Little Sleep

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Amaury, Aug 12, 2014.

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  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Pretty much this.

    I mean, there have been nights where I have gone to bed at my normal time frame and couldn't fall asleep at all and was up all night and continued watching TV, as I always fall asleep watching TV as it is. (I took advantage of it one time it happened and watched a DVR recording of The Karate Kid III I had.)

  2. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009

    this ^

    And here is the problem (that has already been covered in this thread by me one time....) you are turning this into some personal thing. It isn't. Everyone who has posted in this thread (for the most part) haven't said what they said because you are "Amaury, the legendary walking target". Its because, you can't take this stuff lightly. I'm 100% sure if I were the one doing these things, I'd be getting flak for it. Everyone would. This isn't about you personally, its about the actions that are being made.

    I can tell that you to an extent are taking this personally because you tend to react the same way every time. And because of that, any and all the advice given in this thread are going to be interpreted as "im being attacked im being attacked". It's clear because you keep on defending yourself time and time again. It's okay to make mistakes for the love of god man. We are all human....

    Granted this is a "harsher" version of what we have been trying to tell you this whole time but it is accurate none the less.

    Well the thing is, you can't really be like "this person did 'x' wrong why aren't you yelling at them instead of me". Not to be rude here but didn't you get into an accident and leave the scene recently? You know...a hit and run. You wonder why all of these people are concerned???? It doesn't matter if you are getting three more hours of sleep than Nights, driving with a disadvantage is driving with a disadvantage.

    Also if you don't want people talking about this kind of stuff then don't make threads about driving, you've made a ton of them if I could recall correctly (granted a ton is subjective in this case as activity is lowish) but my point still stands. I don't get why you are defending this.

    "I'm only being a little unsafe that's not a big deal guys" is pretty much what you are saying. You have no control over what happens in this big world of ours so why the hell would you increase the chances of an accident for yourself/others.

    UGH and okay the whole mom thing. I scratch my head about this because you are basically saying "you are negatively biased about me so I am going to listen to someone positively biased about me". The bias is still there dude. Plus (and I say this for the 1000th time) this isn't about us picking on you because we aren't. We are simply saying "yeah man you should really focus more on safety so OTHERS I REPEAT OTHERRSSSSS don't get hurt. Which seemly enough based on your actions, you don't care much about.

    My accident was less than five minutes away from where we left school, so they can happen at any time really. Even if it is just ten minutes that's still something you know.

    People get quite upset when the safety of other people is compromised, and as I have said in previous posts if it is unavoidable then yeah that's understandable however there are ways to get around things. Like getting better with scheduling. From what I've seen Amaury is pretty active on khv and he can do whatever he wants in his spare time but if he is getting little to no sleep due to things other than work, school, etc, then tbh that is a tad bit irresponsible. Risking the safety of others because you can't get enough of those good ol kh forums seems a tad bit silly, or videos games etc. Whatever the case may be

    And hell I could be completely wrong, Amaury could be the biggest worker, scholar, etc but if you are spending time doing things that aren't 110% needed then you could use that time to catch up on your sleep and actually be more alert behind the wheel. That isn't too much to ask for, and if you don't feel like doing that then like I said before. Don't drive. You need to be responsible.
  3. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Except Amaury's staying up late while navigating the interwebs.
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
  5. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    No, it was something. Perhaps not something that needed him to be up at 2-3am, or something of real interest, but it was still something.
  6. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I can't wait until KH-Vids updates to XenForo 1.4! The select to quote feature is going to be incredibly useful:

    I don't mean this in a negative manner, but it was more Nate than anyone else because he seemed to come across harsher.

    That wasn't from lack of sleep, though, because that preceding night I did get sufficient sleep, it was from making a bad choice, and it wasn't anything major. My mom has said that I have a bad habit in those situations to try and get by rather than waiting and letting the other vehicle go by and then going.

    Because I don't care? I know that sounds odd, but I'm actually enjoying the debate here.

    Well, she harps on me a lot about my driving because she used to be the same way as I am -- not so much on the sleep issue, but on defensive driving -- so I tend to go to her more, even though I'm stubborn and don't really listen to her a lot of the times. :p

    I said this before, but I do know my limits and have had my mom take over for me before.

    I say this in the most polite way possible (because I know when I ask things, they are sometimes interpreted negatively), but did you go through and look at the activity log of mine I provided? Every single week, except for one week, had averages falling before 1:00 AM, and the normal time frame, which is like a schedule, of which I go to bed is between 11:00 PM and 1:00 AM, which I think is a good one.

    No, you're right. I currently have no job, but I am looking.

    So I don't lose track of time more easily, that's why I don't play my PS2 after 12:00 AM, even if it's games where you can just press pause to save and not have to find a save point.

    Also, I don't do it so much now simply because I don't have as much interest in the games currently, but I'll play my PSP or GBA while in bed, though I fall asleep doing that, so it's not really a problem.

    Since we're talking about that night (or early morning, depending on how you view it) in particular, I fully intended to go to bed no later than 15 minutes after my last activity on here (12:40 AM), but I got caught up with Google Maps and lost track of time.

    This wasn't losing track of time, but one night in 2012 I was working on a revamp of my Video Game Projects thread and didn't go to bed until around 5:15 AM the next morning. Of course I didn't have to drive anywhere that morning and I slept in, so it was all good.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Therein lies the problem. I've had to do an hour's drive for an 8 hour work shift at 4-5 in the morning when I stay with my girlfriend. I usually only get a couple of hours of sleep, regardless of when I go to bed (usually, the cats' faults) and I've almost wrecked enough times that I stopped visiting her if I have any kind of morning shift the next day. Knowing your limit is great, but usually, you don't realize you hit your limit until it's too late. It's like drinking a couple of beers, but not getting drunk before driving. You're still sober (in this case, 'awake') enough that you probably won't get into an accident, but you're not 100%. Idk, I'm very by the book and I just remember my driver's manual saying you shouldn't drive tired or overly emotional.
  8. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    i don't understand why you're making such a big deal of this amaury

    just heed everyone's warnings and get more sleep it's not that hard to shut down the computer or w/e and get some shut eye yk

    it better ensures the safety of yourself, your mom on occasions, and the other drivers on the road
  9. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Ironic that you bring this up. We don't do it that often, but my mom and I will get into arguments while I'm driving, but it doesn't affect me because I keep my eyes on the road and don't look at her.

    As for your beers example, I agree, and that's why each time I've drunk so far, it's been one beer max, but even that has gotten to me, which is why my mom has driven in every instant. I don't drink that much as it is, anyway. I only drink on special occasions:
    • November 8, 2012: 21st birthday
    • January 1, 2013: With my mom to celebrate the new year
    • November 8, 2013: 22nd birthday
    • January 1, 2014: With my mom to celebrate the new year
  10. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    If you get into an argument with someone while driving, you will lose focus on the road. I don't care how cool of a head you think you have, it happens.

    And honestly I don't even know why any of us are even bothering at this point. We've given countless personal examples, gave out facts, and advice but it just seems like you only really care about defending yourself
    . If that's the case, you're only going to learn from mistakes, so God forbid you do get into accident I fucking hope nobody else is there.
  11. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Remember, everyone is different and everyone's bodies handles things differently. Some people who get more than eight hours of sleep feel tired throughout the day while others that do don't.

    And no, I'm not defending myself, I'm explaining myself. But whatever, I'm done with this thread and am therefore going to request a lock so it doesn't turn into something it doesn't need to be.
  12. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
  13. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Locked on request.

    DAMMIT LUX ;_;
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