Are there any games out there (For the 360 or PS3) that will keep me playing it for more then just one week?
lets see. . . Pokemon XD gale of darkness,Twilight princess,Halo 1,2 or 3, Final fantasy games,God of war I or II,Guitar Hero 1,2 or 3,Dance Dance revolution games.those games get me going for more than a week.
Halo 2/3, Guitar Hero 1/2/3, and Dance Dance Revolution are the only games you listed that I would say will last more than a week and possibly be worth owning If you have a PSP I'd say Monster Hunter Freedom 2 will keep you busy for quite awhile, I've heard of people logging 300 hours into it and still weren't bored of it. -As previously mentioned, the 360 version of Oblivion. -The Orange Box has 5 different games in it, 1 of which is an Online FPS, so I'm sure that will last you quite a bit to get through all of those. -Mass Effect for the 360 is supposedly very very long with Sidequests, Multiple Endings and paths to take, and lots of replayability and story to discover
Yeah, it's a damn long game that you can just pool a ton of time into it just messing around, I actually got it yesterday and 4 hours of playing it just flew right by, I didn't even realize I was playing it that long And those 4 hours were just me doing the tutorial ...experimenting with the interface, all the different weapons and customization, getting familiar with the game and going on a few basic Monster slays ;D
Guitar hero would be a long lasting games for people who can play it, but i say rock band if it even any different but it has drums and vocals
Are you talking about a game like once you have completed you will still find fun to play afterwards or a long story line? Long story Line: Not really many out ther now you think about it >.< only one i can think of thats the longest that took me to complete was assassins creed. Replay Value: Any game like Guitar hero i suppose Dom xx