Looking for Knowledge on Doggy illness

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by TheVader74, Aug 1, 2009.

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  1. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    Well, here's the lowdown. My little Jack Russel, Barney, seems to have something wrong with him. We've noticed recently that in his left eye, the pupil seems to have turned a dark greyish colour compared to the usual black which it should be. Think like when a light hits a dogs or cats eye, similar to that. We suspect it might be a cataract, as we think he cannot see out of it. He doesn't flinch when something approaches just that eye.

    So, I'm wondering. Is there anyone here who knows anything about this, or point me in the direction of somewhere that can help me. We ARE taking him to the vet on monday, but he's, well, not a fan shall we say. I'm really just doing this for my peace of mind. I want to know three things:
    1). What might be wrong with him
    2). How/what might have caused it
    3). how could this affect his life in the future, if something is indeed wrong with him

    He's 5 years old, and he's had no major health problems. the only thing that has happened to him is a bite wound to his left ear four years ago, which is the reason we got him.

    If you can give me some info, I'd appreciate it, although I know I'll probably not get something. This isn't exactly common knowledge, I realise that. Thanks.
  2. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    I really don't know much about dogs,or illness.
    Although,I advise you to look into this and ask a doctor these questions instead of us.
    Because honestly this is mostly a children's forum and we aren't doctors;at least not yet.
    I suggest you ask someone who knows about animals.
    It might be nothing or it might be something.
  3. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    You're asking a forum based on a children's game to save your dog. Go to the vet.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Sounds to me like he's going blind since usually that's what the lighter discoloration is. There could be a few reasons for it to even include genetics. You are taking the dog to the vet and really that's where he needs to go to make sure nothing super serious is going on other than that issue and if there's anything that can be done. Pretty much other than saying he's going blind in that eye, there's really nothing we can probably tell you other than definitely take him to the vet. There's no real home cure for that.
  5. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    1). This has nothing to do with saving my Dog. He's not going to die, I know that, I'm just looking for information.
    2). Yes, it's a forum based on a children's game. So? we discuss and debate on issues like a mother decapitating her baby, gay exorcism and have a Help with Life section.
    3). People here seem to display uncanny knowledge of various things. I KNOW it wouldn't be in depth, I wasn't asking for a complete diagnosis. I was asking at people who may have had this happen to pets before.

    Hmm, thanks for the info. I had managed to find the same answer. We've called the vet who's asked us some seemingly pointless questions, but we have an appointment now,and I have some info that put's me at peace of mind.

    Well, It was probably a bad idea to open this topic in the first place, I was just worrying about the worse. But my questions are answered now. Could the board mod please close this topic? Thanks.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Sure thing and I hope your dog will be alright.
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