Mafia [Mafia] Mr. E's Murder Mystery at Misty Mountain Manor ~ GAME OVER (EVERYONE'S A WINNER!)

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Ars Nova, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    My current reads in case I die, as promised.

    My top scum reads are Marushi > Trigger > hyuge > Spike.

    Marushi - I am convinced that Marushi is Mafia. Everything in my first case was enough to draw suspicion, but the way she has defended herself makes me even more sure that she is Mafia.
    Trigger - See the previous case. He is all but confirmed Mafia by now.

    hyuge - I have been suspecting hyuge for a while due to peculiar wordings and a general bad vibe. I had some suspicion of her due to the way she handled Trigger before Marushi's actions concerning her, but before that I was going purely on a gut read. Even if both Trigger and Marushi turn out to be town, it's a strong enough gut read that I would lynch her above everyone else if I had no hard data.
    Spike - He is the only other person who is ambiguous enough to be scum. I don't really suspect him. He is just more likely than the others by process of elimination. Same as hyuge, but without the gut read or direct quote data.[DOUBLEPOST=1416342863][/DOUBLEPOST]
  2. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    i'm just about finished i wasn't planning on post until almost the last moment but i'll post them when i finish!!

    also fair warning it is going to be very long lol and sorry if it's hard to follow i tried my best
  3. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    You kidding? If it's longer than my posts I'll give you an award.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    I jumped out of doing an assignment due at 5pm to read this post and that took way longer than I thought it would.

    Anyway, I agree with your cases. All except Spike, but it's basically your wording anyway. So does this mean Mish is like, honorary number 5? I don't think Spike and Mish would be on the same team, which is why I feel like it could be one or the other.
  5. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    most of it is just recapping what they did so that added a lot of length but i don't think that it'll be longer than yours lol

    okay i'm going to post it now!!
  6. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Mish is honorary read #5. I don't believe it's possible for Mish and Marushi to be on the same scum team. I am sure Marushi is Mafia, so Mish is off the table until further notice.
  7. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    in order of who i think is mafia [ trig and spike are basically on the same level tho ]...


    #54 – nonsense intro post
    #92 – has no opinions on anyone
    #106 – says his first post was ‘icebreaker’ post, would like to hear more from the fuk, mish, and me
    #126 – finally responds to makaze’s plan after being prodded two times, say it’s ‘a bit silly’ bc there isn’t much to say so early in the game, my reaction post didn’t tell him anything
    #128 – worries about ppl getting lynched for no reason bc of trains forming and why he is hesitant, would like to hear more from the fuk
    #130 – says the fuk was a ‘good player’ last game and asks specifically for his ideas on possible mafia and getting info
    #132 – asks me if i find anyone suspicious or would like to hear from
    #142 – thinks that no one can really be written off yet and says that i could still be mafia, says that i possibly wasn’t defended bc mafia weren’t on; votes the fuk [ no reason given?? ]
    #170 – defends spike saying that he’s at least been contributing, while the fuk hasn’t at all and also accused him of being mafia
    #175 – defends mish
    #177 – continues to defend mish by throwing in his interpretation of her post
    #180 – says that he and makaze should just ask mish herself
    #264 – unvotes the fuk; no reason given
    #267 – says he’ll revote the fuk in a sec
    #271 – says that makaze’s ‘random gamble voting’ doesn’t help town, plans on revoting after makaze does
    #273 – revotes the fuk; no reason given
    #285 – says that he unvoted the fuk bc he ‘panicked over [makaze] trying to take so much control over the situation’, regrets it
    #287 – would like to hear what ppl think of what he did
    #296 – says he intended to revote the fuk the whole time, but saw it pointless after marushi voted for him; wanted to revote him to combat makaze’s control; calls makaze out for calling ppl out for viewing thread
    #298 – thought the fuk had more votes at the time
    #310 – doesn’t mind makaze being a ‘leader figure’, but doesn’t like his idea of randomly voting someone; understood that he was taking a big risk, but felt strongly about the fuk; asks spike for his thoughts
    #313 – didn’t find mish, spike, or myself all that suspicious, says he voted purely on who thought would be least useful to town; says that if ppl asked him questions, he would have answered
    #357 – says he’ll post his reads tomorrow after makaze asked for them; has yet to post

    #142 – votes the fuk; no reason given
    #264 – unvotes the fuk; no reason given // later states that it was bc he panicked over makaze’s control [ #285 ]
    #273 – revotes the fuk; no reason given

    >looking back, post #170 may have said a lot. recently in the thread there’s been discussion that both trig and spike are mafia, and this post would def show some buddying going on. since the fuk is confirmed town, i think that trig is mafia. in addition, i think that if trig / spike is mafia, then the other is as well. this coupled with his absence in regards to posting his reads after being specifically asked by makaze many times and his adversion to makaze’s plans supports that he is mafia.


    #91 – was going to vote makaze but didn’t bc he realized he is town, doesn’t like being aggressive on the first day
    #121 – realizes that passiveness is unhelpful, says he’ll keep an eye on trig and the fuk, votes for me bc of inactivity
    #149 – points out that three ppl are on verge on soft lynch, asks how confident ppl’s choices are
    #182 – basically says he’s very watchful and observes everyone before acting, hence his inactivity, after makaze asked him about it
    #184 – nothing
    #189 – unvotes me, votes the fuk bc he’s been suspicious of him
    #191 – unvotes the fuk bc he didn’t realize he was really close to a hard lynch
    #201 – nothing
    #218 – clarifies that cal, trig, himself, and i are who makaze was asking about [ who would he vote for to polarize maf ]
    #230 – votes for me bc i voted for cal, thinks trig’s opinions about not making rash decisions isn’t punishable
    #282 – asks ppl’s opinions on why tale got killed
    #311 – says trig’s move was ‘ballsy’, not going to condemn him bc ‘it’s not the flashy moves that incriminate the guilty’
    #409 – defends himself against makaze, saying that he voted for me twice bc of my inactivity, backs up what he said about trig before, calls makaze out for making accusations without context, votes for mish with no reason given
    #412 – agrees that trig is the best bet for mafia, doesn’t vote for him bc he’s already at a soft lynch
    #415 – says that mish is ‘letting the chips fall where they may’

    #121 – votes for me; inactivity
    #189 – unvotes me, votes the fuk; bc he had suspicions earlier on
    #191 – unvotes the fuk; didn’t realize he was so close to a hard lynch
    #230 – votes for me; feels putting cal at risk by voting for her is unnecessary, says that trig keeping ppl from making rash decisions ‘is an attitude [he’s] not going to punish’
    #409 – votes for mish; no reason given, backs up his reasoning with trig

    >i think that spike didn’t post [ other than the flu, which he stated in post #409 ] bc he would be expected to vote for trig, which he seems to avoid. there have been cases throughout the thread where he’s been suspicious of him, or would be keeping his on him, but didn’t act on his suspicions. in fact, he’s dismissed pretty much trig’s most incriminating deed [ the unvoting/revoting] and fails to mention his inactivity, despite it being pointed out many times in the thread. i think that spike is mafia; if he or trig is confirmed for mafia, i think the other is as well.


    #41 – votes tale ‘just because’
    #43 – argues that first vote means nothing
    #52 – says there’s no need for anyone else to vote tale
    #55 – unvotes tale, says will vote against him again when she returns
    #71 – returns, does not revote tale, asks who cal is suspicious of
    #73 – agrees with cal, says that trig’s nonsense first post is unhelpful and will be ‘keeping an eye on him’, asks trig his opinion of general thread activity
    #75 – questions mish on why she claimed she was town, voted me, then left, asks why mish voted me
    #77 – ‘can buy’ mish’s explanation, asks the fuk and spike their opinions
    #82 – votes cstar, says posts ‘don’t sit right’ with her
    #108 – backs up reasoning on cstar, agrees with makaze and hyuge’s plan, votes for me bc my posts are few and unsubstantial even tho i ‘feel townie’ to her
    #133 – says that my willingness to die isn’t helping town, says my change in demeanor makes her unsure if i’m townie or not [ contradicts what she said before ?? ], points out the fuk is inactive
    #135 – asks for clarification about my point
    #139 – makes up hypothetical situation to explain to me that a lynch first day is good
    #160 – unvotes me bc she agrees with makaze’s reasoning, says cal’s vote for me is odd
    #162 – says she unvoted me bc she ‘reviewed all new information’ [ doesn’t explain further tho? ], is afraid of getting someone past a soft lynch
    #208 – nothing
    #213 – nothing
    #227 – says that the fuk should be lynched due to inactivity
    #229 – votes spike
    #238 – nothing
    #241 – nothing
    #256 – ‘warning bells’ on mish bc contradicting opinions and actions [ thinking i’m mafia, unvoting me in the same post ]
    #258 – nothing
    #260 - nothing
    #262 – nothing
    #266 – thinks makaze’s plan is brilliant
    #268 – unvotes spike, votes the fuk; replaces trig’s unvotes
    #270 – says trig tried to save the fuk
    #274 – if the fuk’s mafia, he’s ‘sunk’
    #276 – nothing
    #278 – nothing
    #292 – says we need to keep a close eye on trig bc of unvoting/revoting thing
    #299 – asks mish what she thinks of trig explaining himself
    #302 – calls mish out on not stating her opinion of trig
    #304 – nothing
    #309 – waits for spike and makaze to post thoughts before voting, wants to ‘play it safe’
    #366 – huge post about how mish is mafia, hyuge and spike are maybe mafia, and i’m town; asks what cal and cstar think about what she said; confirms she is hated; votes mish
    #369 – nothing
    #371 – asks makaze why he thinks she’s mafia
    #379 – huge post defending herself; says makaze only sees things in ‘black and white’, likes his plans but not his methods; backs up her reasoning for voting spike [ very little posts that mean nothing ]; says that she follows makaze bc he knows what he’s doing and is confirmed town; says she wasn’t hated to copy makaze’s strategy from last game
    #389 – says trig is most likely mafia bc of the vote thing, ‘dropping off the map’ when makaze asked his town reads; again mentions makaze’s black and white-ness; says that if mish is mafia, hyuge is most likely her buddy; overall seems very suspicious of mish, hyuge, and spike
    #395 – unable to answer makaze’s concerns about her scum readings due to real life constraints; realizes this only adds to her suspicion
    #397 – says will most likely be able to give reads tomorrow
    #400 – further explains that she may not be able to give scum and town reads due to comp
    #413 – posts reads; i’m most townie, trigger is most scummy, followed by spike and mish [ saving herself?? ]
    #416 – clarifies that she suspects the top three ppl individually, not as a team, would be surprised if mish and spike were both maf

    #41 – votes tale; ‘just because’
    #55 – unvotes tale; says will vote against him when she returns [ doesn’t revote ]
    #82 – votes cstar; posts ‘don’t sit right’ with her
    #108 – unvotes cstar, votes for me; my posts are few and unsubstantial [ even tho i ‘feel townie to her?? ]
    #160 – unvotes me; agrees with makaze about my lack of defense and that i’ve posted things that ‘fit a certain type of townie thinking’ [ first instance of shadowing makaze?? ]
    #162 – further explains that she unvoted me after she ‘reviewed all new information’, afraid of getting someone past soft lynch [ doesn’t expand on ‘new information’?? ]
    #229 – votes spike; follows makaze’s plan to bring two ppl up to three votes
    #268 – unvotes spike, votes the fuk; replaces trig’s unvotes
    #366 – votes mish; mainly bc she contradicts herself a lot

    >i think she followed makaze to appear as town as possible. as soon as makaze called her out on it and said she is mafia, she switched gears and criticized him on his tendency to see things only in black and white. however, she also said that she followed him bc he is confirmed town and has lots of experience. i see this as her trying to distance herself from makaze without making herself seem suspicious.
    >she has stated many times throughout the thread that she would be ‘keeping an eye’ on trig and even said she was suspicious of him, yet she hasn’t voted him once? i think it’s a little odd that, considering trig’s behavior, she has yet to vote for him. yes, there is a soft lynch on trig at the moment, but she had plenty of opportunities prior to vote for him; instead she voted for mish. her reasoning for suspecting for mish seems legit, but the fact that she hasn’t ever voted trig once despite her suspicion throughout the thread is a bit odd. i think if marushi / trig is mafia, then the other is as well and that mish is town.

    also sorry this took so long to post lol i had it in a word doc and when i copied it over it messed up a bunch of stuff and i had to fix it lol

  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Try writing your posts using a Plaintext editor like Notepad (or this and save using Notepad if you want formatting).
  9. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    i will for the future thanks!!

    sorry about the strike thing tho really i tried fixing it like ten times so excuse that if you can [ you being plural ]
  10. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Fixed version of Beau's post:
  11. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    @Makaze god bless you[DOUBLEPOST=1416350075][/DOUBLEPOST]since i posted it early i'd really like to hear your guys' thoughts on it i worked really hard on it so i'd like to see it being useful!! lol
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
  12. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Just read it now, and only three minutes to deadline. Typing fast to get something in quick. It's obvious Trigs is going to be lynched today. Hopefully we guessed correctly. Everyone will have to wait until the next day cycle to more thoroughly discuss your post Andy, but wanted to say good job for doing it because it's the most effort you've put into a Mafia post. Those were some pretty sound facts, rather than just a bunch of opinions. Hopefully everyone's hard work today pays off.
  13. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    At this point I don't even want to try and argue anymore. I've made my case as best I can and no matter what I say it's twisted to look bad. We're technically past the deadline anyway and Nova could cut off talking any minute. I'm sorry I sounded too stressed and panicky for your liking, I know you think dying shouldn't be something to blink an eye at. Oh well. See you guys "tomorrow." Hopefully I'll have a working laptop again by then. For the record, I hope you're at least right about Trigger.
  14. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Casually Posts Nightstart as if Not Horrendously Late
    • Trigger - 4 (Makaze, al215, Mish, Calxiyn)
    • Mish - 2 (Marushi, Spike)
    • Marushi - 1 (hyuge)
    . . .

    "Then we are in accord?" The question seems to be addressed to no one in particular, though the answer is clear enough. The party converges on the accused—in a somewhat more orderly fashion than last time, thankfully. They hoist the accused onto their shoulders (through much kicking and screaming) and hurl him out of the window.

    ...Rather, they fully intend to, and thus encounter a sudden shock followed by profound sheepishness as the accused crumples against the wrought-iron bars sealing the windows. Though judging by the shape of his head the job appears to be done regardless.

    Trigger has been lynched. He was Mr. Kint, a member of the Mafia.​

    Mr. Perkins claps quietly. "Well done, one and all. Only two left to go. Now, as always, I must insist the remainder of us retire to bed in preparation for tomorrow's deliberations. As before, be well and lock your doors."

    N I G H T • T W O

    Night ends on Friday, November 21st, at 12:00 ᴘ.ᴍ. (EST). Day start may be delayed as I acquire a replacement.
  15. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    It's difficult to stay upset at the obnoxious morning bell, when the party knows full well that a hearty breakfast lies beyond it. Unlike other mornings, however, this time the group fills their plates, finds a seat, and waits in silence, all without touching their meals. All eyes are turned pensively to the butler, as though they are all waiting for something. It seems they intend not to have their good food spoiled by the sight of another corpse.

    Sensing the mood, Mr. Perkins begins straightaway. "I have good news, ladies and gentlemen. There is no body this morning."

    No lives were claimed in the night.

    Suddenly the sitting room is alive with the sounds of ravenous devouring, all snarfs and scromps and the clink-clatter-click of silverware hitting plates. Over the din, Mr. Perkins continues: "We have also received another anonymous message, presumably from the same source as previous. It reads:"

    "...And that concludes the morning news. You may begin deliberations whenever you are ready."

    D A Y • T H R E E

    With 9 left alive, it takes 5 to lynch and 3 to soft-lynch. Day ends Monday, November 24th, 7:00 ᴘ.ᴍ. (EST). Also, KeyToTruth12 will be replacing Spike.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
  16. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Oh my god I cannot believe I am alive.

    A+ to the Jailer for amazing strategy.

    Announcer: I don't want to assume, but I don't think I have a choice: The way you ask why we haven't stopped bothering her suggests you aren't aware of the reasons already posted. Most people have given their opinions of her. Please read the thread unless you want people to repeat themselves.
  17. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    I actually thought this was going to happen, so I was thinking about this the other night, if this were to happen there's a few things we could take from it:

    1. The Jailor jailed the person that was going to be killed: Obviously this is one of the more likely ones. If so we can potentially confirm another townie depending on who was jailed (Unless Makaze was jailed, then well, that's not as helpful because we know he's town.)
    2. The Mafia are people who are or have been not-so-active. This could mean we could narrow down the Mafia to people who haven't been so active lately. So of course I was thinking Spike (Now replaced with KeytoTruth) but Spike's inactivity did not stop the Mafia from killing the last time, so I'm a bit iffy on this.
    3. The Mafia couldn't decide on who to kill.

    4. Not killing anyone could be part of a plan of some sort. I don't think this is very likely because obviously the Mafia need to kill in order to win. Not killing anyone just puts them at a disadvantage unless I'm not seeing something.

    [DOUBLEPOST=1416591460][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and Makaze just posted. Nevermind XD
  18. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Bringing attention to this for anyone who missed it already.

    Welcome to the game, Key.
    I can't be sure they Jailed me. I'm basing it on how much the Mafia would have wanted to kill me last night and would have thought that the Jailer chose me N1 and couldn't save me last night.
  19. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Oh ok xD I didn't realize that you weren't told if you were Jailed or not
  20. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I don't want you strangle you guys like the past few days, so please start the Day without me. I'd appreciate it.[DOUBLEPOST=1416593844][/DOUBLEPOST]... Just realized the irony in asking you to go on without me as a favor to me. Hahahaha. Would edit if could edit.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014