Has anyone else picked up this RPG? I thought it was a rather interesting game, a bit drawn out and poor dialogue at times, but all in all it was a great game(as expected by anyone that played/enjoyed the previous Lunar games) I wanna hear other people's opinions about this game though, so if you've played it or seen it even, lets hear what you thought about it.
I have NEVER played the game before, but I have played all the other Lunar games, great games btw, and as soon as I can afford a DS, that's the first game I'm buying.
Alright, awesome you should be warned though Dragon Song is a prequel to Silver Star Story Complete...set approximatly 1000 years prior, I will be posting a few story summations in a few moments, which will have spoilers in them, but it just might be worth reading before playing....also I will post up my thoughts about the Lunar series and interesting little notes that I've picked up.
Yes, I know that's the prequel. I will be happy to read whatever you post about the Lunar series, for it's my favorite game series and a total classic.
Once upon a time there was a classic Sega CD RPG called Lunar: The Silver Star. It had a sequel, Lunar: Eternal Blue, which was set about 1000 years after the events of the first game. These were both fairly awesome games. About 5-6 years later, these games were both remade for the Playstation (with updated graphics, various tweaks and chages to the stories, and awesome anime-style cutscenes) as Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. This game, Lunar: Dragon Song, is a prequel to Lunar: The Silver Star, set about 1000 years prior to it. So it's the newest game in the series, but chronologically it's set first in the series's timeline. (SPOILERS FOR DRAGON SONG AHEAD!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!) Honestly, if you ignore the last two minutes of DS, there's sort of a framework of what could have been an amazing story. The basic theme of the Lunar series seems to have developed into the idea that there is no greater power than that of humanity. The message of SSSC was that peoples' imperfections and shortcomings should be seen as assets because they make them human, and EB/EBC's message was that people with strong enough convictions can overcome anything. DS's message seemed to be further exploring the power of humanity, this time delving into humanity's dual nature, and the capability of any person to become evil if he doesn't surround himself with friends and allies whose opinions and beliefs he respects; it shows Jian developing from someone who wants to charge into Vile castle by himself believing that other people will just slow him down, to gradually learning to trust other people, to finally passing the final dragon trial which makes quite clear that all people need friends and allies. It also creates a heavy parrallel between Jian and Ignatius, basically saying that if Jian doesn't change his ways he'll become just like Ignatius. (END SPOILERS!!!) All in all, I say this is a great game, I paid 17 dollars US for it and couldnt be happier with this as my first (and so far, only) DS title. The battle system is simple enough to pick up and understand immediately. The only complaint I had was holding the B button to run drains your HP total slowly(about 1 point ever 5 seconds).