Make up the story plot for kh3 (Group Effort)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pezz, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    thnx :P
    Also i noticed on the wiki page that u, starseeker and lilbueno are fleshing out Turpis, rin and eclipse. Mind if i flesh out Oriens or has his character already been fully developed?
  2. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Sure, go ahead! :D We all chose one, I was sure whether you wanted to. I have a separate page for Eclipse that can be access by clicking on her name.
  3. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Great job on the opening, Kme92!

    Seriously, it looks awesome. It's more... professionnal, for lack of a better word, than most videos I've seen.
    I like how you resumed pretty much the whole story ; it was nicely done, and perfect for an opening/ending/something of such importance.

    Once again, great job.
  4. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Thanks starseeker :P
    I remembered a while back in Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2, some said that one keyblader brought chaos while others say he brought peace

    Turpis couldve brought the chaos, and Oriens couldve brought the peace :P
    of course they would have to be a little older for that to make some sense

    But anyways i just added that here cuz our story is fitting in with the rest of the kingdom hearts series very nicely :D
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    that's all going to be explained in bbs.
  6. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Unfortunately, I think that the reference was to Xehanort and Terra/Aqua/Ven/Mickey.

    Also, this would mean that they brought chaos/order 11 years before KH2. Therefore, they must be like 30 now, which I personally think won't be as good. I always pictured them young, and even if Turpis and Oriens are older, I can't imagine them lookign like Xemnas, say.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    You know, I've been slacking on drawing the keyblade for Eclipse. I have a couple for her normal version, but I still need to do her boomerang version.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Yea, that was a great video, Kme92, great job!
    You're way more skilled with movie maker than i am lol

    Back to the plot: I started on Turpis' research papers. I just need help clearing some things up
    1. When did Xehanort steal his papers? After the accident in Turpis' lab, while he was studying, etc.
    Problem: When did Xehanort steal Turpis papers

    2. I never figured out what Turpis was trying to accomplish in his research, the idea I have now is that he was studying Heartless and Nobody to try to figure out if he can reunite the EoL in order to save people who have been taken by Heartless (started out with noble intentions); Or if he can alter Heartless/Nobodies to seek their other half and give them the ability to reunite; Or find a way for Heartless/Nobodies to merge to make a new person that will not only make up for the life lost to darkness but might also make a new breed of people (Like superpowered), in his mind this will lead for people (and citizens of other worlds) to become stronger and life will survive easier.
    Eventually he started descending down the wrong path and brought people into his experiments which ended up with the Desouls being made. This kind of makes Desouls an evolved version of Heartless/Nobodies (kind of how Unbirths are their ancestors).
    Problem: Can I use Heartless/Nobodies as the source for Turpis' research and eventually the base of Emblem Desouls?

    3. If you read Riku's story on the Wiki, it seems that Blaze was familiar with Desouls. I think Blaze should have met Turpis right before the accident (BTW the accident always refers to Turpis' lab going ka-boom and accidentally making the Desouls) and Blaze would have seen what eventually became the Desouls. Even though Chaos and Corruption kind of go hand in hand, Blaze doesn't stay with Turpis because he has own goal to accomplish (Permanently slay Maleficent). Maybe Blaze even helps with the research a little bit.
    After Blaze encounters a real Desoul after the accident, he visits Turpis and discovers what happened.
    Problem: Blaze meets Turpis?

    4. I don't know what to do about the research papers. If Turpis and Xehanort's research are initially thought to be the same, it's going to be hard to word. So Xehanort may have stolen his research and wrote his own notes under a new name, but Turpis doesn't sign his, Kairi just finds his research data and doesn't know who wrote them.
    Problem: Turpis and Xehanort's research are NEVER confused

    5. I think Highnoon Hamlet should have a dark spot, think of how Twilight town had the forest and Traverse Town had the sewers. This location should be extremely scary so the citizens don't venture in. This will be where Turpis set up his lab. After the accident, Oriens + Rin found this to be the source of the "creatures" and found his lab.
    Problem: Highnoon Hamlet's "evil spot"?

    6. Turpis and Oriens are Kairi's two associated Keybladers, right? Oriens being the teacher and Turpis her main enemy.
    Blaze and Eclipse are both Riku's rivals
    Rin has a disagreement with Sora, not so much a main rival as someone who disagrees with him.

    Kairi meets Rin first, after being attacked by Desouls on Destiny Islands
    Riku meets Blaze first, after being attacked by Desouls at Radiant Garden, he should meet Eclipse right before he leaves RG, he stops her from destroying this world.
    Sora should meet Oriens first, who helps him at Highnoon Hamlet since that's where Oriens is from and where Sora lands after the crash.

    Myst would probably be more associated with Sora and should probably be shown watching him sometime before finally coming into contact with him.

    I have no idea how to introduce Turpis. I wanted him to meet Sora first but now I'm more attracted to a Kairi-Turpis rivalry. If someone gives me a world and Kairi's role in that world, I could give Turpis a proper introduction.
    Problem: Where does Turpis come in?

    7. So Turpis would have invented a way to travel through blue flames and eventually incorporate this into his experiments, Eclipse travels through her Keyblade, Blaze uses Dark Portals. I was thinking since Oriens and Turpis have history they both know how to travel through blue flames but I don't know about that. Rin or Oriens should have a gummi ship. I just really want to see a unique one lol
    Problem: Oriens and Rin's method of travels?

    Please tell me ALL your thoughts on this, don't skimp out, so I know where I stand.

    BTW, I had an idea on this after I posted. Since we need to introduce at least one purebred Desoul. I think HH did not have the the evil spot in the past. Someone started losing their sense of self and became a purebred Desoul and came here and started wreaking havoc, maybe the Heart of HH is in this location too. Turpis and Oriens managed to use their keyblades and defeat all the heartless that were ehre (due to the world's heart) and barely defeated the Purebred after a long battle. The battle was so intense it pretty much destroyed the area. This later became uninhabited and the area just rotted over time
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    After. It should probably be in the last report.

    Use my version of report 1. It may help you with starting. For the second report, I planned on explaining that Heartless and Nobodies were studied to determine where the SOS came from (heart, body, or soul). I planned on coming to the conclusion that each part of life seemed to contain some part of the SOS and therefore a single person's SOS could be considered a single life in itself. See the FAQs section on the SOS for more info. I have yet to complete it, but it should help nonetheless.

    He should be familiar with desouls because that was what drew him out of hiding. He really shouldn't have much details on this subject since he is more of an outsider to the other keybladers.

    The word "accident" was used, when referring to the creation of the first emblem desoul, because Turpis' theorized outcome for the experiment never happened. Instead of producing a human life that wouldn't question orders (a human without a SOS) as Turpis intended, his experiment created a human that wasn't human, or in other words, a desoul.

    Again, use my idea for report 1, and write in a similar manor.

    You make an interesting point. perhaps a cave of some sort, or some sort of ancient ruins. I think I like the Ancient ruins better. the ruins should make a sort of tower.

    That's way too soon. their first encounter should lead to a fight, since Riku stops Eclipse from destroying a world. There should be at least three fights between them in the story. each fight would have been different from the last.

    You have the right idea, however, Myst will not speak to Sora. He would just appear, do something, look at Sora, and then dissappear.

    I got it, HH. Kairi goes around world to world using her power of light. what she exactly does is use her keyblade to create a path of light that connects to the sun. Similar to the keyholes, she can only do this in a special place, where the terrain's scenery blocks the sun's light, in such away, to create a ray of light in the shape of a keyhole.

    The special place in HH should be in the ancient ruins. So Kairi should meet Turpis there. Ether that or Turpis should be there to see Kairi's ability. This should raise his suspicions that Kairi is the Keyblader of Purity.

    The desoul's method of travel was never created by Turpis. They should have always had the ability to travel with blue flames. After all, Turpis only created the emblem ones, while the pure breeds weren't created by anyone. Turpis should observe this method of travel, and find it very convenient. He should then duplicate that form of travel for himself. this should be written in one of his reports.

    That form of travel should have some sort of downside that is unknown to Turpis. perhaps something that effects you mentally.

    ummmmm..... Perhaps. We could still use bits of this idea and say that it happened long ago. therefore, the exact details concerning the matter are no longer known to anyone. That is, until after Turpis decided to construct his lab there. When he does that, he should discover that the reason that place was abandoned was due to someone who forgot who they were (a desoul). this perhaps would be what gives Turpis his inspiration.
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I had the day off today and started writing Turpis' backstory on the wiki and a damn book came out. I meant to do a short summary and it came out really really long. I'm going to finish this and let you guys read it so you can get a good idea of his character and then I'm cutting it down.

    What would Kairi make a Keyhole to the light for? What's the point?

    And also, the way I wrote for Turpis discovering his "blue flame" travel method was that he came upon a dusk which escaped into a Corridor of Darkness and he stabbed the Corridor as it closed, trying to get the Dusk, and his Keyblade took the Corridor (it kind of absorbed it, but nto really, I don't know a good word for it) and transferred that power into Turpis. I got the idea from Eclipse's Keyblade sending her to Highnoon Hamlet after destroying her world. But his blue flame only let him travel to places on Highnoon Hamlet and only to places he's already been. He incorporated this into his research but the accident warped that power (with darkness, maybe?) and the resulting Desouls had a better version of it, they could travel to other worlds, etc. And I figured the Purebred Desouls would have had a different way of traveling, probably through darkness since both Heartless and Nobodies could. Because Turpis never captured a Purebred to experiment on.
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper


    It's her method of traveling from world to world.
    Desouls do not represent darkness in any way, so making the purebred use the power of darkness to travel will not do. besides doing that would mean that a desoul's heart would be stained by darkness, which could ultimately lead to them becoming heartless. Also, keep in mind that what ever a purebred desoul can do, than an emblem desoul should be able to do it to. A desoul is a desoul is a desoul. Traits, such as method of travel, should be the same among all desouls.
  12. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Well my logic was that since a Purebred Desoul is extremely rare, it would be extremely strong. So when he encounters one, he can't capture or study it, he just tries to defeat it. Once it is defeated, all he has is memory of the battle to analyze the Desoul. An Emblem Desoul can't be too similar to Purebred Desouls because Turpis didn't use an actual Purebred Desoul...unless he figured out how someone becomes a Desoul and made someone lose their sense of self so he can have a Desoul to study?
    How many Purebred Desouls would be in the game? I think we should keep the numbers to a minimum. Like one of the last bosses would be one, and maybe SRK would each encounter one.

    I guess I can rewrite how he learned his method of travel from absorbing a Purebred Desoul's "blue flame" (i call it blue flame because as far as I know, there's no name for it)
  13. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Turpis would simply observe this method from the emblem desoul he created. That would be the first desoul that he ever encountered. just because purebreds are rare doesn't mean we should keep them down. the most common one that you will fight is a purebred, the ember. Ember's are the weakest purebred and are closely followed by Torches. However, there are emblem desoul's that have power that rival that of a purebred. Many emblem desouls are more powerful than Embers. there is no line that separates the power between purebreds and emblem desouls.
  14. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Turpis seems like the kind of person who wants many results with little effort on his part
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    the kind part could be arguable, lolz.

    I see him as having good intentions but a misguided view. we'll see what Lil' brings to the table once he finishes his "book" lolz. ;)
  16. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    It always starts off with good intentions, but sooner or later good intentions fly south.

    Id like to add the world of Notre Dame cuz Quasimodo has always been treated like a monster, plu itd be great so we dont have to use Beasts castle again (same monster/beast concept)

    Besides, there were to many worlds with couples and lovers, I ant as little romance as possible in the worlds XD
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    lolz, how unoriginal of us. then again, nothing is original these days. :D

    I was about to suggest this myself. Quasimodo sits up in his tower all by himself. one day he goes out for a walk and begins to find a place for himself in the world. feel free to add it to the wiki along with lilo and stitch's world. XD
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    it took awhile but I finished.
    I posted some stuff on there that I didn't post here, but we can still change the wiki.
    For example, Turpis is from Highnoon Hamlet and Oriens isn't, Oriens just came upon HH at the right time. Rin is also from Highnoon Hamlet but we talked about that.

    Everything I wrote is what happens before the game. I tried to put a little timeframe in there so you know when it happens.

    let me know what you think.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    I already edit a mistake on the page. you said that he was the creator of the desouls. I simple changed it to emblem desouls. here's my notes

    This is much too soon. They should have come across each other much earlier in life. That would be before Sora obtained the keyblade. The heartless became a problem about nine years before that point in time, and Eclipse meets Oriens before Sora gets the keyblade too. set it a few more years back.

    Eclipse stays with Oriens for about a year. he takes her from one world to another in order to better train her. Also, Oriens should meet Rin before meeting Eclipse. perhaps at that point in time she cannot use a keyblade.

    The desouls existence should become known after kh2.

    this is unnecessary. Every world's heart has already been sealed because of Sora's efforts in KH1. He did them all in one fell swoop.

    That ability isn't something that he should suddenly learn. He should observe it, after creating the emblem desouls, in order to understand how it works. Emblem desouls are simply artificially made desouls. they think and act in the same manor as purebred desouls. Because an emblem desoul is still a desoul, It would have the ability to travel with blue flames. Xehanort didn't have to give the emblem heartless the ability to travel with the power of darkness. The emblem heartless could do it simply because they are heartless. The same goes for desouls.

    Embers are the human victims of desouls. that's why they are the most common type. If this guy was a loner who shunned society, then he would become a desocial. If society was the ones who shunned him, then he would become a deknown. both are purebreds.

    personally, I would think it would be the other way around. I don't see Oriens as being that type of guy. Kme92 has dibs on Oriens, so we should ask him.

    Turpis would have labeled desouls that he created with the emblem on purpose. that way he could tell the difference between the purebred and artificial desouls. Reread the Ansem Reports and you'll know what I'm referring to.

    Anyway, I think this part may be unnecessary.

    It's called World Ends At Sunset. I've already edited it. Also, I'm thinking that the main color for desouls should be purple, and their eyes should be green. I think that would have an much nicer look to it.
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    so far ive got camelot, kauai, and notre dame, anything else need to be added?