Yeah..stupid idea that my friend and I though up in Math class...-_-;; Not my math class..hers. Little I do hope everyone knows what Food Lion is..O_o Even if you don't it's obvious by the name of the store. So yeah... Just post who you want to be..once we have at least 5 people, I guess we could start..O-o And it don't matter if girls play as guys..seeing as there is only 1 chick in Org. XIII anyway..-_-'' (Which I think is totally messed up, but...) Food Lion is a grocery store! Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Lexeaus: Zexion: Xx.Keyblade Master.xX Saix: Twin Turbo99 Axel: AnimeGirl104 Demyx: Emo Pengwin Luxord: Marluxia: Jordier0xs0x Larxene: La Sofa Roxas: Riku-Mania
Kk, thanks, everyone! Sorry I haven't been on the past few days..I got grounded, and I still am..I'm just sneaking on to check up on things..=D Yeah, Twin, I know..-_-;;