The makers of SW: Battlefront are making a LOTR version of Battlefront. ... Does anyone, besides me, think there is something wrong with this picture? IMO, Battlefront was good because it was a shooter. I know in SW: Battlefront you could occasionally run around as a Jedi, if you played well enough to be a Hero, and that worked. You managed to kill heaps of stuff cause you had a lightsaber. ...but with a stealth class that is very likely going to be abused, dodgy melee, and archers who'll still be able to K.O enemies with a headshot, is anyone actually going to consider playing this?
I LOVE LOTR but i've never cared for any of it's games - thought it looked rubbish despite you could play as Legolas. ;D I'll be givin' this one a miss as well.
I'm such a LOTR fan that I have to play this game. Its from the makers of the best Star Wars shooter IMO. I'm sure they'll make it work out. You can even play as Sauron. I mean, come on, If you don't want to run around beating people with a giant mace, I think there is something wrong with you.