If you think about it, only .001% of Earth's population has been to space. Going off of that, can we really assume that outer space exists? What if space is just something the government created in order make Americans/other countries' citizens think that humans are so small compared to space? This may sound like I'm some crazy conspiracy theorist, but it's something interesting to think about. All those stories of Galileo, Copernicus, and other astronomers are just made up. Maybe stars aren't even other galaxies/"Suns". Maybe they're some sort of electromagnetic illusion caused by the atmosphere's high composition of nitrogen. Thots?
*srs reply time* That would be a dang big conspiracy, as the US is hardly the only country with an interest in outer space. Unless all the world leaders are conspiring to hide something from all of humanity... One thing that comes to mind for me is a chapter of scripture in my religion's canon (I'm a Latter-day Saint, aka a Mormon). Here are a few verses of the first chapter of the Book of Moses: tl;dr I'm of the opinion that there is definitely stuff out there beyond our tiny little sphere.
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from realityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sorry i had to :c
the moon is clearly a projection by the government. the stars are clearly a projection the moon watches us the stars watch us they know what we speak they know what we feel they are the NSA the man in the moon is the NSA I need to stop this now this is like the 2nd post in the spam zone I've posted today people are going to think I am a maniac.
I can only imagine the worldwide heartbreak from aspiring astronomers, astrologists, astro-physicists, and science fiction fans/writers.
and in case I don't see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night Does this make Jim Carrey our lord and savior?
It seems you can now buy tickets for a trip in space, in case you' d like to check it out for yourself. I' m not even joking mind you. I know that we can mindlessly regurgitate spoonfed conclusions and still get good grades in school (in fact, in many ways, we' re encouraged to do just that), but the reasoning that led to those conclusions is out there, feel free to challenge it. The worldwide historywide conspiration theory doesn' t exactly seduce me. Scientists however could have defined the label "space" inacurately, that would be much easier to swallow. Happens all the time. Science does not give us certitudes, it gives us predictability and reliability. It' s a pragmatical tool.
It is quite an interesting idea, but then we get onto how can we prove anything is real, how to you prove your own existence? Even the "I think therefore I am" doesn't have any feet if you think everything we do could already be preprogrammed or something. And then we get onto the Matrix sort of ideas. I have a friend studying philosophy who gets drunk and asks me this all the time and my answer is: I like to believe that all I know is real and that is good enough for me. I have the same idea for outer space :3