Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre thought for a moment. "Maybe if we walked around here for a bit, we just might be able to pick up their trace...but we'll have to be quick..or else.." he trailed off.

    Haratsu still held Aiko in his arms. He looked lovingly at her. He glances at Kyoshi nervously. 'Still unconcious...guess he wouldn't mind...' he chuckled under his breath.

    Kyoshi's mind started to clear. He opened his eyes and his eyes were starting to focus and adjust to the light.

    Haratsu hold Aiko tighter, and bends down to kiss her.

    Kyoshi sat up and looked around. He saw Haratsu bending down. 'Where am I..and who......' his eyes widened. 'Oh hell no....' he gets up quickly and runs towards Haratsu.

    Haratsu had barely any time to react. He releases Aiko, and she drops to the ground in a softened thud. The next second he is in the air and then hits the ground with a sickening crack. He curses and holds his arm. 'Oh sh*t...I think my arm's broken...crap..' He stared at Kyoshi's face.

    Kyoshi tightened his fist infury. "Don'" his anger grew with every word.

    Haratsu got up. Blood poured from his mouth. "You can't order me around, you mutt..."

    Kyoshi groped for his sword. He came up with nothing.

    Haratsu grinned.

    OOC: 'Mutt' is a curse word for those in the synapid group....since synapid comes from the word 'creature' thinks it's in latin....
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo looked over at Haratsu and Kyoshi almost as if they were merely an annoyance the same as Carrisa. "Is everyone around here ******ed?" he asked Carrisa, advancing on her as she sobbed so that she had to back up into a tree. "So, come on, out with it. Why are you here? Don't you get it already? You and Sasha have outlived your usefulness. In fact as far as I can see, you're the ones who messed everything up to begin with! So give me one good reason you should be around and another good reason I shouldn't kill you anyway." he ordered.

    Serifina bit her lip, understanding perfectly what he meant. "Okay let's go." she agreed. They started walking in a random direction and she felt the air, concentrating intently, as they went.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Carissa stopped whimpering. She stared Takeo in the face, and with a serious look, she whispered, "Cuz I'm all you've got...All this time I've played the life of a weakling, little girl...but know i can finally reveal my true self. I am indeed powerful, much more powerful than this person.." she jerked her head towards Haratsu, "whom you call your teammate.."

    Kyoshi muttered a spell.

    Haratsu was bounded by several tight wires that coiled tighter and tighter around his legs and neck. He started gasping for breath.

    Just then, Aiko regained conciousness. She looked up and two blurry figures. She recognized one of them. "K-Kyoshi?" she whispered.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo suddenly grinned at her. "My teamate?" he quoted, "Hardly. He's no more my teamate than you or Sasha were. He's just someone who will help me for now." he looked at her steaidly for a while. "So what exactly makes you so powerful and worthy to be more than a bother in my way? Why don't you show me?" he asked, completely ignoring the others now.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Carissa laughed. "Fine, try to pin me down.." she taunted.

    Kyoshi immediately let go of Haratsu and went over towards Aiko. "You okay?" he muttered.

    Aiko nodded, but didn't say anything.

    Haratsu, seeing his chance, grabbed his shotgun and hit the back of Kyoshi's head with the shotgun butt.

    Aiko gasped. She jumped back. Her eyes couldn't focus, she rubbed her eyes.

    Haratsu ran towards her and threw her onto the ground. "Don't get up..." he muttered gently.

    Aiko blinked. "Why the hell should I trust you?" she whispered fiercely.

    "Because you can...let's leave it at that.."

    "Go away.." she growled.

    Haratsu chuckled. "You're still the same..."

    Aiko glared at him.

    Sartre walked around for a bit, then picked up a strange scent. He followed it and it led to one of Takeo's trails. "Hey! I found it!" the trail's should lead us right to them... Sartre started running towards the end of the trail.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina followed him quickly, hoping he was on the right trail. She could feel Takeo's scent on the air, now, too.

    Takeo chuckled. "Let me guess: I try and pin you, you pin me instead, and then I have to kill you for embarassing me." He leered at her expression. "No, I have a better idea. If you really are better then that man who you think is my teammate, then after we've dealt with these two... take him out." he suddenly backed off of her, giving her a chance to run. "Don't do it before they're dead or gone or whatever, because that would ruin my plan as well. Just do it when the times right. Timing and intellegence are just as important as strenght. Prove to me you have all of them."
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Carissa nodded. She crept slowly towards Aiko and Haratsu.

    "She's going to try and take us down..." Haratsu muttered.

    "And You know"

    "I've been paying attention this whole time..."

    "Don't give me that crap...."

    "Run!" Haratsu shoved Aiko out of the way.

    Aiko rolled onto Kyoshi. "Jeez! Don;t just shove me when you-" Aiko stopped midsentence as Carissa took a swipe at her with her blade. Aiko flipped backwards. Kyoshi.... she realized that and formed a force field around him.

    Sartre followed the course and soon it led to a very snowy mountain. "Wow......that's very steep.....too steep to climb.." Sartre looked for an easier way to go up towards the mountain.
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo sighed. "What did I just say about waiting?" he asked her, instead of helping anyone. "Oh forget it... just show me if your stronger then them for now. We'll work on growing you a brain later." he leaned on the tree behind him and watched, although he was also ready to attack anyone who came near him.

    Serifina looked up at the moutain and thought for a few second. "It's not that steep if you cheat." she finally said, opening her palms and letting air start to whip around her hands. She made the air go so fast and choppy it might as well have been blades. "Come on, just follow me, alright?" she already was on the moutian, gripping the side with her wind incased hands that were cutting up the rock and making hand holds as she went. She couldn't help grinning at her hands, enjoying how something as simple as air could be so violent
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre smiled. "And I thought wind was gentle...." he laughed.

    Carissa shoved Aiko into a tree, breaking her concentration.

    Aiko dodged Carissa right before her fist connected with stomach. She rolled sideways.

    Carissa cursed, and thre her blade towards Aiko.

    Aiko tried to dodge it but the blade, coming in too fast, impaled her shoulder. She winced.

    Carissa smiled and charged towards her, ramming her into another tree.

    Haratsu snuck up behind Carissa and pinned her on the ground. "Takeo, can't you control her?!" he yelled furiously.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo shrugged, "I don't know quite yet." he answered, nonchalently. "Is there a reason I should? you seem to have it under control and i thought you wanted that girl dead." he grinned at them, spinning his blade on his finger.

    Serifina laughed. "It is. I'm not." she answered, climbing up as she talked. "Come on, just grab the hand holds and climb."
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu swore.

    Carissa elbowed Haratsu in the stomach, and Haratsu rolled off groaning. She picked up her blade and aimed at Haratsu, and threw it at him. She missed. She ran towards him and struck him on the head with her elbow.

    Haratsu dodged Carissa right before she swung another fist at him. He pulled out his shotgun and aimed at Carissa.

    Carissa jumped towards him and quickly grabbed the shotgun, and crumbled it.

    Haratsu stared in disbelief at the pile of rubble that had once been his powerful shotgun. "Oh crap..."

    Aiko once again regained focus and finished placing a protection spell over Kyoshi. she grabbed several knife blades and flung them towards Carissa.

    Haratsu just barely missed getting impaled by several sharp blades and knives. "Are you trying to kill me?!" he yelled towards Aiko.

    Aiko stared at Carissa, she didn't reply to Haratsu. Her eyes had turned from a greenish tinge to a harsh red-black tone.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo watched, grinning. Aiko was changing and was sure to do something amazing, Carrisa was showing she was more impressive than he'd known, and Haratsu... well he was only proving that Takeo didn't need him. Perfect. Even if that Aiko girl kills both of them, this will be quite a show.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu stepped back warily.

    Aiko ran towards Carissa, grabbed her neck, and flung her towards the tree nearest her with such force, that the tree snapped in two.

    Kyoshi regained consciousness and slowly stood up. He staggered, but regained his footing. He saw Haratsu. He was about to continue to kill him when he caught sight of Aiko in the corner of his eye. 'H-her eyes couldn't have taken possession again or she would've changed form....what the hell is going on...' he slowly took a step forward.

    Aiko glared at Carissa, planning to strike her at her weak points.

    Sartre winced as he cut his hand on a sharp rock. "Sh*t..." he muttered. "Are we almost there yet!?" he yelled towards Serifina.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo contiued watching, twiriling his blade around his finger in a complicated way.

    Serifina looked down at him. "Yeah, almost there. Just a about a hundred or two more feet." she contuied climbing, now trying to cut more carfeullyy so he wouldn't hurt himself.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko crouched, baring her teeth at Carissa. Her teeth were starting to change, forming long, sharp pointed teeth.

    Carissa looked at her with a puzzled expression.

    Aiko lunged towards her, and knocked her down. She slashed at her throat with her nails, which are beginning to look more and more like sharp talons.

    Carissa screamed and yelled in agony. With a burst of strength, she threw Aiko away from her.

    Aiko landed a few feet away from her. She growled fiercely.

    Kyoshi was beginning to worry, She's lost complete control of herself. She...she doesn't even seem human. This is going insane.....

    Sartre looked up."....I can hear someone thrashing about....we've gotta hurry before...." he didn't finish. He doesn't want to know what was making those thuds.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo laughed quietly to himself as the fight got more intense.

    Serifina nodded, without looking down. "Alright, whatever you say." she muttered, climbing faster than before. She soon pulled herself over the cliff edge and looked down to give him a hand up.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre grabbed her hand and pulled herself up. "Now where have those children gone now?" he murmured.

    Aiko noticed Takeo leaning against a tree. She started to grin and ran towards Carissa. she picked her up and hurled her towards Takeo.

    "CRAAAAP!" Carissa yelled.

    Kyoshi started to creep towards Aiko, looking for a chance to restrain her just in case she lost total control of who she was.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo was caught off gaurd for a second and ducked out of the wall. He offered a hand to Carrisa as she lay beneath the tree. "Come on, get back in there before that boy takes her out himself." he said, pulling her up to her feet and pushing her back towards Aiko.

    Serifina listened closely to the air. "This way." she pointed off to the right. "Sounds like quite a fight..." she sighed.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Then let's go!" Sartre yelled as he headed the direction Serifina was pointing.

    Kyoshi jumped back as Carissa bumped into Aiko.

    Aiko got up and grabbed Carissa's arm. She twisted it and then she heard a crack.

    Carissa screamed. He arm hung loosely from her elbow. She swore and threw several knives towards her.

    Aiko dodged them easily. she had a smug smile on her face. Her eyes were getting a little lighter.

    Out of the blue, Kurenai landed with a thud on the snow. "Ow.." she muttered to herself.

    Kyoshi stared at her, stunned. "M-Mitsuki?" he stammered.

    Kurenai looked up, she saw Kyoshi for the first time, but didn't know who he was. "Who are you?!" she yelled towards him.

    Sartre jumped out of the bushes and landed between Kyoshi and Kurenai. He looked around. "Where's Aiko-chan?" he asked.

    Kyoshi jerked his head, "Over there beating the living crap out of Carissa...she should be fine...but..." he stopped.

    "But what?!" Sartre and Kurenai yelled together.

    "Her eyes....they've changed..." he said worriedly.

    OOC: Ignore the dress, she always wears a skirt and a black shirt with fishnets for sleeves. Just telling you about her eyes. ^.^

    Attached Files:

  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "So who do we do what to?" Serifina asked looking at the two girls who were fighting.
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