Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu walked towards the base, "Just make sure you don't burn yourself a child would..." he grinned.

    Aiko looked around the center of the base for a little cave opening. She found it beneath the large tree. She crawled inside it.

    Toshiro followed her, flapping his wings quietly against the still air.

    Kurenai nodded, "Sure, we'll get lost after we eat..."

    Kyoshi shrugged, "Suit yourself...just have fun finding the entrance to the base without me...." he smiled.

    "Wait..where's the entrance?" Sartre asked.

    "It's under the large tree we saw back up on the hill...remember?"

    "Oh yeah..."

    Kurenai laughed. " in order to get something to eat, we need to find the entrance?"


    "Okay let's go!" Kurenai ran towards the tree.

    "Where does she get her energy from?" Sartre asked, amazed.

    "I dunno.." Kyoshi shrugged.

    OOC: where did we leave Carissa at? i forgot... :P
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina punched the boys in the shoulders. "Maybe it's just a girl thing." she teased, running off after Kurenai. "Come on lazys!"

    Takeo sighed, watching Haratsu walk off from where he was. "Oh I won't." he assured him, not moving.

    OOC: hm.. i don't remember haha
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu jumped on the tree next to him, scanning the area. He spotted Serifina, Kyoshi, and Sartre. 'Where'd everyone else go?' he thought. "The groups coming this way..." he muttered to Takeo.

    Kyoshi laughed and ran towards the tree.

    Sartre, tired already from the run, spotted something in the tree besides the large tree. He thought no more of it and ran towards the group.

    Kurenai reached the tree and went under the caving she saw beneath its roots. "This is so cool!" she grinned.

    Aiko waited besides the opening, "BOO!!" she yelled at Kurenai.

    "KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kurenai screamed.

    Kyoshi, Sartre, and Aiko laughed.

    OOC: well, ill make somthin up in a bit..
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Yes, I can see that." Takeo answered, jumping into the tree he was standing under to watch what was happening. "Have fun being murdered."

    Serifina almost fell backwards laughing as Aiko scared Kurenai.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai punched Aiko lightly on the shoulder, "You...scared.....the crap out of me." she let out deep breaths to calm herself down.

    "Couldn't....resist!!" she laughed harder.

    Kyoshi stood up, apparently he fell on his knees from laughing so hard. "Okay, now that we got that out of our systems....." Kyoshi burst out laughing again.

    Sartre, seeing Kyoshi laugh, laughed even more.

    Aiko rolled her eyes. "Anyways..back to the cave..." she turned and went inside.

    Haratsu grunted and pushed Takeo into the clearing where everybody was.

    Toshiro let out a warning screech towards Takeo.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina stopped laughing as she spotted the two. Her mind instantly ignored everything but TAkeo as she drew her sword. "Not again you son of-." she growled.

    Takeo sighd. "That bird... I think i'll fry it now. Look what you've started." he growled at Haratsu, pointing to Serifina.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Exactly..a match made in heaven.." Haratsu snorted in laughter.

    Aiko popped her head out of the entrance. "Oh not, not those two again...." she replied glumly.

    Kyoshi chuckled. "Well, at least I'm done laughing..."

    Sartre took a deep breath, "And now you spoil our good mood..."

    Haratsu grinned. "Glad to be of service..."

    Kurenai picked up a stone and flung it at Haratsu.

    Haratsu, busy taking a sarcastic bow, got hit on the head and fell off the tree. "OOF!" he hsaid as he hit the ground.
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina stalked towards Takeo,charging her sword with all the elements she controled.

    "You know, Serifina, I think you'd find it much easier to kill me if that fool over there was dead first. then you wouldn't have to worry about your friends." Takeo suggested, backing away from her as he pulled out small poisoned darts.

    "Shut up." Serifina answered, coldly.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu began to back off, "Woah...I wasn't even interested in fighting this battle..."

    Kyoshi took out his sword, and appeared behind Haratsu, "You sure about that?" he taunted.

    Haratsu stopped, "Hahaha....if this is about the time ontop of the mountains.....uhh..." he gulped.

    "That's exactly what I am talking about.." Kyoshi snarled.

    Aiko looked puzzled at the two.

    Kurenai took out her sai and went to help Kyoshi.

    Sartre ran over to help Serifina. "Thought I would never have to kill you..." he sighed.

    Aiko went over to help Serifina, 'She'll need all the help she can get...Takeo seems the most dangerous...' she quickly thought. She took out her sword, inflaming it with bluish fire. "Make and move and I'll kill you in the next..." she warned menacingly.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Kill him and i'll take your head off." Serifina said, cooly, to Aiko.

    "I knew you loved me, dear." Takeo smiled sweetly at Serifina, knowing this would probably make her even angeier.

    "Don't think you're not going to die." she retorted, rising to his bait.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko nodded, trying to hide a giggle. She backed away, looking to see if Kyoshi or Kurenai needed help.

    Kurenai stood in front of Haratsu just in case he tried to escape.

    Toshiro screeched and flew up.

    Aiko looked up, and flew up towards him. She looked around at the wilderness. She saw 4 objects in the far distance. 'What the?' she thought.

    Toshiro flew towards the objects flying towards them.

    "Toshiro, NO!" Aiko shouted to him.

    Toshiro paid no attention to her.

    Aiko flew after him.

    Haratsu, seeing Aiko gone, elbowed Kyoshi.

    Kyoshi grunted and fell to the ground. "You--"

    Kurenai attempted to swing her sword at him, but missed.

    Haratsu jumped and climbed high into the tree. He took out his shotgun, and aimed at Kurenai.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo caught sight of Haratsu. "Now really, Serifina. Are you going to let him kill her?" he asked.

    Serifina couldn't help it, she looked at where he gestured and gasped. "Kurenai move!" she yelled, her attention momentarily directed away from Takeo.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi got up from the ground, ran towards Kurenai and pushed her away.

    "F***...." Haratsu noticed that his shotgun had no ammo, and reloaded the weapon.

    Kurenai got up, following Haratsu up a tree.

    Kyoshi, summoned a shield over Kurenai to protect her from shotgun blasts.

    Haratsu, not knowing this, fired when he saw Kurenai coming up to him. The recoil knocked him out of the tree. "Damn..." he groaned.

    Kyoshi grabbed Haratsu's shotgun and hurled it away from him. He pointed his sword at him. "What are you going to do now?"

    Haratsu shrugged, "Something.." he grabbed dirt in his hand and threw it at Kyoshi.

    Kurenai dropped out of the tree and ran to help him.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo took the moment Serifina was distracted to throw his darts. But, instead of aiming at her, he threw them at Sartre.

    Serifina's sword flashed out to stop some of the daggers but she had been too slow to get them all and had to watch three hite Sartre in the chest.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre fell backwards onto the ground. He tried to get up again, but fell again.

    "Sartre!" Kurenai yelled. She ran over to help heal the poisonous toxins.

    Kyoshi rubbed his eyes to get rid of the dust in them.

    Haratsu got up and ran after Kurenai, shotgun in hand.

    Kyoshi looked around, saw Sartre on the ground, and Haratsu running after Kurenai who was running towards Sartre. 'So much chaos going around...' he furiously ran after Haratsu.

    Aiko managed to catch up to Toshiro, "Toshiro! Never run away from-" she looked up at the objects in the air and froze....they were enemy troops and bomber planes. Grabbing Toshiro, she went flying towards the base.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina swung her sword around feircly, pumping more engergy into it so that the air, light, and space almost cracked it. It connected with Takeo's chest.

    Takeo was thrown backwards and had a deep gash in his chest now, leaving him gasping.

    "Don't touch my brother." Serifina said, standing over him and getting ready to deliver his death blow
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai knelt down beside Sartre and began to heal him.

    Kyoshi dragged back Haratsu before he could attack Kurenai.

    "Let me go!" Haratsu twisted around in the dirt. He looked up at the sky, listening.

    Kyoshi stopped and looked up, "What the?"

    Aiko dropped out of the sky, in a panicked voice she yelled, "Into the base!" GO!" she flew in and helped Sartre up.

    Kyoshi was about to ask why, but then he saw the huge army of bomber planes and infantry heading towards the base. "Oh crap..."

    Kurenai shakily got up.

    One of the turrents on the helicopter opened fire onto them.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo kicked up, hitting her in the stomach. As she stepped backwards from the kick, he teleported out of the clearing and away from the helocopters.

    Serifina swore but put the sword angrily back into it's sheath and ran over to help Kurenai into the base. As they ran into the base, she watched Sartre worriedly. What did he put in those darts?
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko flew in hurriedly into the base, taking care not to injure Sartre even more. 'Stupid darts.....' she thought furiously. Above them, she heard the loud thuds of the helicopters landing. She heard the faint urgent voices of those above her.

    Kyoshi ran into the cave and blocked the entrance using a force field. "Run! the shield wont hold out for long...." he yelled along the tunnel.

    Kurenai was the first to reach the base. The people did not notice the commotion that was hapening above the ground at this moment.

    Kyoshi looked around. " do we spread the bad news..?"

    One of the civilians ran over to them, seeing that Sartre was hurt. "The hospital's that way.." he pointed towards a large white building.

    "Thanks!" Aiko smiled at the small boy.

    The kid smiled and ran back to play with his friends.

    Aiko flew to the hospital.

    "We'll have to warn the leader first. Then we'll have every one evacuate the worries..." Kurenai thought.

    "It's too late now.." Kyoshi muttered, looking at the cave.

    "Why?" Kurenai asked.

    Kyoshi pointed towards several people entering the cave, wearing the SES uniforms, and looking ready to kill.

    Kurenai staggered back. She regained balance and created flames that surrounded the cave exit. "That'll distract them for a little while..."

    The village, having noticed the flames and the enemies, started the scream and panic.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina watched Aiko flying to the hospital and hoped hard that she would take good care of Sartre. She pulled her sword out again. "i guess we're on again." she said, gearing herself up to fight.

    Takeo had only teleported alittle ways away and was watching the problems take place.
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