Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko giggled. "I guess your buddies won't be here to help you this time." she thought for a moment, "Say, where's Takeo?" she asked him.

    Haratsu shrugged, "How should I know. He appears and disappears every now and then..."

    The Seer crouched low and stayed quiet. 'Here she comes...'
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo listened for a tree top a little ways away. He smiled as he heard Serifina leave and the other two talk. Ah, they are an interesting group.

    Serifina followed their trail for a mile or so and started becoming more aware of her surroundings. "Sartre? Kyoshi?" she called out, hoping they weren't far.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    SNAP The trap was sprung! Out of the treetop, several knives came hurtling towards Serifina on all sides.

    Aiko stood up. "Did you hear something?" she asked Haratsu.

    "You're hearing things now? You must be going insane." Haratsu whispered. He knew perfectly well what the sound meant. 'Someone has triggered a trap...wonder who it was.'

    Aiko was about to yell at him, but she didn't want to give away her position. She whistled.

    Toshiro flew in quietly. He looked up at her, puzzled.

    'Fly over North and see if you can locate Serifina, Kyoshi, and Sartre. I'll wait here.' she ordered him.

    Toshiro nodded and flew upwards.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina threw her hands up and a blast of air circled her like a sheild for long enough to stop the knives. well most of them anyway. Two came late and sliced her in the back making her yell out. She spun around, grabbing at the deep cuts on her back to feel the blood. "Whoevers there, come out and fight me!"
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    The Seer smiled. "Why would I show myself? You are clearly at a disadvantage, I can see you, but you don't know where I am." he threw his voice to a couple of trees in front of Serifina.

    Toshiro spotted an SES base, but he was at such a high altitude, he didn't see Serifina. He saw Kyoshi and Sartre captured and brought over to the base. Toshiro flew in towards Kyoshi at a steep dive. He flew inside the tent, knocking Gryf into the floor. The syringe he had in his hand fell to the ground and shattered.

    "Keep him busy, Toshiro..." Kyoshi said as he began unlocking the chains that held him to the bed.

    Toshiro beat the air with his powerful wings, making most of the gass bottles he had fall to the floor and break.

    "NO! You wretched little--" the Gryf reached for the bird, grabbing him around his throat. He then began violently shaking him.

    Kyoshi, grabbed a large glass bottle and threw it down on the doctor's head.

    Gryf let go of the bird and fell down, dead.

    "Let's get Sartre before the rest of them find us." Kyoshi whispered as he sneaked out of the tent and hid behind a large helicoptor.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina's eyes flicked around to all the trees that echoed his voice. "Hm, I see what you mean. So what can I do for you?" she asked, deciding to keep her own tricks to herself until the oprotune moment. If this guy's hurt the boys I'll send him to the stars...
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    " shall I put this? Well, there are two options: One, you can come quietly to the SES base and hold you in one of our luxurious cells, complete with nothing but a bed and a window! Or two, you stay here and I kill you. I'll be patient...for about 5 minutes. If I don't have my answer by then, I strike." He said.

    Kyoshi looked from behind the helicopter, trying to spot Sartre. He finally found him being led away from a man towards the empty cells. 'Aghh...I need a distraction.' He looked around, 'Of course, the helicopter.' He carefully climbed onto the machine, and looked at the number of buttons, pedals, and knobs. "What happened to simplicity?" Kyoshi muttered irritably. "Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained." He began pressing buttons at random. The helicoptor's engine gave a roar and it began slowly ascending into the sky. Kyoshi accidentally pushed a pedal as the helicoptor was flying upwards, and it went forwards. As it flew, Kyoshi was knocked backwards. He recovered and climbed back into the seat. He turned another pedal carefully, and the helicoptor flew backwards. 'Okay, this is back and this must be to turn left and' He turned the helicoptor towards the base, and flew in towards it.

    The SES squads scattered, away from the danger. Some remained behind, trying to bring down the machine.

    Kyoshi managed to dodge some of the attacks, but most of them ended up scratching the helicoptor. 'I'm not paying for the paint job...haha.' he thought cheerfully. He floored the pedal, and the helicoptor veered off course and headed straight to where Sartre was being held. With the help of the helicoptor's claw, he grabbed the cell and started to fly away from the base.

    Sartre was grabbing the bars of the cell as tightly as he could to avoid falling onto the floor and being flopped around like a doll. "Kyoshi, you idiot! How are you going to land this thing?" he yelled towards him.

    "Well...I was hoping you knew how to land this thing...cuz i was thinking of crashing onto some trees."

    "You'll get us killed..."

    " u have any ideas, Einstein?" he yelled at him.

    "I'm thinking..."

    OOC: yus, it's a mouthful, but haha, i had a few laughs when I made this. :D
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina tapped her chin in mock thoughtfulness. "Oh, now that is a hard desicion. But darn my stubborn nature I just can't go anywhere quietly." she snapped her fingers, as if it was too bad. "So come get a peice of me." she added with a crooked grin.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    The Seer chuckled. "I don't need to." At that moment, several SES officers have surrounded Serifina. "They will do the work for me. I have something to take care of first..." he looked up at the sky. "And here they are!"

    An enormous helicoptor flew out above the trees. A small, cage dangled at the end of the helicoptor's hook.

    "SERI!!!!!!" Sartre yelled as loud as he could, holding the bars with a death grip.

    Kyoshi looked down from the helicoptor, and saw the SES squadron. 'Oh, crap. They're here as well.'

    One of the officers took out a sniper, and aimed at the cockpit of the vehicle.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina saw the gun and screamed out. "You morons! Duck!" she wasn't sure if she was glad they were there and safe or angry that that they were flying into danger (and that Sartre called her Seri XD)
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi ducked just in time as the bullet whizzed past his head. "Woah.." he sighed in relief.

    Aiko looked up. "Was that a sniper i just heard?" she asked Haratsu.

    "I didn't hear must be imagining things..." Haratsu mumbled.

    Aiko punched him in the stomache.

    Haratsu yelled in pain.

    Kyoshi accidentally released the grip on the cage.

    The cage began to fall, crashing onto the tops of the trees.

    "Agh! Sartre!!!!" Kyoshi yelled.

    Sartre fell onto the dirt.

    The sniper aimed his gun at Sartre. "Move and I'll kill him." he warned Serifina.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina had been in the act of running foward but she froze. "Damn..." she swore, her eyes flashing at the sniper. "I suggest you put your gun down." she hissed, putting a hand on the hilt of her sword, already pushing space down the blade, turning it black and star studded in it's sheath. she was ready to pull it out and tear through anyone who hurt the boys.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    The sniper knew that look. He didn't lower his weapon. "And I suggest you let go of that sword."

    Sartre didn't move. *unconscious*

    Kyoshi, moving the helicopter back and forth, couldn't control the thing any longer and jumped out of the vehicle and landed with a soft thud on the ground.

    The seer snuck up behind Kyoshi, undetected. He grabbed his knife and held it at Kyoshi's throat. "I thought you would've been dead by now. " he grumbled.

    "I had some unexpected help."

    "And so you did."

    The helicoptor, having no one to control it, started to run out of control, and began its descent onto the ground where Kyoshi and the Seer were.

    The Seer looked up and hurled Kyoshi onto the ground where the helicoptor was going to crash, and jumped safely out of the way.

    Kyoshi tried to get up, but something was holding him down.

    The helicoptor, suddenly turned towards the Seer and exploded.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina made a big show of letting go of the sword to take up time while she took the torn space she'd sent down the blade back into the palm of her hand. So when she put her hand up to show it was off the sword, a sphere of space spun beneath her fingers. "You're right, this is easier." she flexed her finger tips and the space tore out across the area between her and the sniper like a crack in the air, hitting him and tearing down his body.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    A large bloody mass was all that was left of the sniper.

    He looked over at Sartre. "Did you make the helicoptor veer towards the seer? Or was I imagining that?" he asked Serifina.

  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina wiped off a few specks of blood that had hit her. "No, that wasn't me." she answered, running past him to Sartre. "Are you okay?" she asked as she passed him, dropping to her knees and pulling her step brother closer to her to try and wake him up.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi ran towards Sartre. He looked around the area, and spotted what he was looking for. Grabbing several leaves, he came back to Sartre. "Is there any way you can make Sartre sort of eat the leaves or something? They have a chemical that wakes them up in an instant...." he gave the leaves to Serifina.

    "Glad I didn't hit you, Kyoshi." said Aiko as she headed towards Serifina and Kyoshi.

    "What do you mean? The thing with the helicoptor, that was you?"

    "Yah, you didn't notice Toshiro on top of the helicoptor?" she asked.

    "That giant fireball was him?" he jerked his hand towards the bird.

    Toshiro ruffled his wings.

    Aiko laughed as she walked over to Sartre.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina held out her hand for the leaves, not looking at either of them. "I'm not even going to ask where that ******* I left with you is." she said under her breath, gently opening Sartre's mouth and getting him to eat the leaves.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: xD I got lost with the new update...i was trying to find the 'Search' button.

    "I tied him to some anchor I found over there", she pointed to a large tree. "I wonder where it came from..." she wondered.

    "Anyways, we have to get that idiot back, and-"

    "Destroy the base?" Aiko cut in.

    "W-what?" Kyoshi looked up at her.

    "Oh come on, we should have at least a little fun." She smiled, evilly.

    Kyoshi glared at her. "What have you been eating?"

    "Nothing..." she said quickly.

    Sartre woke up coughing. "What was I eating?!?!?!"

    "I don't the name, I just recognized the leaf shape..."

    "You could have just shaken me awake..."

    "It's much more fun this way." Kyoshi smiled.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "And I already tried that anyways." Serifina pointed out. "You weren't asleep stupid." she glared at him as if it was totally his fault for being knocked unconsious. "Stop panicing me and take better care of yourself. I'm not your mother." she lightly tapped the top of his head as she stood up. "Destroying the base sounds like a good plan." she added, agreeing with Aiko.
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