I wonder who wrote this.... Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._Night_Shyamalan Anyone see "The Last Airbender" yet?
I did. I now want to make my own movie, and actually use the decent script that was the original show, instead of changing practically everything.
If we stopped then others would see it, and thus the director makes money for making a ****** movie based on white-washing, a poor script, and his arrogance. We can keep complaining about the movie if we choose to. I personally wish that no movie was ever made about the Avatar in the first place, but no Night came in and r***** it up the Butt.
the plan is to make two more movies... but i dont think its going to happen.. maybe if they got a new director...but i doubt that.
Maybe it'll be like The Golden Compass where they made plans to finish the trilogy and then never did.
Maybe, but there's those non-fans of Avatar who saw the film and thought it was "okay", like Dragon Ball Evolution and those who've never heard of the manga/anime. Hopefully, the fan hate will stop any more movies though.
I don't think too many people enjoyed it. Plus, the animated series WAS on Nickelodeon, which has a pretty big fan-base. Assuming many people saw the original, they will pick it over the movies. I guess all we can do is hope that this film ruins his career.
Or Eragon. God all these children series that are good in their original version but are butchered by these damn directors.