I watched it at 3am once, this one about deer zombie people......such a quaint night... The video's are heavily doctored, but giant spiders, snakes, and loud noises can spook me.
I saw an episode I recorded on DVR because it sounded interesting. "Jersey Devil." Well, when I watched and saw the "creature" I'm like, really? That monster was some guy dressed up. :why?: What a let down. But the one with the 8 foot centipede roaming around in The Amazon Rainforest, that one freaked me out....:xp:
That about sums it up, they find video tapes of people who mysteriously go missing, add sounds and CGI monsters, trying to make it look real. Dunno if they ever said the tapes themselves were real or not. @R&S Small ones trying to attack you are bad enough...100 foot ones? *avoids the Amazon*
The deer zombie one is especially amusing, the hunters of West Virginia be afeared. It's been on air for quite awhile now so there should be a fair amount, usually on Animal Planet at late times.
I think that one was the first that aired, first I saw anyways. I felt so sorry for the poor girl..she should have held onto something..
Yea... I dont know wheather to believe the serpant exist or in fantasy... They always have proof but it could be faked. Just like Godzilla and Bigfoot. Some people say its real but really, its not...
This show is has actually been out for a long time,I just started on Animal Planet a while ago though. Anyway,Some of the shows scary parts are actually very amusing.e.i. Giant Bear tipping over a car on a person.<That might be one,If not a dream.
I remeber the one with the 'vampire' creature that lived in this old house. And the little girl walks downstaris to check on her dad, and th thing is eating her dad. I was like "Awh, no. WTF?" That thing looked real but it could be mass make up and all this other stuff...