Looks like they...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jiku Neon, May 30, 2014.

  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    How was that even snark?
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    The concept that more revealing clothing=greater strength is significant of the primary theme of the show, that feelings of shame make us weak and that the truly strong don't need to "dress themselves up" to get ahead. Ryuko didn't simply put on Senketsu, transform, and go fight. Before her true potential was able to shine through, she had to overcome the natural embarrassment that comes with the way Senketsu lends her his power.

    And if it helps, you get used to the skimpiness after a few episodes. It just stops being sexual. Or maybe that was just me, but still. It's not pure fanservice. There are actually some points where it seems more like fan disservice.
  3. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    This particular brand of fanservice is nothing new for this studio. Am I the only one who remembers the Topless?

    Like Gunbuster, the show may be good, but don't fool yourself into thinking that they care about a deep meaning behind the nudity.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    oh god I know I'm going to regret posting this but
    This idea is all fine and good but it does nothing to justify all of the blatant fanservice shots the show is littered with. If it ended at the character designs, fine, but overtly sexualized shots like this are not defensible under the thematic principle that revealing clothes are something to be overcome in a series defined by clothing. Someone once told me that the fanservice, or skimpy clothing rather (because this is likely what they meant), would be explained by the end. I was expecting a 4th-wall approach because that is the only way to defend the need for shots like the one above and explain how it relates to any intellectual idea present in the show. Needless to say, that didn't happen.
    And let me make it clear that I like Kill la Kill, and do not mind the fanservice at all. But let's be real here, that's exactly what it is.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    That sounds more like the artists and director wanted sexy revealing skimpy clothing and they needed to explain it away. So they asked the writer to do their best in why this girl's half naked and has constant close ups. Slap an emotion on it, overcome it and then it's normal to wear lingerie in battle as it'll never be mentioned again. Fair enough, it's one of the few shows to explain it instead of just ignoring it and treating it as normal, but it's still pretty weak to explain half naked anime battles. In reality, any one wearing less than basic armour would be seen as ridiculous, even if it was explained away. I can't remember who, there was an ancient tribe who went into battle naked as to induce fear into their enemies and a part of their. That's historical but it's still ridiculous. They were also conquered because the lack of armour made them vulnerable as hell. The fact that the lack of clothing makes someone stronger is even more ridiculous?

    Is it really impossible to not see how ridiculous this anime is? Most anime to me is ridiculous. Doesn't mean it's less enjoyable, but it is ridiculous.

    Ok i've said ridiculous enough.
  6. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Kill la Kill is Studio Trigger's first show.
  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    "mako mankonsho"
    i think you forgot a bit at the end
  8. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I don't think a singly person who watched this is unaware of how ridiculous it is. It's absolutely absurd in every aspect and unapologetic about it.
    Anyone who won't admit this is only fooling themselves.
  9. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    "Trigger was established on August 22, 2011 by Hiroyuki Imaishi and Masahiko Ohtsuka shortly after leaving Gainax."
  10. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    First part: trailers these days suck. Have you been to a theater lately? Either the trailers for new movies show way too much of the plot, or barely anything at all. Don't judge the show on a trailer, just like you shouldn't judge a book by reading the back of it. Give it a few episodes of watching, like I do with any show, not just anime.

    Second part: WHAT THE HELL? Why does a higher level of exposure of people's bodies instantly have to be justified for you with what are generally negatively perceived themes? That's something that this series is arguing against because it's stupid thinking. People need to get over the fact that OH NO GIRLS HAVE BOOBS AND ASSES and just let them be people instead of acting like them showing these parts of their bodies instantly makes them lesser beings. And it barely even revolves around a high school story; it's simply there to help frame the plot and give the characters somewhere to come into contact. I generally hate high school anime too, but Kill la Kill is far from that in my mind.

    And I could talk about terrible writing in any medium; it sounds like you're just trying to stereotype anime here with a weak ass reason. Of course there are tons of anime with terrible writing; there are hundreds of movies with terrible writing, and hundreds of video games with terrible writing, and hundreds of songs with terrible writing, and hundreds of books with terrible writing. The existence of something bad and/or tropey in a genre shouldn't be keeping you from experiencing something you could actually enjoy in that genre. That's dangerously close minded thinking.

    So...it looks bad to you because you don't like the themes that make use of the higher level of body exposure. Look, that's fine, but the seriesstill has some pretty good writing and very likable characters for a ton of us, as you can clearly see. I don't know why you constantly try to make the series look bad for not sticking to what you find acceptable. As I said before, it's stupid to think that nudity or semi-nudity need to be sexual in their purpose, and it degrades females by thinking like that.

    No shit the anime is ridiculous, but it's not stupid, unless you really can't get over the fact that female characters are able to stand up for themselves and fight in unconventional, revealing outfits and not also be prostitutes or whatever negative stigma is associated with nudity these days.
  11. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    I'm aware that they're former members of Gainax, but they're still a new studio. Trigger itself has no history and shouldn't be judged by the histories of its members. Would you assume a church to be made up of homophobes if it were established by an ex-member of the Westboro Baptist Church?
  12. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    If the new church came out to say the same homophobic things they did as WBC? Absolutely.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Nah, I don't go to the cinema much, too expensive, rarely anyone to go with, etc. I watch a number of trailers released online though not too many. I disagree, many trailers can make things look good and convey an entire experience well. Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, all have been really good in setting the themes and tone whilst building up to their release. Dead Island and Star Wars: The Old Republic trailers have been excellent, better than the product that actually released, though not very representative of the final product. Admittedly, TV series trailers I can't remember much of but that's because they're generally boring. I'd watch this just because other people hark on about it, and not because I want to. Much like Game of Thrones which i've never really got into till this fourth series, or Dr Who which is just something people talk about that I watch to have an opinion on. I was tempted to watch Attack on Titan all the way through, but after a slow and boring couple of episodes that seemed to focus on melodrama and ultra violent content, i gave up and read the wiki plot and character summaries. And I didn't care if others were talking about it, the plot sounded as if it was going to get mental and turn into something I didn't care for.

    So you're saying that the nudity shouldn't be addressed in any deeper or more diverse ways in the show because it isn't an issue to you? I have an issue with it. I feel like if it's there, it needs to have a deeper reason, and if it's not got one, why's the skimpiness even needed? Fan service is a reason, if it is a terribly weak one that panders to the male audience members and what a lot of animes seem to consist of it, or at least the ones i've glanced at that aren't aimed at kids (though some still do), you'll find a very sexualised or large breasted lady with highly detailed breast physics in the animation for little to no reason. From the trailer, this seems to fit that mould. It interests me even less since it seems the reasoning is so background. Obviously, I have no clue though, having watched a trailer and that's it, whilst people are telling me the reasons behind this lack of clothing.

    Sure, terrible writing all around in all mediums, but I'm saying popular anime is generally balls in the writing department. Even the anime I love has terrible writing, dialogue especially, but the art style and characterisation allow me to love them and disregard them. I wouldn't consider them anywhere near good enough to rival other mediums, on average, though. Maybe it is my stigma on the subject, but animes never seem to diversify or experiment with the medium in any meaningful way. TV series and movies have vast histories of trying new stuff all the times with most shows actually being well written these days, but a number of **** ones still get through. Video games commonly have bad writing, but a number of games like Chrono Trigger, Mass Effect, Planescape: Torment, Gone Home, all experimented with the medium in their stories. I can't think of one anime that twists the normal tropes on their heads and tries something radically different. Maybe it's through a lack of looking or detail, but i've not heard of any successful anime like that. It just seems a stagnant medium and I give it a lot of flak as a result. I'd be happy if you could point me to something like that.

    I'm saying it seems like a weak justification, which makes me think the writing is weak. Stephen King says that themes should also be a secondary thing, an after thought, when the action and the plot should dominate. I agree mostly.

    I think male skimpiness is as much of a problem to explain in a story as female nudity if it wants to be taken seriously. Why have these guys got their shirts off when it's obviously freezing, or why are they shirtless when they're going to run into a gun fight? Fair enough if nudity like this is used to highlight a quirky, casual and ridiculous show, but Kill la Kill seems to be taking itself very seriously in that trailer.

    Also, I already gave the example of super hero genre, which has tight clothed women who are comfortable with themselves and who act sexy. Though it started off with the same issues with anime to me, a lot of fan service to men and terrible characterisation. However, as the decades have gone on, they all seem much more rounded as characters and have been 'reclaimed' by many women readers.
  14. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    There is a reason and they do hint at & eventually flat out say it later on, though it's pretty rooted in the plot as to why the Kamui are as skimpy as they are. Also, and the creators mentioned this in a Newtype magezine I think, the show was originally supposed to be entirely a Battle Royale show, but they added in a plot and stuff after they got further along before the show aired. The writing is all over the place, and the show doesn't aim to hide that fact. Below said it best:

    and even the characters acknowledge it after a while:


    it's not a show you watch for story, haha. It's mainly for the action and also the characters (Satsuki the queen the bae etc.) It's sorta like how people react to Gurren Lagann: you could find some deeper meaning (GL as a coming of age story of a young boy to develop self confidence, KLK as a coming of age for a girl who tries to find a sense of family & belonging), but they also don't waste their breath in trying to get people to acknowledge those meanings either.

    At their core, both of these shows are balls off the wall, hyped as hell, absurdly crazy unapologetic pieces of media. KLK does have some pleasant surprises with the character interactions, but I also know it' does not intend in any way whatsoever to say anything profound in the way of themes or anything. If that's not anyone's thing, that's cool, and if it fits you, you're in for a fun ride.

    Of course there are also problems I have with Kill la Kill which Below touched on again:

    and a few other jokes in the starting episodes (first 2 specifically) that were too much imo. There's also the that they don't show anyone react to in a realistic way for a while. I do have to give it credit though, as the male/female skimpyness ratio actually ends up fairly balanced throughout? And the female characters actually end up wearing more clothing than the dudes after a certain point (even with the Kamui on!), lmao.

    All that said though, it's a good show to watch for a quick, non-mind straining fun time.

    tl;dr: i should write a review of this show i am too invested in these half naked kids