Mafia [Mafia] Mr. E's Murder Mystery at Misty Mountain Manor ~ GAME OVER (EVERYONE'S A WINNER!)

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Ars Nova, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    "oh hey look tale said in his first post that it would suck to be killed off early in the game WOULDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF HE WAS THE FIRST ONE WE KILLED OFF LOLOLOLOL"

    Real funny. >:'c
  2. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    Now this is a rocky start if I've ever seen one......

    Anyway, I can't stay on too long because I start work in an hour until late and again tomorrow morning going into the afternoon, but in the meantime, does anybody have a thought on why tale would get killed at this point? He didn't seem that significant of a player last round.
  3. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I suspect mafia didn't want to give away any more information than they already have. He was one of the players the Mafia were sure the Jailer wouldn't choose to jail.

    I have question a for everyone.

    What do you think of what Trigger did yesterday?
  4. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    I do find it quite questionable. I see him viewing the thread now so I'll give him the chance to explain himself.
  5. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    I'll say right now that the only reason I did it was because I panicked over you trying to take so much control over the situation. It wasn't the smartest way to address it, and I do regret it a little.
  6. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I'd like to hear an opinion from every single person, so please do not think you are off the hook just because Trigger replies. If something he says changes your opinion, I want to hear how you felt before you read it too. Thanks.
  7. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    I'd like to hear what you think as well tbh
  8. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I am confirmed town, so they cannot learn anything new from what I have to say. I will give my opinion after hearing from everyone else so that we can all learn as much as possible without people sheeping me.
  9. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    This. The Jailer would have most likely protected Makaze last night, so instead of Mafia wasting a night trying to kill him off to no avail, they were better off killing someone of little suspicion in order to cover for themselves and not waste the night.
    I haven't decided what to make of it other than odd. I don't feel like a Mafia member would have blatantly risked being so careless like that, but I don't understand what his thought process was in doing it in the first place. Even with having read the posts going on in which he had unvoted and then revoted, and his response now, it doesn't make a lot of sense. It was careless, and nonsensical. Was it a mafia move? I have yet to be certain.
  10. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
  11. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    What Trigger did seemed very suspicious, but I agree with Hyuge in the sense that I don't feel a Mafia Member would be that careless.

    Even his reply now is questionable. He could either have been a Mafia Member making a mistake or a Townie under pressure. I did say in another post I thought Trigger was a little suspicious at the start of the game, this only adds to my suspicion.
  12. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I was at work. I kept my eye on things on my phone, but I don't log in on my phone because it's an old model and doesn't do well with sign-ins and alerts. XD

    As for what happened with Trigger and the Fuk?, I've been thinking it over all weekend, and I still don't know what to make of it. I feel bad about The Fuk?'s death, since I jumped the gun. I thought I had figured out Makaze's plan, and was anxious to see it working, but I guess it's pretty obvious I didn't get it right. As for Trigger, well, I initially thought that since The Fuk? was town, he probably was too. After all, a mafia member probably wouldn't pull out of a lynch when it was a townie on the line. But then later I decided that the Fuk's alignment really isn't very conclusive. Maybe Trigger did pull out because he was nervous about how much power Makaze had. But that doesn't determine his alignment. A townie panicking over uncontrollable elements and a mafiosi panicking over uncontrollable elements would both look about the same, I think.

    So yeah, I definitely think we need to keep a close eye on Trigger.
  13. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    sorry just got back from work

    i was a little late to the party that day so i didn't experience the events first person, but when i discovered what trig did i was very confused. like what did that accomplish?? idk if he's like a townie that was trying to trick mafia into changing their vote at the last second or something or if he's a mafia member who did something very odd because no one would expect a mafia member to do such a thing. regardless it was a very pointless move that only ended up freaking people out

    like i said i viewed the thread afterwards when it already happened and i was freaking out a little so lol
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    I didn't forget I just got home, theatre and band at football games. Busy schedule for a Friday, I'm usually home.

    I'm most likely going to repeat what has already been said, but I did find Trigger's actions at the end of the day suspicious, but again I do think a mafia member wouldn't have been so careless about something like that. BUT, I am still getting an odd vibe from it. I know Trigger pulled out because he wanted to, "Vote after Makaze revoted." but Makaze never did, so he went back to his old vote. I keep getting the vibe that Trigger waited to see who Makaze voted for so he could jump on the bandwagon. I could be wrong but that's honestly how I see it.
  15. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    @Spike, I saw you viewing the thread. Why didn't you say anything?
  16. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    Actually I intended to revote The Fuk? the whole time. To me, he was the most likely candidate because of his general lack of response and contribution to everything. I wanted to revote him so he would be the one lynched instead of whoever Makaze chose. But then Marushi voted out of nowhere so it made the whole thing void because he had more than enough votes for a lynch.

    Also, @Makaze, you really need to stop calling people out simply for viewing the thread. Just because they viewed it doesn't mean they'll always have all their thoughts gathered on what's going on. I know you just want responses, but it's a bit naggy.
  17. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    He had four votes including me, not without me. Had I voted for anyone else, he would only have 3 votes upon your revote, and we already confirmed he was not Hated, so he would not die. You would not be able to stop me from moving the lynch unless you brought the person I don't vote for up to four instead.

    Not exactly. I have other motives. Lurking the thread without replying can be telling in certain situations. Plus, nagging is psychological warfare.
  18. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    Yeah, I know, which is why I regret it. At the time I thought he had more votes than he actually did.

    And fair enough I guess. Sorry for saying anything.
  19. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Rrgh all this waiting with nothing to say is driving me crazy!

    Mish, you wanted to give Trigger a chance to explain himself. Now that he has, what do you think about all this?
  20. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    I agree with what's been said. Trigger's behaviour is... Odd. I don't see what the point in voting The Fuk? at the end was because it was obvious the lynch would have succeeded. Had anybody actually changed their vote, then they'd be on the chopping block for today. So, there's the chance that it's someone under pressure. To me, that's the most likely explanation because as Calxiyn and a couple of other people have pointed out, it's a bit careless to change your vote last minute because that would make you the obvious target for suspicion. Which was what is happening now.

    Although one has to ask, why did he bother? The lynch was going to go through. He says it's so the lynch would go on despite Mak's hypothetical last minute vote switch and he didn't want that to happen because the idea of Makaze having almost total control over the town's voting is bad. In fairness, the idea of one very vulnerable person dying controlling the town's decision making isn't great, but the fact that he would so pointlessly try to contradict it at that time as well just doesn't seem right. For a Mafia it's careless, for a Townie it's also pretty careless not to mention counter productive.

    Not to mention the fact that it would cause a Tie Vote if my maths on the subject turned out correctly. In this instance, Makaze would have won out anyway because of the tie vote rule which states that the person most recently voted for out of the ties is the one lynched. I'm confused. To quote (To the best of my memory) L:

    "This situation is so stupid, I'm not really sure how to handle it."

    If there's a couple of mathematical errors, please forgive me because at the moment I'm a bit confused as to the vote totals. In any case, there's all my thoughts on the case of this rather strange behaviour.

    I do actually want to consider what has been said about Makaze's seeming control over the town though. He's confirmed, which means it's fairly risk free for us to follow him in terms of being led on by the Mafia, however as someone has pointed out, the Jailer likely locked him up tonight to protect him from a Day One death. I would assume they would like him dead because Mak is an outspoken and active player and losing him would be very, very bad for the town (Logical skills and leadership lost). Which therefore suggests that they may try and kill him tonight and get him out the way early. It'll allow the Mafia to have a less powerful Town against them because we've lost a valuable member and then it'll leave it open for them to step up to the leadership plate. The problem with them killing Mak is, you can't even read into his death. I believe that there is usually at least beyond the first night a logical reason to Mafia kills. As a result, we can possibly make a conclusion that a certain person was accused based on something they said on a day or previous day. Mak doesn't allow us this. He's such a blindingly obvious target why wouldn't you kill him? That's part of the problem. I don't have any thoughts on tale_wind being killed other than it was a reasonably valuable kill that wasn't condemning. I don't think that Tale made any significant accusations that would make him a particularly good target, but he kept a reasonable post count. This kill I think is just a somewhat directed kill to remove a reasonable player.

    Anyhow, I just went on a tangent about kill theories when I was trying to talk about the Makaze leadership issue that seems to have expressed. I can see why it could be a problem, but for the moment I think if we listen and make use of him while he's around (because we have no idea how long he's going to stay that way) then that works out for us alright. That said, we do need independence to form our own ideas and theories. I remember I think it was Marushi (at least someone) made a point that Mak seemed to discard other people's theories because they weren't his own (If I remember rightly Marushi actually did mention this on Page 13 Post #256). I don't know how well that holds up, although I think that's something to bear in mind. We're all going to have different takes on the situation at hand one way or another and our best shot it seems to me is rather than sheep Makaze (Even though he's usually got a good plan and idea, so following where appropriate? Then we get back to the problem that we're all sheeping because he's logical and it makes sense to... Ugh, complicated problems!), we should operate with at least a modicum of personal independence and present our theories in a somewhat equal fashion, look at what it is presented and then come to a general consensus/agreement with the matter.

    I realise that we've probably all come to the same conclusion, that or simply haven't decided to address it yet, but I felt like someone should throw down a few ideas on the subject and I'd actually like to contribute something to get people's heads working, so there you go. Feel free to offer any agreements/disagreements and other opinions on what I've said here.

    Also, I'd like to apologise if I've mis-attributed ideas to people because I got confused about who said what a couple of times when writing this.