Would anyone be interested in having a linkshell? I figure it can be good just for socializing in the game and/or asking for help (I can rez you!). We made one a while back and I'd be happy to invite y'all.
I think it'd pretty useful to have, especially if we all don't join the same FC, or even make a FC for everyone who plays. Speaking of which, it might not be a bad idea to make a thread to see who's in what FC, if they're in any at all. Then if we decide not to make one, we could just see if we all try to join the same FC
I would be game to join a LS. A FC is a bit weird on my end since I would love to join if we get there, but I've got friends in my current one so I'm not exactly eager to try and make that work. So like a half vote I guess? lol
Yeah I don't see us getting to the FC point very soon if ever. We might all want to consider just joining the same FC. I'll invite y'all to the LS next time I'm online.
Since it's easter we should all try and get online together. I'm probably just going to level my lancer with dungeons anyways. Though I would love to get through the main scenario and fight Titan. I am so overleveled it's not even funny.
I'd be down if other people are. Haven't played in a while, would be nice to check how my FC is doing either way.