Hey kids! I know it's been dead for a few months now, but I would definitely like to get this started again sometime in the near future. However, rather than retooling it privately, it'd be better just to ask y'all what you think about the past system and any improvements that could be made. In case you need a starting point of discussion, stuff Literate Beans covers includes: Cafe SessionsPotS/PanSBook Club (REBOOTING AFTER THIS REBOOT) I have a few things I want to say about the above and more later on. Much appreciated for reading/replying, and hopefully we'll be able to get this rolling again soon. *o*
It really is a shame that Literate Beans went slowly. The only major thing I could see to boost a bit of activity is to have our own personal PotS/PanS type events (Beans in the PotS/Literate Pan[t]S) or to just use the Skype chat more. Other than that, I can only wish her well in her rebirth.
Well, it's cool to see this place see new life. It'd be good to get feed back on several things once I get the inspiration to write once again.
All right, now that homework is taken care of; I think one of the bigger factors killin' activity is communication between everyone. There's just been a pretty big disconnect between what we all want to see go on here and what has actually gone on -- e.g. commenting on stories (more on this later), structure of Cafe Sessions and so on. Admittedly, doing cafe Sessions they way I have been (terms up the bum + questions) is very tedious, and I think maybe we could just have a general topic posted there without the extraneous details and such. Of course, that's just me talking. xD What do y'all think could be done to improve those some to get actual discussions going don't wanna say my ideas yet in case some people just agree with what I say o; ). Defs agree on using the Skype Chat more. I think we could all use it to talk casuall about things we wanna write or books that have come up. Mainly stuff Sumi was hitting on in the Family thread. And also planning more family event stuff to go on? This is also a biggie smalls I wanted to hit on! I realize that we've all been a bit less than helpful with commenting on each other's work (tale_wind i am super sorry ;~; ). I was perhaps thinking that we could try to implement a commenting system within Literate Beans (e.g. every week you must comment on at least two works posted in any part of the Nook OR make a a thread where a group of people sign up to do this. The major fault with the latter, though, is that it'd just fall onto the hands of specific people when the family and Nook itself should promote us all trying to comment and critique other people's works to help them improve or see things they might not even know they're doing). A bit ramble-y since I have class, so I will clarify more when I come back. :B
It might sound weird but I like the idea of having a "commentary task force" working within the Writers Nook. Not to make it sound like a super cool movie, and a possibly awesome story, or anything. Even if it was just a small group of users working together and helping others out, it might inspire others to do the same. Sort of a "do as I do" type of deal. The only thing that could make this cooler would be a secret induction or a cool pair of shades. But I agree that the Writers Nook deserves more attention than what it's been receiving. I myself am one of those perpetrators, sadly. Rather than trying to boost the attention individually, I believe making a group for it would help out tremendously. Of course it may just be me. If we're taking a tally, I vote for the super critics task force.
Nah, it's a good idea ! (I was actually thinking about that as well xD) So I will definitely mark that down as something to try to do. I was also thinking about instead of having the Cafe Session discussions be sorta like mini-lectures on writing elements and stuff with the "THIS IS WHAT PLOT IS", we could go for more personal discussions, like "What kind of story are you working on now" and so on. Howeverrr, I know that people have also wanted to discuss the elements of writing, so will also note to make those a wee bit more personal instead of having questions as a guideline/state what everything is, lmao.
Bumpdate. From the feedback I've gotten here, I've got a pretty solid (to me at least lmao) plan of how to reboot. Keeping it serkit for now though, because school is almost over and I have a lot of work to do for it/some other KHV things. You should be seeing an announcement regarding this in the Community News section towards mid May (the 11th or some such). Thanks for contributing to those who did, and I'm excited to start this rolling again!
I lied here (my cOMPUTER rest in peace ;~; ) but you should be seeing some exciting news on this by the weekend!