Well that's a big kick in the nuts to all the xbox fanboys who always praised that LP wasn't going to the ps3. Well look at what's happened now :P
Pretty cool news. I always wanted to get to play and finish LP, but couldn't since I don't have an Xbox360 <<; Now I'll get the chance. lol @ nRa
This is good news to me, since I've wanted this game, but could never get it because I didn't have a 360. I don't have a PS3 either, but I'm going to get one soon.
...Is it too late to change my bet of the winner of the console war battle this year? *votes PS3* ...*buy's a 360* In all honesty, Microsoft is done this year and next year. They have no more big games coming out, Halo 3 was it. Gears of War 2 hasn't had a confrimation or anything, and it seems Haze etc keep leaving microsoft to be PS3 exclusives.