Anyone have a little known fact about Kingdom Hearts? I sure don't. Wish I did though! Post one if ya' got one! : D Uhm....I'll try my luck at a "fact." Think that everybody knows this one though: My hero Demyx is a coward! Did I really just say that? Sorry, Demyx! I still think you're rawkin'!!! XD
Sora's first costume was based on Mickey mouses red shorts and yellow shoes and white gloves Axel's voice is Timone in the Lion king and also the main cat in Stuart Little Demyx's voice is young Kovu in The Lion King 2
Roxas's voice happens to be the voice of My Favorite Male Singer Jesse McCartney!(Okay,probably TMI) Seifer has the most annoying phrase ever!('isn't this Romantic?'SHUT UP SEIFER!)
i also agree that this should be in the not RP section, but to add on to this comment, I would like to say that the faces of the cards have the Organization on them. Did anyone notice that Sora has his old costume in Timeless River? And also Axel's voice is Kon from Bleach
Everyone probably knows this one but: Demyx's weapon is in the shape of the organization symbol along with the gambler nobodies
Axel's voice actor, also did the English version of Reno in FFVII : Advent Children. The password on the computer in the new scene at Hollow Bastion is 'Another', and the Apprentices names.
Sorry I know people. I'm terribly sorry that this is in the role playing section. It wasn't meant to be little known facts. It was actually going to be role-playing. I apologise again. I don't really mind if it's moved either and I'm terribly sorry once more to those people who are upset. there a way to move it to another section by myself?