Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre nearly gasped out loud.

    "Oh crap..." Kyoshi muttered softly

    Aiko let out an angry growl and felt around with her energy to find Takeo and finish him before he takes off again.

    Kurenai screamed.

    "Scaredy cat", muttered Aiko.
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina kept her arms over Sartre. She wasn't sure if she'd really felt him move or if that was her imagination. "Don't move!" she called at the others as she heard someone scream. She closed her eyes and conctrated. A moment later a small blast of light eminated from her hands to illuminate a small area in the darkness that covered her, Sartre, and Kyoshi.

    Takeo could see the light in all the darkness and walked in the opposite direction as quietly as he could. He had to bit down on his tounge to stop from making a sound at the pain of the burns.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko noticed a flash of light across from her. She then started to create a type of fire that illuminates, but does not burn. She scattered the fires in the area surrounding her. She saw Kurenai on the ground about 15 feet to her left. she helped her up.

    Kurenai struggled to stay up, but fell down a few seconds later.

    She then ran to find Takeo. she saw him creeping away from the source of the light. "WE"RE NOT FINISHED YET!!!" she shrieked.

    Sartre got up almost immediately, bearing the pain in his chest. "Ow...."he muttered.

    "WOAH!" Kyoshi yelled as he fell backwards.

    Sartre stared at Kyoshi in bewilderment.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Ah!" Serifina jumped backwards hearing him speak. "I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, momentarily forgetting Takeo as she felt a wave of relief and then aggrivation. "You're alive!" she suddenly yelled. "Don't scare me like that!"

    Takeo took off at a run. He was practiclly ready to kill someone from the pain of the burns but he ignored it and just ran. Soon, as he heard her catching up, he teleported away at random. It would bother him later that he didn't think of where he was going but for now, probably for one of the first times in a long while, he was actually scared for his life.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "NO!" Aiko screamed in fury as Takeo teleported. She circled around the spot trying to locate any traces, but found nothing. she sighed and walked back to the group.

    Kyoshi heard Aiko coming, "He escaped, didn't he?" he muttered.

    Aiko nodded.


    Aiko smiled a little. She turned at Sartre, "Guess you're fine now. But next time you fake a death, tell us ahead of time, Serifina looked like she was going to Bbrutally kill Takeo painfully. " she chuckled.

    Sartre nodded, "Yeah, I'll tell you. Seri, I'm sorry....I didn't have time to tell you..I wasn't even planning on it..." he mumbled.

    Kyoshi was done healing Sartre's wounds. "Well should we continue our search? or Should we go to enemy camps and free out others?"

    Kurenai spoke up, "You," she pointed towards Kyoshi, "You never did tell me your name.."

    Kyoshi burst out laughing.

    "The nutcase cracking up is Kyoshi." said Sartre.

    Kurenai's eyes widened, "OOH! I'm sorry Aiko, I confused him with another...I'm sorry..."

    Aiko wiped tears of laughter from her eyes, "Of course..." she laughed again.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina still looked alittle upset with Sartre but she was too glad that he wasn't dead to be that mad. "So who are you?" she asked Kurenai, trying to be polite.

    Takeo didn't know where he was when he got through the teleport but he fell down onto the ground when he got there and let himself pass out.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai looked up, "I'm Kurenai, one of Aiko's cousins...." she trailed off.

    Aiko looked puzzled at her. "Something wrong?" she asked.

    Kurenai smiled a little, "I forgot to bring my sword...."

    Aiko chuckled.

    Kyoshi got up and helped Sartre up. "Well, let's get ready to head out..."

    "Head out where?" Aiko asked.

    Kyoshi stopped. "I have no idea..."

    Kurenai and Aiko both laughed.

    Sartre playfully punched Sartre on his arm, "Still confused as always, right Kyo?"

    Kyoshi grinned, "Maybe..."
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina smiled and looked up at the sky, "Maybe we can just camp here? It's getting dark." she suggested, looking over at the setting sun behind them.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko looked over her shoulder, "She's really is getting dark...."

    Kyoshi looked at Aiko, "Thanks for the update..." he said mockingly.

    "Glad to help..." she smiled.

    Kyoshi rolled his eyes.

    Aiko muttered an earth spell, out of the clearing, 2 cabins slowly took shape. She looked within the cabins. "Now all we need are blank-"

    "We're covered." Kyoshi pointed out a deserted cabin about 1 mile away.

    Aiko grimaced at the sight. " way.."

    Sartre stared at the house, "Guess that will have to do.."

    Kurenai sighed, and started to head towards the deserted cabin.

    Aiko stayed behind.

    Kyoshi lagged back, and came back for Aiko.

    "I'm not going over there......" she muttered.

    "Yes, you are..." he replied. Kyoshi grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the cabin.

    "You are so paying for this..." Aiko retorted.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Afraid of an old cabin, Aiko?" Serifina teased her. "Interesting phobia you have there." she laughed as she walked towards teh cabin with Sartre.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Yeah..interesting...." Kyoshi chuckled.

    "Shut up.." Aiko said as she whacked Kyoshi around the head.

    "OW!" Kyoshi yelled.

    Aiko ran triumphant towards the cabin.

    Sartre laughed, "Haha...she got you..."

    "I'll get her back...."

    "Sure you will..." muttered Kurenai.

    OOC: TT_TT I gtg..cyaS L8R..
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "At least they're entertaining." Serifina commented, laughing at how the two were going back and forth. "It's like a soap opera around here." She pulled Sartre by the elbow and took off at a run after Aiko.

    OOC: aw,okay cya
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko laughed at Serifina's comment. She stopped at the cabin door.

    Kyoshi sighed, "She remembered she's not going in there..."

    Aiko backed away from the house, only to be pushed forward by Kyoshi.

    "Sartre, this is Kyoshi, do you copy over." Kyoshi muttered through his hand, making the sound slightly muffled.

    Sartre smiled. "Kyoshi, this is Sergeant Green, Do you copy, over."

    "Roger that, Sergeant Crap. We have Firefox in custody..." Kyoshi muttered while pushing Aiko into the cabin. "Firefox won't go into base, over."

    "Roger that." Sartre started laughing.

    Kurenai sighed, "I'm stuck with 3 idiots..."

    Kyoshi pretended to struggle with Aiko.

    Aiko rolled her eyes, as she sidestepped just as Kyoshi was about to push her.

    "Woah!" Kyoshi yelled as he fell to the dusty floor.

    Aiko laughed hysterically.

    Kurenai giggled.

    Sartre laughed himself hoarse.

  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina laughed with them. "You have no idea." she agreed with Kurenai about the three as they walked in, stepping over Kyoshi. "Ugh, what a reck." she commented looking around at the dusty, dirty inside of the house.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Who in their right minds would live in this scrawny place?"

    "You would..." Kyoshi coughed.

    Aiko made him fall back down to the floor.

    Kyoshi stifled a laugh. He looked around, "Wow...this place really is dusty..." he commented.

    Sartre nodded in agreement. "I'm going to check upstairs."

    "I'll come with you..." Kyoshi ran towards Sartre.

    "Don't get lost!" Kurenai warned. 'This place is huge...' she thought.

    Sartre grinned, "Don't worry, I'll hold his hand." he teased.

    "F*** you." Kyoshi muttered.

    Sartre laughed.

    Aiko produced a small orb of fire as light, and went to check out the basement.

    "Aiko! Wait for me!!!!" Kurenai yelled as she ran down the steps.

    Sartre looked around. He turned towards Serifina, "Guess we'll search here..." he gestured towards Serifina, "You lead...I'm not very good at making light.."
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina opened her palm and produced a beam of light that illuinated the room they were in. "Let's go boys. Hold hands and stay close." she said in a teasily teacher like voice as she headed up stairs. She pointed the light in front of her so that behind her was dark and the guys had to run to up with her to keep out of the dark.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi could see perfectly. He saw a huge cobweb in the corner of the room. He nudged Sartre closer and closer to it.

    Sartre squinted his eyes, hoping to see, but no luck.

    Kyoshi pushed Sartre into the cobwebs, then laughed.

    Sartre got up and pounced on top of Kyoshi, bringing him into the ground.

    Kyoshi started to wrestle Sartre. "Not so strong now, huh General Crap?" he muttered.

    Sartre grinned, "I'm as strong as you Sergeant Pieceofsh*t...." he laughed.

    Kyoshi couldn't help but laugh at the name Sartre came up with. "I'm keeping that name, if you don't mind...."

    Aiko, finding out that the steps led to nowhere, trudged her way upstairs. She found Kyoshi and Sartre in the middle of the floor. "And you say I'm insane....." she whispered softly.

    "That's cuz, you really just don't show it.."

    Aiko grabbed a pillow and socked Kyoshi with it. "Anything else, you'd like to say...Sergeant InsanePsychopath?"

    Kyoshi shook his head.

    Kurenai helped Kyoshi and Sartre up.

    Aiko walked over and pushed Kyoshi back down again.

    "You bully..." Kurenai giggled.

    "I try to be, Kurenai, I try to be....." Aiko sighed. She looked over at Sartre and Kyoshi, "If you guys keep fooling around, you'll end up breaking the floor and bringing us down...then I'll be-" Aiko stopped. She looked towards the ground. She pointed at a large crack that had appeared on the floor.

    "Oh crap...." Kyoshi whispered.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Good going ass-tards." Serifina sighed. "You broke the house." she looked at the crack in the floor, walking carefully over to it and testing it. She expanded the light in her hand and made it come from a spot on the ceiling so they could all see clearly. The crack was getting bigger by the moment. "Ah... you guys are so dead when we're finished falling." she said, almost calmly.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Maybe, we're not going to fall....hold hands..." Aiko instructed.

    Kurenai instinctively grabbed Sartre's hand.

    Kyoshi grabbed hands with Serifina and Aiko.

    Sartre grabbed Serifina's other hand.

    Kurenai held Aiko's and Sartre's hand tightly.

    Aiko spread her wings slowly. "When the floor is about to collapse, duck your heads...I'm going to blast the top of the roof..or else..we're all going to fall.."

    Kyoshi muttered a levitation spell, in a few seconds, he floated in the air.

    "Well, you're covered..." Aiko let go of Kyoshi's hand and grabbed Serifina's.

    Kyoshi grinned.

    The floor's cracks got wider and wider. Then the whole thing fell down to the first floor.

    Aiko blasted the roof and immediately flew upwards.

    Kyoshi followed after.

    She flew for several feet, until the wight caught up to her and gradually flew downwards.

    "What's your maximum load?" Kyoshi asked Aiko.

    "Myself...I'm...not...capable...of....lifting..........crap...." she struggled to land safely.

    Kyoshi laughed as he helped Aiko land. " much for using the base...right, General Cra-" he stopped as he was pushed onto the ground by Aiko.

    "What........base?!" she yelled. She pounced on him, trying to get him back for turning the cabin into ruins.

    Sartre stepped away from Serifina. He laughed nervously. "RUN!" he laughed as he fled into the woods.

    "It's getting darker! Large animals roam in the night!!!" Kurenai nearly screamed.

    Aiko sighed.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Oh for the love of-." Serifina made a short of light show around them, knowing most animals of the night didn't like light for the most part. She took off after them. "Stop running you idiots!" she yelled after them. "Animals can attack you better if ur alone! Stay in the group!" Why do I feel like I'm babysitting?
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