Warning: Crack. OMG. Hax. D= Well, I'd have to say, this is... Much, MUCH different from Savage Nymph's, and even more different then I thought it'd be. XD This took about... What - 30 minutes to do? XD; Whatever - I needed a stress relief. Badly. SooooOOOOOoOoooooOoooOOOOOOOoooOoooooOooo much crap to do, it's not even funny. I hope you guys enjoy this... I originally wasn't planning to do it, BUT I decided what the heck, so yeah. XD; Rantrantrant. ENJOY! XD; 2Foxxie4U's Irrelevant \ Sleep Deprived Productions~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luxord’s Diar-- Journal Entry #1: Oi… I’m not even sure why I even bothered to do this… It seams like such a waste of time… What am I supposed to write in this stupid thing, any way? I guess I could rant on and on about me ranting on and on about me ranting on and on, but that gets boring fast doncha think? Yeah… I think so, too. Ho-hum… Let’s see… Well… Now that you mention it, something interesting DID happen today… I guess that happens rarely enough so that I can write about it. Yeah, uh… Today, we went to the movies. Dewm – I know. XD It took us FOREVER to get there (Are Saix and Xiggy gonna have a catfight everytime it comes down to who can drive the ship?! DX Why couldn’t it be something more along the lines of… Oh, Iunno – mud wrestling?), and then when we DID, get there, the Terrible Trio wouldn’t freakin’ SHUT UP about what kinda movie snacks they wanted. Xemnas, however, being the miser he was, wouldn’t let them get a thing, unless they paid with their own munny. Of course, they didn’t get anything, but we had to deal with their complaining for at least half an hour after that… =.=; And then, the movie… Wow. The movie. I can’t even remember at all what it was about because no one would freakin’ SHUT UP! DX Here’s basically what it was like the whole time though: “Xeeeemnaaaaaas!!! I’m thiiirstyyyyy!” “Demyx, we’ve already been through this—” “I’m DYYYYIN’, THOUGH! C’mon, Xemmy – please?” “No.” “Please?” “No.” “PLEASE?!” “FINE! Here – take this and get yourself somethin’ to f[lalalaaaa...!~]in’ drink, alright?!” “FWEEEEE! MUNNY!” “Hey – how come HE gets to buy somethin?!” “Would you guys kindly shut the hell UP?!” “No – YOU shut up, Stupid-Head of… um… Whirlwind… LANCING!!!” A snort. “Nice comeback, Shorty.” “I AIN’T SHORT!” “CAN IT!” “Guys – calm down – it’s only the previews, alright?!” “PREVIEWS?! What the hell is THAT?! I don’t wanna see no PREVIEWED movie that other people have seen already! Those are the sloppy-seconds of—” “SAIX!” “QUIET!” “I can’t hear a f[honk!]ing thing!” “SHHH!” “Silence is golden, Number VII.” “Silence is golden?! Ain’t there any dialogue in this picture?! That’s okay – I got my own soundtrack. THIS SUCKS!” “No – YOU suck!” “This isn’t Open Mic Nite!” “I heard this movie got two thumbs up! My question is… Up WHAT?! OOOOH! Burn!” “Nice one, Xiggy! High-five!” “WHY DON’T YOU GO KILL YOURSELF?! “Hey, guys! I’m back!” “Oh, great. If it isn’t everyone’s favorite Waterboy!” “HUSH! The movie is starting!” -45 minutes later…- “Excuse me? Excuse me?! I-I have to go to the bathroom… Again.” “Get out of my way – I can’t see!” “Ya see – THIS is why I never let you have anything to drink!” “Is it my fault the small-sized drink is 164 OUNCES?!” “Suck it up! You’re a big boy—” “EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!!!” “Sit down, you ******!” “Yeah!” “Out of the way!” “Shut up!” “Don’t yell at me! …I’ve got a nervous bladder… Oh, boy… Ahhhhhhh… That’s okay – I don’t need to go anymore.” “GROSS!!!” “Yup – I’m thirsty again!” “Brr-r-rr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ring…!~” “HANG UP THE F[ping!]ING PHONE!!!” “Turn that off!” “GOD – chill out everybody! I have to take this! It could be incredibly important! … Yo – what up, GURL?!” “CAN IT!” “Awww, nuthin’. What choo you doin’?” “PIPE DOWN!” “Oh, no way! I’m watchin’ that movie now, too!” “Shut UP!” “Oh, SNAP! We’re in the same theater!” “What up, Dawg’?” “What up, gurl?! Gawd – doesn’t this movie SUCK?! All the people here are *******S!” “WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” “Hey! Hey, LADY! Shut that kid up!” “Don’t you tell me how to raise my child!” “I hate babies…” “Aw, C’MON! Take the little brat to the lobby!” “Why, I NEVER!” “Hey, guys! I’ve got an idea! Let’s throw popcorn at her until she f[arf!]s off?!” “READY!” “NO! I paid good munny for that!” “Fine, MOM!” “Don’t you talk to the Superior that way!” “Why don’t cha MAKE ME?!” “THAT’S IT! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUGHHHH!!!” “Wow – I didn’t know this was an action movie!” “… Ew… R-rated action movie…” “OH, GAWD! MY SPINE! PUT IT BACK IN! PUT IT BACK IN!!!” Yeeeeeeeah… Entertaining to say the least. Well, I’m tired of writing now. See ya next time, I guess… ~GGL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WTF? A diary entry by Luxord WITHOUT any major Xiggy stalking?! XD I'll make sure to fix that the next time. ( DUN, DUN, DUUUUN!!!! D= ) Stay tuned. ;D (If ya want. XD; ) Lord of the Wings, ~Leah.
XD Yes! ZOMG, awesome as usual. Can't wait to see some of the stalking entries. Gawd, those'll be crazeh.
lol, you're so hilarious. "Take that brat to the lobby" "Don't tell me how to raise my child!" xD I love your stories. Pwnage. Great Job. PLEASE continue, I wanna see Luxord stalk Xiggy 8D ~
Oh my GOD THAT WAS AWSOME!! That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life!! I nearly fell of my chair laughing!:roll:
LOLOLOLOL - thnx, Lemon. XD My crack seems to have that effect on people... XD; I will! ^-^ Soon as I get done with the important stuff... X.x; ........... You... Have no... Idea. XD
...D: NO XIGGY STALKING T^T HOW COULD YOU D: But yeah xD I <3 it as always, nicely written xD It sounds like my friends and I at the movies <.>
I'll fix it next tiem, buddeh - honest and fortruly! ;~; *hugz* TT^TT And also, I'll try not to do that huge sting of dialogue again. XD; I got lazeh, and was kinda jumpy because I knew there were better, more important things I had to do with my time. XD; Taffellapen. That is all.
XDDDDD This was so funny, I was laughing so hard my grandparents had to check on me to make sure I wasn't dying. Great stuff you got there, Foxxie. I loved it. ^^
D: It won't lemme rep you! Apparently I'm supposed to "spread it around" or something... XD Nice job! I was laughing for like.. nine minutes! XD