L's Academy: Change the WorLd .:. The Remake.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jul 30, 2009.

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  1. PainAndBliss095 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    Blue snapped back into reality from the sound of Dairy's voice, a blush coming across her face again. "Oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted..." She apologized with a slightly air-headed smile. "It happens often." She continued and began to finally unpack.

    'I really should work on that...' Blue thought to herself as she continued to fold or hang clothes.
  2. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Parker had finished packing at record speed. It was a dorm for two, and he wasn’t quite sure if he should be excited or nervous about having a dorm mate. He glanced at his dorm number; 3A. He wrote it on his hand in sharpie; it wouldn’t due to forget. Grabbing his bag, he hurried back onto the main campus. He would be slightly late, but not too badly, to English. Besides, it was his first day, he would be excused.

    He walked the halls, humming to himself. He felt so hopefully, so happy. He was in freakin’ Japan. Just...wow. He surveyed his surroundings with a careful eye. He meticulously noticed every detail with startling accuracy. All types here, though most didn’t seem too talkative. That could be bad for him.

    He made his way to the English hall and wandered inside. Finding his classroom he paused, and reached for the door handle. ‘Here goes nothing,’ he thought, and walked inside.
  3. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Looking up at a clock she had set and hung on the wall not ten minutes earlier, Diary spoke.

    "I have class in a few minutes... I should leave so I get there in time. Sorry I'm leaving so suddenly,"

    At that, she grabbed a book off of the bookshelf, putting it in her backpack and heading out quickly. The first class on her schedule didn't seem to have a name or room number... It was only a bunch of numbers.


    L wouldn't have made a mistake like that; it had to be a puzzle of some sort. And, she observed, glancing at her cell phone, she only had five minutes left to not only solve it, but get there on time. Not that she couldn't deal with being a little late.

    First had to come the name of the class, so the numbers had to stand for something. Each pair of numbers could be a letter of the alphabet. It wasn't a bad guess, though it seemed overbearingly simple.

    08... H. 1, A. 3, C. 11... K. Hacking? That seemed to be the only answer. So, she had four minutes and fourty-three seconds.

    Classroom numbers at the academy were all only three digits... But if she crossed out every other number pair, starting with 08...


    125. Or... 134? Everything so far had been in pairs, though, so she found that hard to believe. Oh well, the two rooms were in the same hallway regardless; if one didn't turn out to be the right class, the only price was some embarrassment on her part. She'd definitely be able to make it in four minutes.

    She stepped through the hall at as quick of a pace as she could manage with how tired she was. Finally, she reached room 125, which happened to have a school laptop on every desk. Entering, she could see that the room had only about ten students in it, assuming the redhead sitting up front with orange goggles hanging around his neck and a Nintendo DS in his hands wasn't a student.

    Picking a desk in the far back of the room, Diary tapped her finger against the touch pad of the laptop lightly to clear the screensaver. The screen went blank for a few seconds, then gray text appeared at the top of the screen.

    Congratulations, if you are seeing this message, that means you've finished the first puzzle. You are part of a group of Gifted young minds that hold a promising light for a world with an otherwise dark future.

    How, you ask? I can't tell you at this moment. You've only solved one of the puzzles, after all, and an exceedingly simple one at that. We wouldn't want to let the future of the world rely on a bit of beginner's luck, now, would we?

    Before I forget, do not speak of this letter to anyone. Not even the students in the classroom with you. All the students staying at this academy for any worthwhile length of time will be receiving this message eventually.
    Sincerely, Headmaster L.

    The screen went black again for a few more seconds, more text appearing centered around the top of the screen.

    P.S. The young man behind the front desk, in the striped shirt, is indeed your instructor for the time being. Please be sure to listen to him carefully and follow his instructions to the best of your ability.

    After that, the screen stayed blank and the laptop seemed to power off, leaving the class to turn their attention to their instructor. He looked as though he felt that there was no worse way he could be wasting his time, but nevertheless closed his DS and stuffed it in the pocket of his vest.

    Diary couldn't help but wonder why L had made this guy teach the class so unwillingly, when he could've gotten any hacker in the world to do it... Maybe they had some sort of link or something.

    OOC:// Okay so I kinda just altered the storyline majorly in my mind; this assumes L and everyone else do not know about the Death Note yet. I have an idea as to why L made the Academy; a question that I believe went unanswered in the last one.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Matt heard the door opening and closing since he arrived at the class room an half hour ago. He listened as the students took their seat without looking away from his DS without care what the student before thought of him. He had just beaten the game he was playing just as class was starting. Perfect timing. He looked up from the handheld and towards the class and counted ten students. It was a good number, it wouldn't get too personal just yet and there weren't too much to deal with. When the bell was finished ringing he spoke. "Alright class, I think we should start out with introducing oursleves. I go by the name Matt, and we'll start naming oursleves down the rows starting with the one furtherest on the right." The reason why Matt was here was only for his skill. He had no social skills what so ever, which made him one of the worst teachers.
  5. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    Almost instantly after Matt made his statement, Diary realized that she was up to introduce herself second, having chosen the far corner rather than something a little more mediocre. She slouched in her desk, fruitlessly hoping to make herself less noticeable so she wouldn't have to introduce herself in such an elementary school-like fashion. There was another student in front of her(Obviously one of those happily teacher's pet kinds, with how genuinely enthusiastic he sounded), but he definitely wasn't big enough to hide her from view.

    She stayed silent as her turn came, still clinging to that little strand of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could stay unnoticed.
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Oh, I don't really care too much about what other people think of me. It distracts from what's really important. Besides, judging from the faces of the people that we see leaving his office as we get closer and closer to it being our turn it's a safe bet to say that L isn't exactly the most... Normal of men, or women. But most likely a man." Tears rambled, continuing to seem totally unworried and undisturbed by the fact they were soon to meet the greatest detective in the world. Her idol.
  7. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
    Played by: keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name: Shaft
    Real Name (Last, First): Smith, Neal
    Gender: Male
    DOB/Age: 10/31/80 (28)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Backstory: his parents were killed when he was 18 years old. the murderer was never caught. he hates himself because he had a fight with his parents the night before they were killed. he stormed out of the house. when he came back the next morning, he found his parents in their bed... their throats slit. the event traumatized him so much, he was deemed insane and put into an asylum for 3 years. once he was let out, he got a job as a waiter at a fancy restaurant. he met a girl there and married her. she was killed in a car accident 3 years later. he keeps a picture of her in his wallet. sometimes when he's alone, he'll hug the picture and cry. he frequently has horrible nightmares about her death.
    Personality quirks: hardly talks unless he is interested in the conversation.
  8. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Standing up and heading out of the classroom, Just saw Fate about ten feet in front of him. He seemed to be struggling far less than he was, so perhaps he knew a few of the theorems that he was not aware of.

    "Erm, Fate, was it? Can I ask you a couple of questions? I didn't know half of the theorems and formulas that guy was telling us to use, any chance you could help me with that? Sorry to bother you, math was never my thing." he said, trying not to speak too quickly.
  9. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hearing a voice say his name Fate turned towards it seeing it was the guy from before, Just. "I didn't quite get it myself although I’m sure it is in one of these text books we have", he thought aloud also answering the question. He knew that it would probably be better to study with others but something tugged away at his conscience telling him to stay away from other students, they where all in a sense L's-to-be and this confused his judgement on whether they where on the same thought train as him. Fate often over thought things but eventually found his decision.
  10. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Leaning back in her chair, Magick ignored the teacher, except to memorize his name and face. Her green eyes swept the classroom, then lowered to her desk as she started to doodle again. If someone wanted her, they would have to speak up, she wasn't a mind reader. Not that she would pay much attention to them anyway.
  11. Shizzy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 7, 2008
    Once Scath had found his dorm and unpacked everything, he sat on his bed and decided to flip open his schedule. He browesd every class, and was intriguied by the first period class. It was obviously a puzzle, and not a very hard one at that, at least for Scath. Once he looked at the time, his happiness went down. "Oh shit." Scath said out loud, quickly grabbing all his books and schedule, and bursted out his dorm.

    Scath ran down each hall as fast as he could, practically drifting on each corner. All of a sudden, he burst through the door into his Hacking class. With barely any breath, Scath blurted out, "Sorry... I'm late... proffesor." Scath almost passed out, right there in the doorway.
  12. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc- yay, I get to post now~ Right? Kinda distracted D:

    Matt looked towards the newcomer with a blank expression. "Just a little bit late." They had already finished introductions for the most part and haven't moved on yet. "Mind introducing yourself?"

    ooc- blah, bad post.
  13. Shizzy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 7, 2008
    "Oh, erm, Okay." Scath said, nervously. "Uh... My name is Scath..." He slid silently past a few desks, and choose one towards the back. With a quick turn, he recognized the girl from earlier, her name was Diary, if he remembered correctly. He gave a quick nod, and turned back to face his proffessor.
  14. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Feeling someone's eyes on her, Magick looked back, and glared at a boy probably a few years older then her. Apparently he wasn't intimidated, because he winked at her. Refusing to acknowledge him, she turned back to the front. She would take care of him after class, although the headmaster had specifically pointed out if she wanted to stay with them, she couldn't kill or maim any of them. Maybe I'll just take a little bit of his ear... she propped her chin on her palm, looking out the window now.
  15. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    L looked at his computer monitor observantly. He chuckled lightly. Well well, someone's solved the first puzzle. I'm glad they didn't find it too challenging, it really is pretty bare bones compared to the others I have in store for them. He took out a small piece of paper and jotted down "Diary," then put it slowly into his pocket. This class might just have some potential.
  16. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Walking out of the class, Magick bent over and fixed her book bag. Counting to five, she whirled, pressing the knife she had pulled out of her sleeve against the guy's throat. "I'm not interested." she smiled sweetly, venom in her eyes. "If you keep trying to get me interested, I might have to take a trophie. Maybe an ear, or even better," she tapped his lips with the blade gently. "Glad we share the same interests." She pushed him away and walked down the hall, not caring she was skipping out.
  17. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Just took a second to analyze what had just happened. He had never seen this girl, let alone developed any semblance of interest for her. "Excuse me?" he said as he followed her, "What was that all about? I was just walking." It was then that he realized the stupidity of his actions. Crap, how could I forget that knife that was on my neck not ten seconds ago? "Erm... I mean, hello."
  18. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She sighed, relaxing her shoulders, then turned, no smile this time. "Hello." Her bright eyes looked him over for weapons, then she quirked a small smile, real this time. "Sorry. I guess I mistook you for someone else then." Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms against her chest, completely content to let him walk by her.
  19. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Just couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. He was far from antisocial, but this girl had just pulled a knife on him, but now looked like she was ready to make small talk. "Um... not for nothing, but don't you know that it's... very illegal to have a weapon on campus?" he said, in his most diplomatic tone possible. He took this opportunity to reach for the pen in his pocket. If the shit hits the fan, at least I can jab her eye out or something.
  20. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Magick smiled again, her sweetly dangerous one. "You could tell, I suppose. But that doesn't mean I won't pay you back when you're asleep. It's very easy to find out who sleeps where." She pulled out a photo and held it out to him. "He was going to tell the headmaster I had a knife too."
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