Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre thought for a moment. "Well, we could cover more ground by splitting up....okay here's what we'll do. We'll split up, Kyoshi, you take Aiko and head North from here, Serifina and I will head south, if any of us is in trouble send out red sparks in the air. We'll meet back here in 1 it?"

    "Sir, yes sir!" Kyoshi laughed.

    Sartre picked up a rock and thre it at Kyoshi.

    Kyoshi dodged easily. "How could you miss?! I am, like, 5 feet away from you!"

    "Shut up..." Sartre retorted.

    "Alright then, I'll head up North, see you in an hour...sir." Kyoshi grinned. He picked up Aiko from the ground, and carried her walking north.

    Haratsu nodded. "Fine , we'll go after him. Aiko should be with'll be hard." Haratsu zipped up his coat. "S-should we disguise ourselves, and then attack when they let their guard down? Or should we just try a surprise attack? Either one, Aiko will see me and try to behead me or something revengeful in that category..."
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Leet's just surprise attack them. She'll know you either way which would make a disguies pointless and in the way." Takeo stood up. "Well let's go find them."

    Serifina stood up, trying not to laugh at Satre. "Um, nice aim." she commented, causually and then quickly changed the subject before he started throwing anything at her. "So let's go." she started walking south
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre sighed and got up. He gripped his sword tightly and walked alongside of her. He listened for anything unusual sounds, noises, voices....nothing. 'I have a really bad feeling....we shouldn't have split up...too late now..'

    Kyoshi hummed merrily. He looked down at Aiko. 'Still sleeping? Wow...' He heard rustling behind him. Thinking it was a squirrel, he walked on.

    Haratsu hiding behind the tree, glanced at Kyoshi. "What luck...Aiko's been knocked out. Guess I don't have to deal with her....should we take them both?" he persuaded Takeo.

    Carissa woke up groggily. "T-Takeo? W-where are you?", she looked around the demolished building. she stepped outside and was warmed by the sun's glistening rays. 'Hmm...he's not here....I'll have to find him I guess..' she muttered a tracking spell.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Alright. Why don't I take the girl in case she wakes up. That way she won't know right away it was you." Takeo agreed. Then he gave a him a mock bow, indicating for him to go first.

    Serifina looked around as they walked, testing the air for a long way around them to look for Takeo and Harasto
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu nodded. He snuck behind Kyoshi, carefully, watching his every step.

    Kyoshi, sensing movement behind him, turned around...he saw nothing.

    Haratsu stood shaking behind a tree. 'Crap....that was close.' Once again, he crept up behind Kyoshi.

    Carissa showed up behind Takeo. 'Hmm...he didn't hear me...haha..this'll be fun!' She didn't notice Haratsu nor Kyoshi. She inhaled deeply.

    Haratsu took out his blade and was about to overpower Kyoshi.


    Kyoshi ducked his head, the moment Haratsu tried to grab his throat. Kyoshi punched Haratsu in the stomache with his elbow. 'Damm..I can't use any weapons..' He looked down at the still unconscious Aiko.

    Haratsu fell backwards onto the ground, he took out his sword. " have no weapons..." he spoke sharply towards Kyoshi.

    "Damn! What the hell do you want now!?" Kyoshi yelled in fury. He sent up red sparks in the air.

    Sartre looked up in surprise. "They are in trouble!!!" Sartre yelled in horror.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo winced at her shrill voice. "Carissa you moron!" he yelled, throwing his hand back to knock her against a tree. He threw straight darkness at Kyoshi, seeing the sparks.

    "Of course." Serifina nodded, disbelivingly. "Lets go." SHe grabbed his elbow and started running off in their direction.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi, unable to see anything, stayed in one spot. He used his senses to detect any movement. He stood his ground, prepared to spring just in case. He sensed something running up behind him, he waited for the last possible moment. 'NOW!' he thought, and jumped upwards, narrowly avoiding Haratsu's kick.

    Haratsu stared in disbelief. "what the-?" he yelled as he was pinned down by Kyoshi.

    "Gotcha..." Kyoshi grinned.

    Carissa slammed into the tree. She blinked, and looked up. She punched Takeo on the head. "Don't be mean!" she yelled. Carissa used more force than necessary and sent Takeo headfirst into the bushes.

    Kyoshi had to step backwards or else Takeo would've hit him. 'good, it's starting to clear up....' he looked up.

    Sartre jumped over a ledge, and walked into Carissa. "W-what are y-you doing here?!" Sartre stared.
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo jumped back up, his eyes flashing at Carissa, "You litte-." she spotted Serifina and Sartre coming towards them. "Oh for the love of it all. Haratsu, come on, they're all here." He flung his foot out and connected with Kyoshi's head. "Move it."
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Alright..." Haratsu stood in front of Kyoshi and Aiko and chanted a teleportation spell. He grinned towards Sartre and Serifina. "Good luck finding us!" he grinned darkly.

    Sartre clenched his fists. "You son of a-!" he jumped towards the portal, but the portal closed just before Sartre landed on it.

    Haratsu, along with Kyoshi and Aiko, landed on a snowy field. it was really windy and huge piles of snow were everywhere. "Where the hell are we?" He walked towards a cliff, and looked down. "HOLY SH**!! We're on the mountains!!" he yelled.

    Carissa looked at the spot where Takeo was. She grew angry. 'That meanie left me again!!!'
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Of course we are, moron." Takeo rolled his eyes, standing up. "You opened the portal, didn't you know where you were taking us?"

    Serifina looked at Carissa. "you, Get away from here now!" she yelled, aiming all her anger at her.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Carissa's eyes widened. "AAH!" she yelled as she closed her eyes, bracing for her attack.

    "NO!" Sartre yelled as he blocked her attack.

    Haratsu shook his head. "I told you, I still can't control where I would land...i suppose I need more training..." he walked towards Takeo.

    Aiko's eyes were starting to open.

    Haratsu didn't notice, he began wondering what could have gone wrong with his spell.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo shook his head. "Alot more practice. What if we had landed in a volcano or something like that? Geeze.."

    Serifina stood back. "S, sorry." she apologized to Satre. She looked at Carassia. "Just get out of here already."
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre shook his head and looked towards Carissa. "You knew where Takeo was right? When he was here?" He questioned her.

    Carissa nodded.

    "Can you track him down for us?" he asked gently.

    Carissa shrugged.

    Aiko opened her eyes, and waited for her eyes to adjust in the light.

    Haratsu lay about in the snow. "Yeah, but we didn't land in the volcano now did we?" he said.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina's eyes snapped to Satre. "oh no. She is not helping us. No way in hell." she crossed her arms over her chest, stubbornly.

    Takeo shrugged. "Not this time. But still, I can't believe you would risk something like that." he shook his head, "Let's practice on that before you try it agian."
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu stared at Takeo in disbelief, "What? NOW?!" he stammered.

    Aiko's vision cleared and saw two figures. Her eyes widened. She turned her head. she saw Kyoshi lying a few feet away from her. She gasped, then covered her mouth almost instantly. 'Oh no...They've heard me..'

    Haratsu stood up. "Did you hear that?" he asked Takeo. He looked around, and saw Aiko lying motionless in the snow.

    Aiko lay tensed. 'Must...not...move..'

    Haratsu moved towards Aiko. He sat down beside her. He took out his blade and prepared to impale it through her shoulder.

    Aiko rolled onto her side, and jumped up, taking out her sword.

    Haratsu smiled. "I knew it..."

    "Serifina...this could be our only way to find where they a-" he looked towards Carissa.

    Carissa had just opened a portal and jumped in, and closed it behind her.

    Sartre didn't say a word. He punched a tree in rage, blood spilling from his knuckles. "Great...just great..."
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo shot darkness at Aiko's eyes. "Well grab her." he said shaprly.

    Serifina sighed. "Satre she thinks the world revolves around Takeo, whether or not she's mad at him. She'd help him as soon as we showed up." she tried explaining.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre nodded. "I should've known....she really is useless.." he started laughing, then stopped. "Well, guess we'll have to look for them."

    Aiko gasped as darkness surrounded her. She spread her wings and flew upwards. 'since I know they are on the ground, might as well go upwards until the spell wears off....hopefully...' she hovered about 150 feet above the mountain, hardly able to breathe. She had no choice but to lower herself, until she can breathe easier.

    Haratsu looked up. "She's coming down...but there is no way I can jump that high..." he looked towards Takeo, "How are we supposed to catch her if she's in midair?" he asked.

    Aiko muttered a countercurse, "RELEASE!" she yelled loudly. Her eyes were starting to clear.

    Haratsu recognized the spell. "QUICK! She's going to escape...." He groped around for his sniper. He grabbed it and aimed for one of Aiko's wings.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Yeah, so lets go before they start ripping apart anything." Serifina nodded, laughing a little, "Alright, so which direction do you think?"

    Takeo rolled his eyes. "You could never be a gaurd for prisoners." he chided, raising his palm again and this time creating a mist of sleeping poison over her. "There, better?" he asked, watching her start to get dazy and begin dropping.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko's eyes began to droop,and her wings were starting to flap slowly until finally, her wings folded and she fell towards the ground.

    Haratsu caught her just before she hit the ground. "" Haratsu said towards Takeo. "I wonder what's going to happen to that one gir-"

    Carissa appeared besides Takeo, with big, watery eyes. "T-Takeo, y-y-you left m-me again...h-how c-could you be so m-m-m-m-m-MEAN!" she yelled the last word. She whimpered.

    Haratsu snickered. " seemes that I'm not the only one who has problems...." he mocked Takeo.

    Sartre thought for a moment. "Well, splitting up is out of the question...hmmmm....let's see if we can trace their might be possible with Aiko, she leaves traces EVERYWHERE...."
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina nodded. "I can feel magic around us in the air..." she frowned. "But not only does it go EVERYWHERE (boy is she a messy magic user) but it cuts off... can you trace them some other way?" she asked, looking at him hopefully.

    Takeo spun around to look at her. "What?! How did you find us!? We don't even know where we are!" He demanded, "Oh never mind!" he added, quickly, "But what are you doing here?!"
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