Mafia [Mafia] The Masquerade in Salem ~ GAME OVER (MAFIA WINS)

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Ars Nova, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    The Masquerade in Salem

    August 1st, 1922. Salem, Massachusetts. 7:00 P.M. The eve of the fifth annual Salem Masquerade Ball, hosted by the affluent Crowninshield family. You'd begun to wonder if it would still be held this year, with all the talk of the Sicilian Mafia muscling into your beloved home recently, but the current family head is famed for her brazen courage. The ball is the premier event of the season, and you'd be abashed if you didn't attend; still, as you walk the twilit city streets a chill creeps up your spine at the thought of hoodlums prowling about...

    Despite heavy-hanging tensions the ball is a smash hit, as usual. The music is hip, the accommodations are as ritzy as they get, and though smaller than usual the attendance is still enough to impress. Many of the Crowninshields are in attendance as well, though with everyone wearing masks it's hard to keep track of them. The evening is filled with wine, whooping and merriment, and mostly without incident...

    Now, the hour approaches midnight. The party is winding down, and many of the guests have left. Attendees have dwindled to a minor handful, mostly family and friends. As they begin cleaning up, disaster strikes: The remainders hear a muffled gunshot from several rooms away, and a maid bursts into the foyer in hysterics, screaming that the lady of the manor has been murdered. Indeed, in the next room the guests find Miss Lucille Crowninshield, hole in her back, face-down in a pool of blood. No words are exchanged, but understanding is immediate: La Cosa Nostra has struck.

    Escape proves futile; all exits have been sealed. You fear that the only way out of the mansion now is in a casket. No doubt the Mafia are among your number already. One person suggests that everyone remove their masks so the scum are in the open, but this is quickly shot down as the remaining Crowninshield family's identities will be laid bare as well. The party is in a frenzy, until someone with a booming voice calls for order. In front of the assembled prisoners of Crowninshield House, he says aloud the grim thought that had already crossed everyone's minds: The only way to escape alive is to root out the Mafia and kill them.

    With much difficulty, a resolution is reached: A vote will be held every day. Whoever receives the most votes will be lynched. Then the party will split up for the night, lock themselves in a room and hope they live 'til tomorrow. You steel your nerves for the storm to come...

    Welcome to Mafia, a game of wits, lies, and paranoia. If you're new to the game, please read the spoiler below.
    The game of Mafia is one in which the players are divided into factions and must decide as a group who among them to lynch until only one team remains. There are two teams: Town and Mafia. The Town outnumber the Mafia 3/1, but they don't know who's who; only the Mafia know of the players' alignments. Thus the game is in essence uninformed majority versus informed minority.

    Play is divided into two phases: Day and Night. Day phase is when everyone - town and mafia alike - talk together, debate and squabble amongst themselves, and eventually reach a majority vote on who to lynch. The lynched player is killed, their identity revealed, and the day ended. Thus begins the Night phase, where the Town is inactive and the Mafia meets in private to vote on one of the Townies to kill. When they are decided, the kill is made, and the next morning the victim's identity is revealed.

    The Town wins when every last Mafiosi is dead; the Mafia win when they make up the majority of living players. Each faction wins as a unit; every one of its members is considered the victor, even those who have died. This means (contrary to what that fanciful tale above might lead you to believe) that you're not just looking out for your best interests - You're working for your team. As Town, it is very likely you will die at some point, so you must ensure your life and death serve the remaining Town; as Mafia, you know you can trust your teammates, so work with them and protect those whom the Town least suspects (which may entail sacrificing yourself at some point).

    As for specific mechanics:
    • During the Day phase, vote to lynch a player by saying Vote: [Player name] in bold text. If you don't bold your vote, it doesn't count. (Coloring it would also help me keep a tally, but it's not necessary - Just don't make it an obnoxious color.) You may also vote No Lynch, but this is emphatically discouraged in almost all cases, as every No Lynch is a chance for the Mafia to pull ahead. You may cancel your vote at any time before the lynch by saying Unvote.
    • During the Night phase, Mafia will be given a Quicktopic with which to communicate, strategize, and vote on a Townie to kill. Please do not create a Skype chat or PM group for this; I want to be able to monitor and log all communications. Voting to kill a player is the same as voting to lynch: If it ain't bold, it won't hold.
    • There are two lynch conditions: Hard and soft lynch. A hard lynch means that the player is lynched immediately; a soft lynch means that they will be lynched at the end of the day if they have the most votes. The number of people required for a hard lynch is 1/2 the number of living players rounded up, and for soft lynch it's a fourth rounded up.
    • The players will be notified in-thread when a mislynch (lynching Town by mistake) will cause the Town to lose, and/or when they MUST lynch Mafiosi or they WILL lose immediately. The difference is that No Lynch is still a safe move in the former case, while in the latter it will cause the Town to lose that night. If either of these occurs it means that the Mafia is on the verge of victory, so pay careful attention and play smart.

    And for everyone signing up, the following spoilers are mandatory reads.
    Failing to observe any of these rules (besides an exception below) is worth a warning. Break a rule after that, and you're out of the game, just like that.
    1. Keep it civil. This is the kind of game that makes tempers flare and brings out your inner trickster; remember that and try not to lose your head. Above all else, it's all in good fun, so don't sign up if you think it'll stress you out. By the same token, don't make it too stressful for others if you can help it.
    2. Play to your win condition. This is a TEAM GAME, and I CANNOT stress that enough. If you're Town, help the Town; if you're Mafia, help the Mafia. Making a mistake is one thing, but don't just give up and shoot your own team in the foot halfway through.
    3. Please do not talk when you aren't meant to. For Town, this includes after a player has reached hard lynch and once the Night phase begins; for Mafia, this is when Day begins. And for EVERYONE, this is whenever I call for silence. If you absolutely cannot contain yourselves and MUST speak at one of these times, then at least don't talk directly about the game as if it's still going; it gives one side an unfair advantage. (Also, dead players may make one final post in which they may not reveal any game-relevant information. So stuff like "Good luck Town" or "GODDAMNIT WHO THREW THAT" would be ok, but "I'm the Cop and here's who I investigated" would not be.
    4. This is not a roleplay. Please do not roleplay. Speak as yourself and act as yourself. Otherwise it just gets confusing.
    5. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT edit your posts. No, not even to correct a mistake or typo. This is an issue with playing online that can make the game impossible and more than a little confusing, so just don't do it. If you need to correct yourself or add on to a statement, just post again.
    6. No talking about the game outside the game. Don't PM players to make deals, don't message your mafia buddies in the middle of the day, don't even say GODDAMNIT I HATE MY ROLE in Skype. Some games allow this, but they tend to fall apart, so mine doesn't. If you have questions about this game or Mafia in general, the best way to get them answered is to ask me in private; don't approach your fellow players, because they may not have your best interests in mind.
    7. Keep communications open. If I need to get in touch with you about the game, it will either be through PM or (in the case of Mafia) Quicktopic, so keep track of these. You should also Watch this thread so that you don't miss updates on the state of the game.
    8. What I tell you via PM or Quicktopic is confidential; do not copy-paste from those sources. You may paraphrase if needed, but be wise about it. (This mostly pertains to the Doctor and Cop, who may be tempted to announce their roles.)
    9. This game is built to be newbie-friendly. If you're a Mafia veteran, please do not ask me to add roles or change the layout of the game. If you really want to play more complicated games, sign up and support this one! The more interest it generates, the more likely it is that I or someone else will host more games in the future.
    10. You must post AT LEAST once per Day phase, but please don't take this too literally; a good day sees at least five or six posts from everyone. If the day ends in under 48 hrs, the penalty will be halved.
    11. As the mod of this game, my word is final. I reserve the right to make whatever call I deem appropriate; and if I add or make changes to the rules, you are expected to read and observe them. (I will make a note in the thread if I do so.)
    This game will feature up to two roles:
    • Cop - This is a Town-aligned player who, once per night, may choose another player to investigate. The Cop will then learn of that player's alignment. This role will be featured in the game from the start.
    • Doctor - This is a Town aligned player who, once per night, may choose another player to protect. If the chosen player would've been killed that night, they will survive. This role will be added to the game if 20 players sign up.

    Finally, the following spoiler is an optional read which beginners may find helpful.
    Ahh, Day One. The inscrutable nexus of all confusion and awkwardness in the game of Mafia. You know your mission, but it seems impossible. What do you do? What do you say? If you're Town, how do you get the Mafia to say something incriminating? If you're Mafia, how do you even talk without looking suspicious? These questions have plagued every Mafia player at some point.

    Believe it or not, there is actually a magickal solution that is guaranteed to work every time.

    Don't overthink it.

    ...No really. No, really! Don't overthink it. Just talk. Cast votes, even if you don't mean it. Ask people probing questions. Ask people dumb questions! Just. Talk. That's all it takes. The longer people talk, the more likely they are to say something that arouses suspicion. And if you don't talk you're going to look suspicious anyway, so you may as well.

    The first page of a game is usually very silly, with people making posts like "I suggest we start by lynching me" or "vote curiousCat HAIL SATAN," but eventually somebody is gonna say something that grabs people's attention, and then the game is on.

    The beginning will be confusing no matter what; even experts can't avoid it. They just know to get it over with as quickly as possible and get to the good stuff. So don't be shy, and don't overthink it.

    This game has come to an end with the Mafia's victory! Well done, players; you all played a marvelous first game. This post will shortly be updated with game-relevant information, such as players' full roles and the Mafia's nightly activities.

    Player List
    1. Beau - Vince Varano, lynched Day 8 (Posthumously disqualified for misconduct)
    2. luminous - Fiorenzo de Campo, won Night 9
    3. . : tale_wind - Clara Travers, lynched Day 4
    4. basilissa Princess ♥ TheWorldThatNeverWas - Abigail Crowninshield, lynched Day 9
    5. Krowley - Cameron "Crooknose" Mathers, lynched Day 3
    6. Judge Sunrose - Savio Corvi, won Night 9
    7. Senpai - Amelia Arkwright, murdered Night 2
    8. Jayn - Eva Bello, lynched Day 7 (Won posthumously)
    9. DigitalAtlas - Bartholomew Crowninshield Endicott, murdered Night 6
    10. burnitup - Ivan Hunter, lynched Day 5
    11. Cstar - Johannes Caspar Crowninshield IV, overrun Night 9
    12. Bite the Dust - Millie Townsend, murdered Night 8
    13. TwilightBlader - Marcus Crowninshield, lynched Day 1
    14. Cat~ - Sofia Mycroft, murdered Night 5
    15. Hyuge - Delia Crowninshield, murdered Night 9
    16. Marushi - Jeremy Sheedy, overrun Night 9
    17. House - Conan "Bushwa" Bullard, murdered Night 1
    18. skull joke - Joshua Abrams, murdered Night 7
    19. Spike - Laurence Carlisle, murdered Night 4
    20. Jiku Neon - Barcelona "Barry" Busto, lynched Day 6 (Won posthumously)

    . : tale_wind
    You are Clara Travers, maid and caretaker of the Crowninshield children. Thankfully they all made it out safely, but you fear you may not be so lucky. If only you'd turned in on time instead of fretting over the guests...

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Abigail Crowninshield, niece of the late Miss and official family treasurer. You're not usually one for fancy do's, but another relative convinced you to attend the ball; of course now you're cursing yourself for not trusting your instincts.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Cameron "Crooknose" Mathers, the town drunk. No one is really sure how you got in - not even you. You're also a little lost on what exactly is going on, but the gunshot sobered you up in a hurry.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Amelia Arkwright, self-proclaimed best locksmith in Salem. Lovely as the family's patronage is for your trade, you're not sure you'd die for them - but seeing as the doors have been barred, rather than locked, it seems you have no choice.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Bartholomew Crowninshield Endicott, uncle to the late Miss and former U.S. Secretary of the Navy. A decorated war hero and treasured member of the family, your gripping tales of battle are almost as glorious as your big bushy beard.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Ivan Hunter, deckhand and heavy lifter for Crown Shipping. You don't find yourself very bright, but you owe the Crowninshields your livelihood, so you figure as long as you're stuck here you may as well try and help find the crooks.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Johannes Caspar Crowninshield IV, nephew of the late Miss and organizer of the Masquerade Ball. Though it would be a death sentence to say so aloud (You are famous for your strange priorities), your greatest worry in all this is the bad press your event will receive. Attendance will drop even farther next year...

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Marcus Crowninshield, grandson of the late Miss. Crowninshield men have a history of meekness, but you really take the cake: It's said you'd let a bee sting you if it was well enough determined.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Sofia Mycroft, famous author and close personal friend of the late Miss. Though you write mysteries for a living, you never thought your own life would come to resemble one of your novels. You grieve for your lost friend, and resolve to show the pluck and sharp wit your protagonists always put forth in dire circumstances.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Delia Crowninshield, niece of the late Miss. You are well incensed by this turn of events, and it's all you can do to keep from grabbing an iron poker from the fireplace and lopping off a few heads. Needless to say, you can't wait to flush out those dirty rats.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Jeremy Sheedy, a ship captain of Crown Shipping. After braving the fury of nature on the high seas, precious little scares you - and these maligned hooligans are certainly not on the list.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Conan "Bushwa" Bullard, noble Boston roughneck and shipwright of Crown Shipping. All this commotion, and you without your trusty steel bat... Much as you'd love to knock some heads, this is a time for brains, not brawn.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Laurence Carlisle, godfather and loyal friend to the Crowninshields. The late Miss was like a mother to you, and her passing has lit a fire in your veins. You intend to do everything you can to protect the remaining family and avenge Lucille's death.

    You are aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. You have no special abilities.

    You are Joshua Abrams, undercover agent of the Treasury Department. The Crowninshield family has earned the Mafia's ire by helping to apprehend several of their higher-ups, and suspecting retaliation would come, you were sent to survey the ball and keep everyone safe.

    You are the aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you are the Cop - Once per Night phase you may choose a living player. You will investigate them that night and learn if they are Town or Mafia.

    Bite the Dust
    You are Millie Townsend, maid, head nurse and close friend to the Crowninshield family. As the first to discover the late Miss Lucille's fate you are well and quite spooked, but you are nevertheless determined to see to the others' needs and soothe their nerves.

    You are the aligned with the Town - You win when all the Mafia are dead, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you are the Doctor - Once per Night phase you may choose a living player. You will visit them that night and protect them from any attempts made on their life.

    Judge Sunrose
    You are Savio Corvi, Mafia soldier and specialist. You were in charge of securing several important docking and cargo permits, as well as Crowninshield family assets. Naturally you've already got the job done; now all that's left is to bump off the stragglers and get the goods home.

    You are aligned with the Mafia - You win when the Mafia's numbers are equal to or greater than the Town's, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you have an alias: Arthur Coburn, a navigator for Crown Shipping. You have no special abilities.

    You are Vince Varano, man of many faces and the Mafia's inside man. Disguised as one of the partygoers, you snuck about sealing off all the exits you could find, leading to the deadly trap you and your associates have sprung.

    You are aligned with the Mafia - You win when the Mafia's numbers are equal to or greater than the Town's, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you have an alias: Maximilian Crowninshield, nephew of the late Miss and a talented artist. You have no special abilities.

    Jiku Neon
    You are Barcelona "Barry" Busto, acting capo and muscle-in-chief of the Salem clan. The boss ordered you to keep an eye on the soldiers tonight and make sure they didn't muck things up.

    You are aligned with the Mafia - You win when the Mafia's numbers are equal to or greater than the Town's, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you have an alias: Lars Howard, a local carpenter who helped build the Crowninshield estate. You have no special abilities.

    You are Fiorenzo De Campo, also known as the Salem Switchblade. You bore a personal grudge against the old Crowninshield bird, seein' as she helped put your boss behind bars, and your only regret is you weren't the one to slit her throat.

    You are aligned with the Mafia - You win when the Mafia's numbers are equal to or greater than the Town's, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you have an alias: Reuben "Rube" Lambert, a magician who has performed at several Crowninshield-hosted events. You have no special abilities.

    You are Eva Bello, cousin of the notorious capo Celio Bello. A rare female Mafiosi, you are filling in for your imprisoned relative. Your final trial ended tonight, with the murder of Lucille Crowninshield - Yes, you yourself are the killer.

    You are aligned with the Mafia - You win when the Mafia's numbers are equal to or greater than the Town's, regardless of whether you survive or not. In addition, you have an alias: Cathryn Davies, caterer of the Masquerade Ball. You have no special abilities.
    • N1: Investigates Senpai, gets Town result
    • N2: Investigates DigitalAtlas, gets Town result
    • N3: Investigates Hyuge, gets Town result
    • N4: Investigates Marushi, gets Town result
    • N5: Investigates Jiku Neon, gets Mafia result
    • N6: Investigates Jayn, gets Mafia result
    • N7: Does not investigate a player, dies

    Bite the Dust
    • N1: Protects Judge Sunrose
    • N2: Protects Cstar
    • N3: Protects Luxord
    • N4: Protects Hyuge
    • N5: Protects DigitalAtlas
    • N6: Protects Below
    • N7: Protects Marushi
    • N8: Protects Hyuge, dies

    • N1: Unanimous vote for Vivi
    • N2: Votes for Spike and Senpai, Senpai wins
    • N3: Unanimous vote for Luxord, kill fails due to protection
    • N4: Votes for Cat, Hyuge, and Spike, Spike wins
    • N5: Unanimous vote for Cat
    • N6: Unanimous vote for DigitalAtlas
    • N7: Unanimous vote for Below
    • N8: Unanimous vote for Bite the Dust
    • N9: Unanimous vote for Hyuge

    ~Day One Start
    ~Day Two Start
    ~Day Three Start
    ~Day Four Start
    ~Day Five Start
    ~Day Six Start
    ~Day Seven Start
    ~Day Eight Start
    ~Day Nine Start
    ~Game End
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  2. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    ummmmmmmmmm yes ????
  3. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  4. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
  5. Basilissa Moogle Assistant

    Dec 28, 2013
    hella (❁´▽`❁)
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2014
  6. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    I volunteer as tribute.
  7. Judge Sunrose Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 6, 2012
    Come alone
    Woop boop deedoop
  8. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ Joining.
  10. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Sign me up.
  11. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    -raises hand-
  13. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    I am down to clown.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    joining in
  15. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    And not even five hours from posting, we have enough people to play! Signups will remain open until all 20 slots are filled, at which point I guess I better get off my ass and figure out the gamestart date. Thanks so much for your support everyone, I am overwhelmed by the response so far ♥
  16. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Sign me up boi~
  17. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Sign me up! This is looking super awesome, I can't wait!
  18. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Rule Added (I can't believe I almost forgot this)
    • Do not, I repeat, DO NOT edit your posts. No, not even to correct a mistake or typo. This is an issue with playing online that can make the game impossible and more than a little confusing to play, so just don't do it. If you need to correct yourself or add on to a statement, just post again; I would much rather see an automerge than an edit.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  19. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    Sign me up and shiz.
  20. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    oh sweet didn't see this. im in.

    just give me a week to read this ****ing wall of text jesus christ. jk. p. sure i get the jist