realize he had it at first.

    Well, I made it out to be a loner for some reason or another. Maybe he was different, etc. Turpis took him in and MENTALLY tortured him. He barely did anything the body of the man. The man would beg to be freed and Turpis would say something like, "Free you? Why would I do that? No one needs one even wants you. Your life is useless. Just be a good guinea pig for my research...that will give your pointless life some use."
    He mentally broke down the man until he eventually became a Desoul. Since the man became a Desoul without Turpis' machine, he was purebred but an extremely weak. So maybe he would be the next level up after an Ember.

    I wrote this many times. I couldn't decide.
    Oriens wouldn't be the type of guy who loses his temper and attacks.
    But how would you react if your best friend for the last few years has been torturing and experiment on other humans? Doing things so vile to them, that they're probably unmentionable? I don't think even Oriens would stay calm after finding that out.

    But remember, he wasn't trying to make more Desouls. After he made the first Desouls, he wanted to use Desouls as a base to make new beings. Beings that are identical to each other and have no will of their own. He came up with the symbol to represent them. His experiments failed and Desouls were ACCIDENTALLY created, the emblem was on his subjects
    before the accident so after the accident the emblem stayed

    Is that not what I called it?
    Hm that make sense
    What did you think of inverting the colors of Xehanort's Desouls? As in, Turpis' would be purple with green eyes and Xehanort's would be green with purple eyes. Or we could just use different shades of purple and green. We'd need some way to differentiate them. The KH Crew probably wouldn't be aware of the differences until someone notices too opposite Desouls attacking each other
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Yes he did. It was because he locked the door the kh.

    That would be a desist. Someone who is tortured and becomes broken mentally. They loose their will to resist.

    oh I see. my bad

    I'm a very picky guy when it comes to consistency. This is due to the education that I've received for making video games. Video games MUST be consist else you risk disappointing or confusing the player. We may not be making a game, but we are trying to get as close as possible.

    I understand why you would want to have their colors switched, but that makes things inconsistent. besides. the desoul colors are one of those traits that would be consistent for all desouls. That's just the way desuls look. let's stick with their main color being purple, and their secondary color will be green. like I said, it just looks better that way.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I didn't know closing the door to Kingdom Hearts had that effect. I'll rewrite that part.

    Hmm i'll rewrite that too, I want the victim to become an Ember.
    Remember when Xehanort discovered Heartless, the first one he discovered was a Shadow. I'm guessing that the first Nobody he discovered was a Dusk.
    I'll figure something else out.
    BUt you still have to give me kudos on the detail of his history. Most of that I thought of on the spot lol

    You're so damn picky! But that actually made me think of something I liked better.
    Turpis' explosion made a kind of incomplete Desoul, something of an abomination; it was similar to a Desoul but not exactly a Desoul. He had a connection to this (similar to Xehanort's HEartless and the Guardian) and had control over it. However, he knew he had a long way to go before making his ideal creation. But before he could finish it, Xehanort came, stole his research, and altered his data to build Desouls.
    So Xehanort had an army of Desouls and all Turpis had was that one creature.
    I thought of how Xaldin had the dragon, Xenmas also had a dragon, and Marluxia had the giant NObody. They all had some kind of summon or turned into something and it had no backstory. I decided Turpis would have a similar creature but it would have an origin.
    Alright, now to work on the Corruption Chronicles!
    and no that's not what i'm naming the reports, that was adding comical relief so don't take that seriously lol

    EDIT: I also thought of something.
    Should we make more worlds? Original worlds of our own design? I think that would be interesting. I mean we pretty much fulfilled the KH quotia for worlds: A timeless sky (Traverse Town, Twilight Town, and our Highnoon Hamlet), a world with connection to the enemy (End of World, World That NEver Was, and our World Ends at Sunset), an ending world that is not really a world where the last boss is fought (World of Chaos, Xemnas' realm, and our corrupted and collided Kingdom Hearts)

    I thought we should make something similar to HOllow Bastion/Radiant Garden but that would still have a role in our KH3. I mean we can't jsut cut out FF characters out :)

    Which brings me to the second point: We should add other FF characters, that haven't been introduced. I personally like Ramza or Delita from FF tactics.

    And my third point: More original characters of our own design. They probably wouldn't have a big role and we could probably live without them, but idk, I just thought we should add this. Maybe some citizens around the original worlds (Radiant Gardens, Highnoon Hamlet) that stick out from the rest (like Hayner and his crew)

    I don't really care about these three points, I do think we should add more FF characters though, they wouldn't have a role nowhere near as big as Leon and them but still..
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I'm sorry. I'm actually very impressed with what you wrote. And I liked It a lot. I was just taking note on what I thought could use fixing. remember nothing's perfect the first time.

    That's an interesting idea that you have for Turpis. I'm interested to see how that works out.
  6. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Took me a while to read but I got thru it :D
    Very interesting background,

    btw has any1 done any artwork of what the keybladers might look like?
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    not yet. I'm not really up for that, I can't draw humans. Though if you want, I can draw you a stick figure version.

    It would, but It would take away from the Kh fell. KH is all about the disney worlds. It's better with only 3 or 4 original worlds. If we do any more then we will lose the KH feel.
  8. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    I agree with pezz,
    KH1 - Destiny Islands, end of the world
    KH2 - Twilight town, TWTNW

    I think 3 would be a good number,
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Right now it's 4. Destiny Islands, TWTNW, Highnoon Hamlet, and World Ends At Sunset. wait, it's 5. Radiant Gardens. We have more than enough.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Yea it's enough, then.

    Turpis' wiki page has been updated. His background has been changed and I added a connection to other characters section. So far I only put the other Keybladers there (excluding Myst) but I"ll add more later.
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    We've been kinda quiet lately......

    Btw, I'm almost done with the keyblades for Eclipse. I've been having a lot of trouble with that.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    It's probably because we haven't heard from Starseeker in awhile.

    Cool, I can't wait to see what you draw up.

    Since I was the first to post a very detailed backstory for my character, i ended up including everyone's character in Turpis' history. I just realized that means you'll have to make sure you use what I wrote in your character's history. Is that cool with you? Since The only thing I had about Eclipse is that one year where she trains with Oriens and you thought of that, It might not be such a big deal
    but KME and Starseeker, Is it cool for Rin and Oriens to have that backstory?
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    @lilbueno - idont see why not :P. I was hoping on working on Oriens actually

    Well i was bored so i grabbed a pen and did a quick sketch of blaze and eclipse for the artwork page


    I no they suck, but at least its something to put up there for now XD

    EDIT - sry they came out a little big >_<
  14. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Kme92: I like Eclipse, though perhaps we should alter her costume a tad.

    lil': I'm down with that. :) Eclipse's background has been set. all that remains is her dairy. I'm not sure just how I want to approach that just yet.
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    lolz, it's all cool! It's good to hear from you again! just check the wiki. We've done a bunch of stuff.
  16. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    So, I'm not the only one whose Internet connection had problems with KH-Vids? It sometimes just won't load, not to mention it randomnly stops giving me E-mail updates. I was shocked when I came here.

    Been quite dead lately ; I pretty much lost my SOS because of school, lol.

    Haven't though much about our KH3 either, but I do have a new Keyblade drawing (I need to scan it), ideas for drawing Rin (I suck at drawing people, but I really want to try it out) and a few ideas for Rin's back story.

    Lilbueno included Rin in Turpis' backstory, but I'll have to go back and read it. I only rememeber the part where Rin's parents were killed by Heartless. I actually though about something similar, only that it would be Desouls :

    Rin starts hanging around with Tupris, Oriens, etc. in HH, but when Turpis' research goes haywire, Rin's parents are victims of the Desouls.
    I DO NOT know if it's consistent with your backstories, since I read thousasnds of words in the last 15 minutes, and I need to reread to make sure I understand everything. That's the price for being absent for an entire week :blink:
    Anyway, Rin pretty much needs to have some tragedy in her life, which would explain how come she became so tough. She may not be as cold-hearted as Eclipse, but Rin also keeps most of her feelings to herself.

    So, gotta finish a chemistry homework, then coming back to reread what I've missed...
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Yeah, the site switched to a cheaper server or something. The result was that many computers IP addresses couldn't be recognized by the site. They've either fixed it, or they are almost done fixing it, because many people are now able to get back on. I was luck and had no problems.
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    It always loads for mine, but sometimes it'll be really slow. I'll go the site and it could talk up to 5 minutes to load. That's the most i wait. If it takes longer then I leave KHV for another day
    good joke lol
    That's not exactly consistent with what I have
    My story went along like this, in layman's terms:
    1.Turpis failed to save a young girl from Heartless and saw her lose her heart
    2.Oriens was looking for Sora during KH1 to help him but because he kept a low profile (due to the law) he never found him.
    3.After Oriens heard Sora defeated the Heartless, he came to HH and saw Turpis fighting the Heartless that took the girl's heart.
    4.Oriens saved him and because the Heartless threat was [mostly] over, stayed with his fellow Keyblader on HH
    5.Rin lost her parents to Heartless and Oriens & Turpis took her in because they didn't save her parents (it wasn't that failed to save them, it was that they didn't even know of the attack)
    6.Rin, despite her young age, held up her own work at their residence and was a great cook (which is why Turpis kept her)
    7.Oriens finds Eclipse and takes her away for a year
    8.During that year, Turpis is fighting Heartless when Rin gets attacked, before he can save her she summons her own keyblade for the first time.
    9.After Oriens returns, the 3 Keybladers follow some Heartless and stumble upon a battle between Shadows and Creepers (Nobodies) in the Ruins.
    10.After fighting the Creepers, A Desoul shows up and starts "eating" the Heartless.
    11. Rin defeats the Heartless (While Turpis and ORiens take on the Desoul) and ends up evolving her Keyblade to it's second level for the first time.
    12.Rin helps them defeat the Desoul
    13.Turpis starts his research and when Embers escape his lab, Rin comes across his lab.
    14. Rin tells Oriens, Oriens and Turpis fight, Turpis leaves and builds a new lab.
    15.Turpis succeeds, his Desouls escape, Rin and Oriens fight them, They come across his lab but he's long gone.
    16.Rin goes to Destiny Islands to see the sunset (which she has been doing recently) and sees Kairi fighting Desouls after her Dive into the Heart.
    17. Rin also comes across the Mysterious Keyblader and thinks He's Turpis and pursues him.

    I kind of fleshed out yr character by accident a little bit, sorry....
    You can change whatever you want but I think the housekeeper story fits pretty good, read the Wiki about Turpis.

    I want to change it to your plan though, so instead of her losing her parents to Heartless, she lost it to a Desoul (which she calls a big purple monster maybe?) and when that same Desoul returns in the Ruins (Number 10^^) Which is why she's frozen in fear. She remembers her parents and wanting to avenge them manages to make her Keyblade evolve.

    If you don't like any of that, me and you can work it out
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    hmmmm..... Interesting.
  20. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    I like it! A lot! Except for this part :
    Sorry, but I found that pretty random!

    I think I'll keep most of your ideas, and will probably end up doing a book on Rin as well. A lot of her personnal details, which you didn't describe, since your concern was Turpis, will fall on my shoulders.

    Well, I'll draw her soon, too. Since I've been absent for some time (and probably will dissapear again, too), I plan to at least give some inspiring ideas to all of you.