oh hai. made this baby over the course of a few hours. original stock is at the bottom. i'm on a roll. Original Stock: click here. cnc. no ratings.
Its too big, the top of the picture fails epicly along with the middle of it, and the words just don't go with it.
It was meant to be a Large Piece. Explain why it fails. I think the picture's gorgeous and I've made a vicious change in its original set up and composition to create it anew. The middle of it sets the tone for it. There was no other font that fit the concept correctly.
It is a big improvement form the original picture to me, good job on that. Something in there looks odd to me, but I can't exactly tell.
Leave. Only cnc I have is the green glow over her is a little too strong for my taste, but it probably needed to be strong to make the original stock look any good. Great job though, really. (I agree, best thing I've ever seen from you)
I like it. There's a BIG improvement from the original stock, and how you touched it up.. it turned out gorgeously. <3
Nah. that's as clean as I'm going to leave it. Give me an example of what something 'extraordinary' is in your opinion. my piece looks like a portrait. our tastes differ, so i always welcome a new opinion. sothx =]
This is a real interesting piece of work you have here. Amazing difference from the original. Dont change it.
I love this. There is definitely a huge difference from the original stock. I think the green glow is fine, it goes with the text. Awesome job.
Wow, the oringal stock (I finally found out what that ment ^__^) is totally cool, But you made it more better then that. I liked the colors you used and the font also. It's almost like she's about to kiss someone.
Biggest problem in your LPs is that you make them like tags. Don't get me wrong, the LP is quite appealing, but if you ever wish to make this more then a hobby you should stop making them like tags and focus more on originality in a piece rather then trying to satisfy the general rules of "graphic art", like positioning and focal point and that kind of crap. You should also try to be less reliant of textures and renders. tl;dr it looks good