Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "You...wake up!" Haratsu heard a voice. He felt someone kick his side. As he opened his eyes, an SES officer loomed over him. "I'm awake....I'm awake....jeez..." he grunted. He got up and looked around. "Where'd everybody go?" he asked.

    "They fled into the tunnel...but we'll get them.."

    "Was anyone killed?" he asked timidly.

    "Not yet..." the officer said with a smile.

    Haratsu grabbed his shotgun and ran into the tunnel.

    Aiko landed at the hospital, "Emergency room!" she yelled at a shocked nurse. She opened a room and carefully places Sartre on the bed. "You'll be alright now...I just need to find what the toxins are..." she muttered.

    "Sure about that?" Sartre said, weakly.

    "Don't talk..." she scolded. Aiko placed a healing spell onto Sartre. "I've found the source and type of'll be out of you in no time.." she grinned.

    Sartre nodded.

    (back to the village square)
    Kyoshi took out his sword. "I'm probably not going to do much damage this time...Ive spent half of my energy trying to save someone from being shot..." he grumbled.

    Kurenai smiled sheepishly. "Well, I'll take care of some of them.."

    "Oh, and try aiming at the person..." he smiled.

    "Hahahahaha......" Kurenai said sarcastically.
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina blocked out the voices around her and began recharging her engergy in her sword. Air, light, and space hummed through her and into her weapon as she dodged around the bullets. "Give us a break." she growled, kicking one of the officers in the gut.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    The officer grunted and fell to the ground. The officer next to him took out his pistol and aimed at Serifina.

    Aiko looked around the hospital. It had gone quiet. 'What the?' She got up, went out of the room and looked around the hallways. There was no one.

    "What's going on out there...." Sartre asked.

    "Nothing....It's just.......quiet.." Aiko whispered to him.

    "That's never good..." Sartre sighed.

    ".....yeah......" She looked out the window. The children that she saw outside, were no longer there. The once busy streets were now barren and abandoned.

    (on the other side of the base) :)

    Kyoshi had several officers down, and went towards a group who were about to kill several synapids. He had narrowly missed a bullet shot at him from behind.

    Kurenai came over and killed the officer who had shot at Kyoshi. She saw someone come down the tunnel.

    Haratsu came down the tunnel. He nearly tripped over a fallen comrade. He looked around among the chaos surrounding him. He saw Serifina. 'Oh crap, she's still here...' He quickly ducked behind a tree. He saw the hospital about 3 blocks away.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serfina lifted her sword and slashed it down around her multiple times until the officers around her fell to the ground. She used the moment of peace to search out Haratsu and Takeo. She caught Haratsu disapearing behind the tree and made for him.

    Takeo watched, smiling cruely to himself. He was finding the three to be impressive fighters.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu caught sight of Serifina going towards him. 'Oh crap....' he thought. He backed away from the tree slowly, then ran as fast as he could towards the hospital.

    Aiko looked over her side of the base. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary. She walked back to the hospital room where Sartre lay. "There's no one following we're okay."

    "For now...." Sartre sighed.

    Aiko nodded. She looked worriedly over the other side of the room, where all the commotion was. She saw a lot of people on the ground. 'Hope he's okay....' she thought.

    Kyoshi looked around him. Nearly everyone was dead. The other officers began to retreat. 'Why are they smiling?' he looked over at the retreating group.

    Kurenai looked up. "Their smiles are never good...." she caught sight of one of them running back to the group. He had come from the hospital building. "They did something to the hospital...." she whispered.

    "WHAT?!?!?!" Kyoshi yelled. He started running towards the hospital.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Oh no you don't!" Serifina growled, sprinting after him. She held her sword in one hand and opened her hand to blast him with freezing air. "You're not touching them!"

    Takeo heard Kyoshi as they ran towards the hospital and grinned. "Hm, this could get intersting." he jumped down from his hiding spot and followed the running figures.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu ran all the way to the hospital. He looked back. Serifina was still running after him. "I'm not doing anything wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled.

    Kyoshi ran faster towards the hospital. He saw Serifina running towards someone. Before he could identify the person, a loud booming sound was heard all around the base.

    Kurenai stopped. The sound came from the hospital. "Was that a.......bomb?"

    Haratsu let go of the hospital wall. "What the?" he looked up. The ceiling began to crack. 'It's going to collapse....' He quickly ran down the stairs and sprinted past Serifina. "I didn't do anything!" he yelled for her.

    Aiko felt the bed shake. "What was that?"
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina spun on her heel and ran after him. "So why are you here?!" she yelled at him. "Still trying to kill us because of something we can't help?" she reached out an arm as far as she could and finally snagged his elbow, resulting in crashing into him.

    Takeo raised an eyebrow. "Ah, I didn't expect him to be screaming so soon." he smiled but then frowned as he thought about the bomb. "now who would bomb a hospital?"
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu fell right after Serifina crashed into him. "I just came in here randomly..." he said trying to free himself from her grasp.

    Sartre grabbed the bed and struggled to get up.

    "NO." Aiko held him down. "You're body's still repairing itself. You're not well enough to walk."

    "I'm fine." Sartre cringed as he tried to get up again.

    "Really." Aiko sighed. She felt the floor tremble beneath her. "On second thought...I'm going to strap you onto the bed."

    "What?!? Why?" Sartre asked.

    "The floor's about to give way, and I think the hospital is about to turn into rubble...." Aiko replied as she looked around the room for something to hold Sartre onto the bed. She finally found a long piece of coiled leather on a nearby seat. "Wonder who left this here?" she muttered to herself. Aiko ran over and fixed Sartre to the hospital bed. "Okay, hold hands!" she said cheerfully.

    "Huh?" Sartre looked up puzzled.

    "We're going to teleport..." Aiko replied.

    "Then why the straps?" he asked even more puzzled.

    "Would you like to land on the nice, hard ground instead of a large, comfy bed?" she asked Sartre.


    "Great!" Aiko held Sartre's hand as she cast a teleporting charm. They appeared outside and above the base. The SES were nowhere to be seen. 'Guess they are all underground....' she wondered.

    Kyoshi was knocked backward on the account of the relapse of the bomb. He got up and ran into the hospital. He looked from room to room, searching for any sign of Aiko or Sartre. 'Where'd you guys go?!?!?!?!?!?!' he looked around wildly.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina pinned him down as soon as she realized they were crashing and falling. "Bull." she growled. "What do you want?"
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Okay, okay....", Haratsu mumbled, "I was following orders...I came in here to make sure everything went according to plan....."
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina glared at him. "So what's the plan?" she demanded, pulling her sword closer to his face to make her point that he'd better tell her.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    " blow up the hospital, then the entire base......" Haratsu muttered.

    Kyoshi came running out of the hospital just in time. The hospital collapsed into the rubble behind him. He ran towards the center of the base.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina's eyes got big at his words. "WHAT? That doesn't even make sense!" she screamed at him. "Sartre and Aiko are in there!" she gasped, seeming to forget him and standing up. Then she noticed him again and put her sword's point toward his chest. "Come on, we're going to make sure they're alright."
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Uhhhhhh....what if I refuse?" Haratsu stalled for time.

    Aiko peered behind several bushes. Some soldiers were standing by the entrance. "Damn...they are guarding it..." she muttered.

    "How'll we get in?" Sartre asked.

    "We wont get in...we'll just hope everyone else will gt out before..." she stopped and looked up. "The airplanes are coming in fast...."

    "We have to warn them somehow..." Sartre tried to get up, but fell.

    "Stay still or I'll tie you up again..." she warned.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serfina gave him the time tested school teacher glare, "What do you think?" she asked, pressing slightly harder with her sword on his chest. "Make your choice before I make it for you." she added, wanting to get to the others as soon as she could. Sartre worried her more than she wanted Haratsu to see.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Okay fine..." Haratsu grumbled. He waited for Serifina to put down her sword, then he would take his chance and run towards the guards how are standing near the entrance.

    Kyoshi saw Serifina and Haratsu near the edge of the base. With Haratsu being taken care of, he began searching again for Sartre and Aiko. He tried to use telepathy to find her, but something kept interfering. He looked over at the entrance. A few guards remained, they were protecting a machine that was pumping out fuumes into the base. 'I wonder...." he began to go near to investigate, but he stopped. Kyoshi suddenly started coughing. "Serifina! Get out of the base!!!" he yelled to wards her, while covering his face.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifinia felt whatever was in the air making Kyoshi cough immediatly. "For the love of- COME ON." she cut herself off to yell at Haratsu. She lessened her pressure on the sword, only to swoop down and grab him by the collar. She put her sword back into it's sheath so that one hand was free to clear alittle fresh air around the two of them so they could get out of the base without sufficating. "You'll get down on your knees and thank me later for letting you breath." she muttered, more to herself so she wasn't thinking about the danger they were in than to Haratsu, as they ran out of the base.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu muttered something inaudible.

    Kyoshi eyed him but continued to run towards the exit. Seeing as the entrance was blocked, he decided to go through the secret passage, through the tree.

    The tree is mostly a large, hollow log that passes through the base and exits on top at the surface.

    Kyoshi went under the log and began to climb up as fast as he could.

    Aiko and Sartre heard noises behind them. Small, scratching sounds were heard. Aiko took her sword out of its sheath and walked steadily towards the hollow log. She waited for an enemy to come out.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Don't mumble at me! I can let you die." Serifina snapped, having very little hold on her emotions as she searched out the others. Where are they? Please be okay... she ran faster, forcing Haratsu to hurry with her.
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