Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by The Great Gatz, Jul 24, 2009.
Man! .
Joe Budden *****.
I like Jay-Z :>
i do too but not like a fan i just like some of his songs =x
it's ok to like rap. Don't worry :)
Fixed that.
You don't know me and you don't know my style...
Jay came out with a new song today :v
Link for the lazy :v
my 3 favs are 50 cent jay-z and lil wayne :>
thank you sir.
Jay-Z's overrated. inb4attacked
I agree. Still, better than many other modern rap artists, even if he does it just for money.
PMing the DL link now Just a bit.
Underated Skills.
Run This Town is pretty solid. I like.
lil wayne feat. jay-z mr. carter ftw!