here is a poem i wrote after i lost my boyfriend. Here I stand Alone in the dark I think of you and dream But my dreams never came true You left me with a broken heart I cried and waited for your return But you never came There I laid myself to sleep And never again will I wake With the pain of losing you.
I'm sorry for your loss... This poem was very deep. The words flowed and had feeling to them. Nice job. <83
More poems V~Together~V Here I lay, dying of an illness. I never get sick and slowly lose my life. I can't tell what caused it. No one cares. But I see you, at my side until the end. By the time my eyes closed, you cried my name. Days passed and you died of a broken heart. That is when I saw you again. And we get stayed together, forever. V~Love and Death~V The breeze of the wind. The smell of the spring air Reminds me of you. You meant the world to me. Now your gone and my world is dead. I feel nothing and see nothing. Why would you leave me? Winters are long and brutle. Summers are hot and dry. If you didn't leave, I would still be alive. The pain I felt was too much for my heart. That's the cause of my death. Now I live in a new world One with no pain, no love and no suffering. I still feel something's still missing in my heart. But I don't know anymore.