L's Academy: Change the WorLd .:. The Remake.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jul 30, 2009.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Winter jumped at the voice that came from nowhere, but before she was able to reply to it someone else had came up to her. She spun around with an expression of shock on her face, not expecting anyone to talk to her. She noted that this guy was very much alike the headmaster and wondered if they were realtives... "Yeah, how did you know my name? Are you one of the staff here?" Well he has to be, duh Maria. Use your brain before talking. Winter cursed her mind for not processing the words before blurting them out.
  2. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    The girl seemed shocked at his sudden appearance, and the shorter boy stepped back calmly.
    "L sent me to find you," Near responded, raising his hand to twirl a few strands of his snowy hair between his fingers. "He said you seemed lost."
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Winter giggled nervously. Just the thought of being watched creeped her out and her paraiond thoughts were increasing by the second. "I just have the worst sense of direction ever. I blame the fact I don't get out much..." She shrugged off the thought and gave the boy a small smile. "I wouldn't suppose you'll show me the way to my next class then?"
  4. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Which room is it?" he inquired, and the thought crossed his mind that she could have been trying to figure out one of L's puzzles... but he doubted it. L had made sure to choose the students for his school very carefully; no one who couldn't figure out their classes on the first day wouldn't have been accepted into the academy in the first place. She probably just didn't take a good enough look at the map; or her sense of direction really was just that inefficient. Either way, here they were.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    She had to look at the piece of paper again,but found it annoying with the small font, so instead she pulled back her selve of her jacket to see the notes she had written on her arm. "They really should of used better font..." She muttered to herself as she read her custom made code for the classes. "The Japanese class...With Mr. Yagmai. God that hacking class was easier to find." She added with another mutter. Her smile returned when she looked towards the boy again. "Sorry to be a bother."
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    OOC- Sorry I posted and left, I had to go babysit pretty quickly ^^'

    Tears was still perched on top of walls, swinging her legs absentmindedly as she watched the young teacher and even younger student with interest, the teacher more then the student. To her eyes there wasn't anything to interesting and unusual about the girl, whom was apparently named 'Winter'. Instead her attention was drawn to the young man.

    Never before had she seen another person with white hair, be it dyed or natural. So the situation was certainly a novel sight for her, something she'd longed to witness since her very earliest years. Her lack of hair pigmentation had been a cause for bullying for her entire life until now, something that had always made her feel alone and leave her friendless in the end. But now it was apparent she wasn't the only one, of course she knew there were other albinos like herself. But she also knew how rare they are, and the chances of seeing another were rather slim for her having grown up in a small Oxfordshire town in the middle of the English countryside. But actually seeing another made the feeling of freakishness die down inside her. A small smile graced her lips.

    But her lack of freakishness didn't last too long. After a couple more moments she toppled down from the window sill and landed in a crumpled heap on the floor just behind Winter with a loud shout of jiberish.
  7. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "I can't help you unless you have a room number," the white-clad boy replied, just before the other girl fell from the window sill. After another step back, expecting Winter to be startled and jump again, he wondered silently about the scene in front of him. It was supposed to be a simple trip to get a lost student, but what did L actually get his successor into; when he sent Near away from his refuge among the tarot card towers?
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Winter was about to say the room number when someone fell behind her. Winter actually didn't get startled what so ever, instead she turned around and looked down at the girl. "I don't think you have good luck..." I muttered while having nothing else to say. Funny how she got startled by someone walking up behind her, but barely did anything when someone practically fell from the sky, not litterally of course, but close.
  9. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Tears pushed herself up from the ground and shook her head to clear it of the foggy mist that had descended over her eyes from the fall. As she sat crossed legged on the floor she swayed slightly, she hadn't landed on her head luckily but the fall had certainly dazed her a little. "No... It would seem I have rather bad luck wouldn't it?" She mumbled quietly, sounding rather ashamed of what an idiot she'd made herself seem.

    "Sorry..." She added on quickly, hoping it'd stop any scolding from the young teacher or scorn from the young woman. All the while internally lecturing herself about how she knew climbing up there had been a bad idea, how she was bound to fall and about how after not even a couple of hours in the place she'd made a total fool of herself.
  10. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    OOC: Ack, I'm extremely sorry about this. I'll get to posting right now.


    "Hello, Miss Olau I take it?" the tired man known simply as L replied in a callous tone.
    He sat behind his simplistic wooden desk, the previous strange computer monitors counting sixteen hidden underneath. On his desk was only a small plate of sweetened chocolate strawberries. L slowly and carefully picked one up and inserted the delicate thing into his mouth; a quick series of slurps signifying the removal of the chocolate.
    L looked back at the girl sitting in front of him with his huge black eyes. He sat with his legs to his chest, occasionally spinning around the chair he was sitting on.
    Finally, he finished eating his strawberry and concentrated on the girl, waiting for her to say a few words.
    I do hope she will be of proper use in that class.
  11. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Magick rolled her eyes. "My name is Magick. I'm afraid I won't be able to answer to anything else." She crossed her arms, staring right back at him. Her mother used to say she had authority issues. Maybe she did, and she didn't care. "What exactly am I here for? I'm missing my next class...English, I think it was. May I return there?" If he had any ideas about touching her, she had her thigh sheath, and her necklace.
  12. PainAndBliss095 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    Blue shrugged at whatever Diary meant on something off about him, but just let it slip for now. She was now paying too much attention to her book that she didn't want to disturbed anymore, although she knows that she'll probably end up needing to put it down at any moment. The girl's eyes moved with each word she read, almost wanting to mouth the words so she knows that she won't forget.
  13. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    ooc// I luve Near. I wants to glomp him. Badly.
    It was now five minutes past the start of class. Four other students had trickled in, much to Parker’s releif. However, the teacher had yet to show. The clock ticked in the silent room.

    “This is ridiculous. He is so late.” Parker’s train of thought was cut off by a loud bang. The door swung open, rather loudly and in pranced what seemed to be a male. He, presuming it was a he, was dressed flamboyantly for the academy. He obviously hadn’t gotten the memo about the dress code, Parker thought wryly. The man looked as if he had stepped out of the 80's. Complete with neon pants, paisley vest, sunglasses, and a headband. The man himself, Parker thought nothing of. Red/brown hair. Average height. Average build. Really, average in general. Minus the clothes.

    The man strode across the room and spun on his heals, facing the students. The man then struck a ridiculous pose, one similar to a ballerina. His hands fell when he saw their faces, as did his face. “No applaud? Pity.” He brought himself to his full height and surveyed the classroom. “I expected more of you.” He mused aloud, and then spun around. With his hands clasped on his back, and he began prowling the length of the room. “I!” He began, speaking clearly and loudly. “Am your teacher! You may call me...” He paused, for dramatic affect. Everything about this man was dramatic. Parker didn’t know wether to hate it or embrace it. “Sir Houston Elvendork!” ((ooc/ Harry Potter reference. Anyone catch it?)) He grinned, like a maniac. “I teach this class, Disguise, and all Drama. I also teach...” He paused, his face a serious mask. “I forgot.” He grinned again, his face lighting up. He paused, finally, and faced the class. “Let class begin!” He clapped, and Parker plunged, headfirst, into the weirdest class he had ever attended.
  14. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Parker found himself intent on the teacher’s every word. As dramatic as he was, he was an interesting character. He spoke of what they would be doing in class, being quite vague. He used tons of hand gestures and Parker often found himself distracted by a twirling of an index finger, the flip of a hand. He walked so gracefully, and so purposefully. Like a dancer, he kept in beat, and hit the ground toe-ball-heel.

    Houston, as most of the kids called him, not allowing themselves to use his full title for fear of being ridiculous, paused mid-speech. Turning with his back to the class he walked into a corner, and sat down, facing the wall. “Pop quiz!” He called out over his schedule. The class stirred. “On the front table there is note cards and some pens. Grab one of each, and sit back down.” The class did as told, exchanging looks of fear. Parker wasn’t worried, though he was curious. Finally, the class settled back into their seats. Still facing the wall, Houston began giving them directions.

    “Write your name, and number one to five.” He paused a moment, and then began. “In the future, you will meet people purposefully trying to hide themselves. It is your duty to recognize and memorize the physical traits of anyone and everyone you will ever meet, so you can pick them out of a crowd. This is the main focus of disguise, as a class. You will also learn how to hide yourself to prevent others from recognizing you. But that is next week.” Parker blanched, though he was interested. What type of class was this?

    “On the first line, write my natural eyecolor.” Houston began. “On the second line, write down my hair color and length. On the third, take a guess at my real height.” He paused, and the class went silent, trying to remember. “On the fourth, describe my walk.” Parker new this one, and he launched into a description of the graceful glide. “On the fifth and final line, write down the one trait I could never disguise.” He paused. “When you are finished, place the note cards on the counter.”
  15. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Magick waited till the teacher's eyes were diverted, then she slipped out. Screw them all. Flipping her knife back and forth, she slipped into English, sliding into a chair by the door. Students seemed to be filling out something. She sighed, tapping her finger against her chair, then just started drawing on the table, ignoring everyone. This was sooo boring. She was ahead of this class anyway.
  16. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    ooc// I am sorry for the long wait; I got distracted by my family's Star Wars marathon. XD

    Houston watched quietly as the last person, who just happened to be Parker, turned in his notecard. He brought himself to his feet, endlessly graceful, as strode to the counter. Picking the stack of cards in one swoop, he skimmed the first one carefully and tossed it in the air. "Worthless," he declared. He skimmed the second. "Nice answer to the fourth, the rest are entirely incompetent." He repeated this several more times before noticing a girls' hand was raised. Letting the notecards drop to his side, he approached Noir. "Yes?" He asked pointedly. "Wait, no. You have just volunteered yourself for a demonstration, love." He smiled.

    "Stand up, now don't be shy." He motioned to the girl and faced the class. "Introduce yourself, and then we will begin. Don't worry, these tests matter not to your grade." He smiled, again, this man was perpetually grinning, and turned to his students. "I need one more volunteer."
  17. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    OOC:// That's okay xDD. Thanks for helping keep the thread alive, guys. It's hard with how many people seem to be neglecting it x.x.

    I don't know how long it's been since RA has been able to access the internet, but seeming as how school is right around the corner(A few days for me e_e), I guess it can't be helped if this, or any other RP for that matter, slows down even more.

    For the sake of reducing the chance of a time paradox, I will refrain from posting for now, but thanks again to all of you who have been. For a bit there, I truly thought that this thread was gone for good.
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Magick watched the girl, a small smirk on her face. That poor kid....she sighed, then slowly raised her hand, not believing she was doing this. "I'll volunteer with her." Magick said, her voice low and slihgtly sarcastic. "Girls united, right?"
  19. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    ooc// Now that there is actually something happening, I will continue posting more regularly. Not even a Sith could stop me. /lame-o Star Wars reference.

    Houston clapped his hands together. "Good!" He said, motioning towards the girl with the black hair. "Just step on up to the front to the room and when you are done introducing yourself, follow me into the costume studio." He turned, heading to the far-back corner of the classroom, where Parker had neglected to notice a little door. "Class!" He called out from behind him. "Wait patiently. Someone keep an eye on the time. If we are gone more than five minutes, come knock on the door." And with that, he opened the door, and stepped inside.

    The closet was really not much of a closet at all. It was big, the size of two dorm rooms, and filled to the inch with costumes and accessories. In a back corner, there was several shelves of wigs, and besides that, a table laden with make up. A small counter top seemed to be dedicated to contacts, and another section dedicated to fake hair, such as eyelashes and mustaches. Houston did not hesitate a second as he strode directly to this corner and began assembling two piles, one for the brunette with the pixie-like cute, and the other for the gothic girl.

    He waited for the girl's to come in before launching into a brief explanation. "The object of this exercise is to transform you, in under five minutes, into someone completely unrecognizable. We will then have the class guess who is who. The critical key to recognizing someone is to find a trait that can not be changed, or changed easily. Perhaps it is the slight hitch in their voice when the use words with "l"s. Perhaps it is the obsession with chocolate. Whatever it is, it your jobs to be able to both find that trait and alter it within mere minutes. Questions before we begin? No worries, everything can be changed back to normal. We won't use hair dye today."
  20. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Magick tossed her hair back, then smiled sweetly. "Is there a make up kit we can use? Clothing won't just do the job." She didn't want to the lecture the teacher, and get in trouble, but she knew this much. Her mother had taught her some things to keep her alive, after all.
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