Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kurenai murmured, "And...that is bad?"

    "I don't know!" Kyoshi exasperated.

    Sartre thought for a moment, 'Well, maybe she's angry..."

    Kyoshi stared at him, "Thanks for the update, Captain Obvious."

    Kurenai laughed. "Okay, seriously you guys, we should tackle all of them before they do serious damage...yes even Aiko." she stared at Kyoshi, "You didn't tell me your name.." she asked.

    Kyoshi opened his mouth, then quickly shut it when he heard a scream in the trees in front of him. "Later!" he yelled as he jumped through the trees and quickly restrained an angered Aiko. "No! Control yourself!" he whispered in her ear.

    Sartre and Kurenia came into the clearing. Sartre ran, heading towards Takeo.

    Kurenai helped Kyoshi with Aiko, chanting a sleeping spell on her.

    Carissa, down on the ground, got up. Enraged, she pulled her sword and ran towards Aiko.
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina pulled out her sword and swiftly sliced it across Carrisa's back just as she was about to hit Aiko. "Hell no." she hissed, grabbing Carrisa by the back of the shirt as she stopped from the hit.

    Takeo eyed Serifina, hoping Carrisa wouldn't hurt her... But he pulled his mind to Sarte who was running at him. "oh hello." he said, coldly. pulling his blades out and holding them ready to fight. "what do you want?"
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "To slice your frickin' head off...what else?" Sartre grinned.

    Carissa gasped, and fell backwards. She notices Serifina behind her, and jumped to her feet, or tried to. Serifina still held her shirt. "DAMMIT! let GO!" Carissa yelled as she made a swipe at Serifina.

    Kyoshi and Kurenia were holding an enraged Aiko back.

    Aiko gradually started to get sleepy, and was finally knocked unconscious.

    Kurenai knelt down beside Aiko. Kurenai was about to ask Kyoshi his name, but before she could ask, Kyoshi had run off to help Sartre.

    Kyoshi took out his most powerful weapon, A large crescent shaped sword about 2 feet long.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo laughed. "That's not a very nice thing to say." he chided Sartre. "But if you insist on trying... go ahead and try."

    Serifina ducked and held on tightly to Carrisa. "No way." she retorted, turning on her heal and throwing Carrisa down. She pointed her sword at Carrisa's chest.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Carissa writhes and tries desperately to get away from Serifina. She growls fiercely. "LET....GO...."

    Kyoshi rushes behind Takeo, and Sartre comes up in front. Sartre jumps towards Takeo, sword in hand, preparing to slash him to bits.

    Kyoshi lies in wait, waiting for the perfect moment to paralyze him, so Sartre can take a hit.

    Kurenai tries to wake up Aiko, but fails. "Aiko, wake up!" she wails.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo laughed again. "good idea boys, but try a little harder." he grinned evilily at him and a dark sheild surrounded Takeo just before Sartre struck. From inside it he portaled behind Sartre and kicked out at his back, aiming to knock the two boys into each other.

    Serifina kept her grip firm and concentrated on dodging hits from Carrisa. "Give me a reason. So far everything points to just killing you."
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi tried to move out of the way, but Sartre landed right on top of him. "Get offa me!" Kyoshi yelled.

    Sartre struggled to get up, "I'm trying!" he retorted.

    Carissa jumped backwards, and hit Serifina in the back against a tree.

    Kyoshi got back onto his feet and threw several knife blades at him, as a distraction. He then performed a chant that made him invisible for a few moments. He crouched and slowly crept towards Takeo, making sure that he wouldn't be able to notice him or sense him in any way.

    Sartre blinked several times. "Kyoshi?" he wondered.

    'Shut up...and let me concentrate...'

    'Where are you...?'

    Kyoshi didn't reply.

    Carissa finally freed herself from Serifina's grasp and once again ran towards Aiko.

  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina pushed herself back to her feet, shaking off the hit as she ran after Carrisa. "No you don't." she growled, whipping her sword out into it's chain form. Ah, I haven't done this sort of fighting in too long! she grinned to herself, sent torn space just around the sword's chain and whiped it out at Carrisa, catching her around the ankles.

    Takeo swore under his breath but was still grinning. "Come out come out wherever you are!" he hissed. "Or maybe I can just kill your friend while you hide?" he taunted, turning on the spot and slamming his blade against Sartre's chest.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre gasped as the blade impaled him. He fell and clutched his now bleeding chest. He could barely breathe. "D-damn......." he said. His breath was slowing down.

    Kyoshi was shocked for a moment. Then he controlled himself again, and lunged towards Takeo, intent on killing him.

    Carissa fell down to the ground. She shrieked and sent a dark phoenix towards Aiko.

    From behind the trees, Toshiro took flight and attacked the phoenix.

    Carissa swore.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina saw out of the corner of her eye Sartre get impaled. She gasped and pulled her blade's chain back without thinking, pulling Carrisa violently towards her as the blade returned to it's normal state. "No..."

    Takeo grinned at Sartre before pulling his blade out of him and letting him slide to the ground. He turned just in time to block the blow Kyoshi aimed at him. "woah, that got your attention didn't it?" he asked.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi didn't reply, he turned around to strike again.

    Sartre lay on the grass...barely moving. He gasped for breath. 'I hope Takeo will fall for this...' he hoped.

    Kurenai screamed.

    Aiko woke suddenly, and immediately put her hands on her ears.

    Kurenai looked down, "Aiko-Chan!" Kurenai rejoiced and hugged her.

    "Get Offa ME!!!" Aiko fumed.

    Carissa fall back onto Serifina. "Oh, my waist..."
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina pushed Carrisa off of her, pointing her sword at her. She didn't want to deal with her. "You want to die or get knocked out? Answer quickly because I'm not waiting." she almost growled.

    Takeo ducked out of the way. "Oh look..." he said, blocking and dodging the blows as best he could. "Your girlfriend woke up. You better hurry before someone attacks her again." he grinned, shoving his blade foward so as to throw Kyoshi off blanance.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi grinned wickedly, as he sidestepped the attack, and struck Takeo's hand, making him drop his sword. He muttered, and black flames leaped up from beneath the ground, causing the earth to split open (small fault).

    Aiko loked around, her vision waas hazy, but she was slowly focusing. she rubbed her eyes.

    Carissa looked up at Serifina, grinning. she quickly rolled around, and grabbed Serifina around the waist and fliped her backwards, crashing her into the ground, near the fault.

    Kurenai helped Aiko up, and ran to help Serifina.

    Aiko's vision cleared and went over to help Kyoshi. She jumped over the fault and tried to strike Takeo with her sword.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina held out her hands and made a blast of air stop her just before falling into the fault. She scrambled to her feet and tried to get away from the fault. "Fine. Killing you is more permenant anyway. Ever seen a star upclose before?" she asked, gritting her teeth and pulling her sword up to make the cut in space like before.

    Takeo didn't bother picking up the sword but pulled out smaller blades he could use in a more hand to hand combat manner. "Lovely spell, boy. But can you tell me, just for laughs, what those little flames are made from?"
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Fire...what else?" Kyoshi snickered.

    Aiko grabbed her sword again and struck Takeo in the back with the hilt of her sword.

    Kyoshi leaped back. He summoned more of the black flames and they swept over Takeo's body, smothering him in flames.

    Carissa laughed, "Like what you did to Haratsu?"

    Haratsu looked up. He was in the sidelines, waiting for e perfect time to get back at Takeo for not helping him with Carissa. He made a rude hand gesture towards Carissa.

    Carissa didn't see it.

    Kurenai whacked Carissa in the back of her head, knocking her out. She looked over Serifina, "Should we just kill her now..or spare her?"
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina grinned wickedly at Carrisa. "Yes, just like Haratsu. Except maybe a little closer?" she gave Haratsu the rude hand gesture back as she was still pissed at him. Then she looked at Kurenai, "I'd like to kill her. Do you think burning in the sun would be good? She'd never feel it because she'd freeze in space to fast and it should get rid of her." she asked.

    Takeo felt the burn of the fire and, as fast as he could, made a sheild of darkness that covered him closely to his skin so he appeared competly covered. "Ah!" the pain of the burn started receeding as the darkness helped him heal but it still hurt alot as the black flames had been realy intense
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Carissa isn't that we should kill her..xD

    Kurenai nodded.

    Carissa started squirming, trying to get free.

    Kurenai struggled to keep from releasing her. "She's going to break free any moment! We have to hurry!"

    Kyoshi noticed something wrong. 'He isn't screaming in agony....but that's this point it should be about 1,000 degrees Celsius.....'

    Aiko muttered a spell. more flames, white this time, began to overpower the small, black flames (Higher Temp). The white flames then came across Takeo's shield. Aiko noticed that he had a shield on, and tried to wear it off.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina nodded, smiling, and then grabbed Kurenai by the arm to keep her ancored. She sliced open the space in front of Carrisa which burst with the sun's heat and light. "Bye bye baby." she said, kicking her into the tear and then closing it as fast as she could.

    Takeo grit his teeth over the pain that was now rising and concentrated on making a blast of darkness that would put out the fire. He could feel the fire burning away at him and it took half his concentration not to scream now.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko smirked, and thrust more white-hot flames into the shield, weakening it even more.

    Kyoshi's black flames were now smothered by the white flames. He called his fire back and waited for Aiko to finish her attack. He ran over towards Sartre, lying on the ground, unmoving.

    Sartre held his breath when he heard someone coming. He stood as still as possible, paralyzed with fear at what Takeo would do if he was still alive.

    Kyoshi shook Sartre. Nothing. He playfully punched Sartre in the arm. "Sartre?"

    Sartre, thinking Takeo's tricking him, stayed still, hardly breathing.

    Kyoshi sighed.

    Kurenai fell back to the soft grass. "She's finally gone!" she exasperated.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Yeah, finally." Serifina agreed, alittle absently. She was already almost running over to Sartre.

    Takeo finally got enough energy built up just as his shield was about to give out. He released the darkness which shroaded the entire area and destroyed the flames.

    Serifina had just reached Sartre when the darkness blasted over them and she fell to her knees, instinctivly trying to protect him by covering him as much as she could with her arms.
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