Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    'You're not the only one.....' Aiko communicated with Serifina. Aiko helped Kyoshi up from the ground.

    Kyoshi coughed for a minute, but regained control of himself.

    Aiko, once again built the 2 small cabins.

    Sartre came back, grinning sheepishly.

    Aiko walked into the cabins and took out her purse. She picked up a small object from it and flung it into the corner. The object expanded and turned out to be a bed. She threw out many other small objects that expanded and formed tables, chairs, lights, and other home necessities. "I knew this bag would come in handy.."

    "So you really did bring that..."

    "Yeah, do you have a problem?"


    Kurenai grinned. "Awesome..what spell did you use?"

    "Object Reduction"
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Very useful." Serifina complimented, sitting on one of the beds and then laying back on it. It was really comfortable. "Way to go, Aiko." she grinned at the ceiling
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: sorryyyyyyyy....i wuz holiday shopping....and doing the rest of my hw so that i dont have to do it at the last minute.....xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD...yes..i have that many smiles....

    Aiko grinned. "Boys left cabin, we get right cabin....move it." she instructed.

    "Sir, yes Sir!" Kyoshi laughed.

    Sartre playfully punched him in the arm, laughing.

    Kurenai rolled her eyes.

    Aiko walked over to the kitchen, she thought for a moment. "What should I cook?"

    Kurenai laughed, "No offense Aiko, but your cooking is disastrous....remember 2 years ago..."

    "Oh shut up....I've improved..."

    "Oh sure you did. Now, instead of exploding the kitchen, you'll explode the whole forest with your mischievous culinary skills..."

    "Oh ha ha ha....." retorted Aiko.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: no problemo. i know the feeling :D:D glad to see u back

    BIC:Serifina laugh their banter and walked over to the kitchent where she dropped her bag on the counter. "I can cook tonight." she suggested. "My brother always said I was a pretty good cook." she her smile went a little sad for a moment, at some memory, but quickly became cheerfull again as she waited for the two's answer.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai grinned in delight. "Yay! My stomach got saved!!" she yelled gleefully.

    Aiko rolled her eyes at her weird cousin. "How do I even know you...." She wondered.

    Kurenai thought for a minute, "I think it was at a fair when your parents...." She stopped.

    Aiko's eyes flashed dark for a mintue. She didn't respond.

    (In the other cabin....xD)

    Kyoshi laid out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Hey, umm...Sartre?"

    Sartre poked his head out from the bathroom, "What?"

    Kyoshi stifled a laugh, "You are such a dork..."


    "How you ran way from the cabin after Serifina and Aiko told us all to stay in a group.....that was hilarious..."

    Sartre laughed.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina started takign out things to make the meal. Her gaze flashed to the other two at the odd way they'd stopped talking. "Hm, how do you feel about pasta and maranara sause?" she asked them, deciding not to make the awkward moment any more awkward. "maybe the boys would like some too." she mused, remembering how much guys could eat and hwo they always seemd to be hungry
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko giggled. "That sounds great!"

    Kurenai looked out the window towards the other cabin, then looked up and groaned.

    Aiko looked up, "What?" she asked her.

    "It's raining..."

    " still hate the rain huh?" she grinned.


    "This really is my day....oh wait!" Aiko went outside in the rain, and called to Toshiro.

    Toshiro came into the cabin, his feathers soaking wet. He looked ruffled, and displeased about being left in the rain.

    Aiko laughed.
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina laughed to herself as she started to boil some water. "You guys get the lazy bums next door and dinner'll be ready in oh..." she flipped through her thoughts to how long pasta took to cook. "... maybe 20 minutes." She started making the sauce without looking around to see if they were listening.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai nodded and went outside towards the other cabin. She knocked.

    Kyoshi, with his head under the pillow, didn't hear due to the pounding of the rain.

    Sartre was taking a shower, so he didn't hear either.

    Kurenai waited, but didn't get a response. She knocked again, louder this time.

    Again, Kyoshi nor Sartre heard the knocking.

    Kurenai gave up and ran back towards the cabin.

    "What did they say?" Aiko asked as she tried to help Serifina but failed.

    "They didn't answer......" Kurenai yawned.

    "I'll wake them up....." Aiko walked out in the rain again, and knocked gently on the door. She waited for several minutes.

    Kyoshi took the pillow off him, 'What was that?' he thought. He shrugged and thought he was hearing things.

    Aiko stepped back and kicked the door open, nearly taking the door off its hinges. "Didn't anyone hear me knocking?!" she asked, her voice dangerously low.

    Kyoshi grinned sheepishly, "You could have knocked louder....."

    "Oh, I did....." she pointed to the door.

    "So, what's going on?" Sartre asked as he brushed his teeth.

    "Dinner will be served in our cabin. there in a few minutes."

    "Okay....." said both Kyoshi and Sartre.

    Aiko walked back to the cabin.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina rolled her eyes. "Boys." she muttered, draining the pasta and setting it, ready on the stove next to the sauce. "IT"S READY." she yelled at the cabin nextdoor. She put some on her plate and sat down on one of the beds. "Tell me if it's sucks, kay?" she said, winking at the two girls.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai took a bite, and pretended to die as she fell to the floor.

    Aiko held her hands in the air, "Finally, the stupid hag is going to die........." she giggled.

    Kyoshi came in, and had a puzzled expression as he saw Kurenai on the ground.

    "Ohhhhkay...." Sartre muttered, "Everybody's off their rocker.."

    "True." agreed Kyoshi, as he sat down on the table. "Before I eat it, " he pointed to Kurenai, "Is she seriously poisoned?" he asked.

    Aiko laughed harder. "She's just's quite obvious..."

    "Duh. Kyoshi have you gone blind?"


    "Good, I can punch you harder from now on..." Aiko grinned.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Oh thanks Kyoshi!" Serifina said, sadly and sarcasticly as she gave him a pitiful look and pretended to tear up. "You really think I would poison her?" she sniffed and looked look at her plate, pretending to hold back tears. She knew he was most likely to start stuttering and stammering like most men did when a girl started crying and it was hard not to laugh at the very idea.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: I am so gonna make him stutter......

    Kyoshi groaned."I-I didn't mean it....It was m-meant to b-be as a joke......don't cry......" he pleaded.

    Aiko stifled a laugh.

    "Sh-shut up..."

    Aiko laughed harder when he stammered.

    Kurenai and Sartre grinned.

    "Wow Kyoshi, since when did you stutter?"

    Kyoshi paid no attention to the teasing that was going around him. He was still pleading to Serifina, while stuttering with his words. "S-Serifina......oh c-come on......." he sighed.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: XD that was perfect!

    BIC:Serifina hid her face behind her hands so he couldn't see her smile and made her shaking from laughter look like she was crying. She stayed like this while he contuied to get more and more uncomfortable until she couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, falling back onto the bed she was sitting on as she cracked up.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: was awesome.....oh crap..we left bad....he'll be with Takeo.....for a little bit.

    After Serifina's burst of laughter, Aiko, Kurenai, and Sartre also started cracking up.

    Kyoshi put his head down on the table.

    Aiko got up and went over to Kyoshi, ".......are you mad?" she asked gently, trying to stifle more laughter.

    Kyoshi didn't respond.

    Aiko nudged him.

    Kyoshi lifted his head and turned towards her, "What?"

    Aiko sighed, "I said, are you mad?"

    "No....I've grown used to the teasing.....remember how u used to tease me back when we were little?"

    "Oh yeah.......I couldn't recall...." Aiko giggled. "What did I used to call you?"

    Kyoshi shrugged. "I forgot..."

    "Awwww......" Sartre groaned playfully, "I wanted to tease him even more..."

    Kyoshi grabbed a nearby pillow and socked Sartre with it.

    Haratsu appeared near Takeo, "Since when was Carissa powerful? I thought she was useless...." he asked him.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina kept giggling as she took her empty plate and started cleaning up while the others ate. "Oh don't be mad, Kyoshi." she said, smiling at him. "I'm sorry, it was just too perfect a moment."

    Takeo opened his eyes blearily and looked up at him. "What?" he asked, sitting up and cringing at the burns. "Oh, I don't know. She was always more of a nusience than anything else, so I didn't know she was strong." he shrugged and tried standing up. "But, it doesn't matter as she's dead, most likely." he added, uncaring.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi smiled, "I'm not mad it's just that some people, " he eyed Aiko, "Take advantage of other people's weaknesses..."

    "Isn't that what a true assassin is supposed to do?" Aiko asked mockingly.

    "Point taken..." Kyoshi sighed.

    Sartre snickered. "I thought u didn't have any weaknesses...."

    Kurenai helped Serifina clean up the table. She stifled another laugh at Sartre's remark.

    "Don't make me sock you again.." Kyoshi warned playfully.

    "Ohh....I'm scared now....what are you going to do tickle me to death with the feathers?" Sartre said sarcastically.

    "That's a very good idea....." Kyoshi grinned as he grabbed a pillow and started walking towards Sartre.

    Sartre laughed.

    Haratsu laughed. "I think I would stay low for a while and figure out another plan........"
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina finished cleaning up with Kurenai and then Kyoshi turned around to watch the fight. She tapped her fingers on the counter in a bored manner. "You guys are laaame." she teased them finally, deciding to make things more entertaining thann pillows.

    Takeo nodded. "Until these damn burns are done healing, that's a plan." He looked at Haratsu in thought for a while. "So, what are you doing here not trying to kill me?" he asked, bluntly.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko grinned, "What will it be Serifina? Something laaame.....or are weapons included?"

    Kyoshi seemed confused.

    "As Serifina said, pillows are stupid....try using weapons of destruction." Aiko smiled evilly.

    Kurenai sighed.

    Kyoshi rolled his eyes, "Yeah, like I'm going to kill Sartre........"

    "Don't worry, I'll kill you..." Sartre grinned.

    "I was joking..." Aiko laughed.

    "Oh yeah...." Haratsu turned and punched Takeo on his badly burned arm, "That's for not helping me when the stupid witch attacked me..." he retorted.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifiina thought for a few moments as the two guys bantered. Then she grinned at them. "How about something even better?" she suggested, looking around at them to see if they'd all get what she meant.

    Takeo yelled out at the punch and rubbed his burned and now bruised arm. "What the hell?! Why should I have helped you? She was the one with more potential at the moment, at least she could portal where she wanted to." he retorted.
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