Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre smiled. "Yeah, and you can finally see......great....." he said sarcastically.

    Kyoshi coulnd't help himself but laugh.

    Aiko hit him in the ribs. "You guys are both crazy...I don't even know why I"m here in the first place...."

    "You're here to rescue that nobody would hurt me right?" Haratsu gave Aiko a smile.

    o.O "In your dreams!!!" *punches Haratsu*

    "OW!" Haratsu cringed. "Jeez..."

    " you can feel my pain.....oops." he stared at Aiko.

    o.O O.o >.< "I'll deal with you later..."

    Haratsu laughed. "Ooooo......busted."

    "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK!!!" she smashed Haratsu's head into the wall.

    'Now would be a very good time to think about the plan, I don't think I'll be alive for much longer...' he communicated to Takeo.
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina crossed her eyes at Satre and tried not to laugh at Haratsu. "So are you going to help me?" she asked Satre, grinning wickedly at Takeo.

    Takeo looked up at the sky innocently. Yes yes, I can see that. he communicated back to Haratsu. alright, get ready for darkness. Just run to your right. he smiled at Serifina suddenly. "Not that I don't like being held by you, my dear, but it looks like I'll have to run again. Maybe a longer... more permanent visit next time." he winked at Satre, just to rile him up, and darkness as thick as could be fell over them.

    "Damn!" Serifina grabbed at Takeo, making sure he didn't leave but as she tried to find him in the darkness he was already poraling away from her.

    "Ow!" he hissed, feeling her blade cut him as he poraled to Haratsu's side. Blood poored form the cut but he'd deal with that later.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre swears. "He gropes around for something to hold. He bumps into Kyoshi.

    "ACK!" Kyoshi yelles as he falls down.

    "OMG! Get a grip!" Aiko yells as she helps Kyoshi up. "Then, she pushes him back down.

    "Ow....what was that for?"

    "Hmm....'I feel your pain'...does that ring a bell to you?"

    Sartre snickered.

    Kyoshi sighed. "Fine, whatever.."

    Aiko smiled, and helps Serifina. She looks around for Haratsu. He's gone. O.O ...."WTF??!!! OMG HIS ASS IS SCREWED WHEN I SEE HIM AGAIN!!!" she yells at the top of her lungs.

    Kyoshi covers his ears. "Damn....I swear I'm going to go deaf if you scream anymore.."

    Aiko stares at the spot Haratsu disappeared, fuming.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo portaled both of them away as the others looked for them. "There, we're safe for now." he said, paying attention to the deep cut and wrapping darkness around it. "So what's the story with you and that girl Aiko or whatever?"

    Serifina closed her eyes and breathed heavily, trying to get a grip on her anger after the darkness lifted and the two were gone. "O. K. Now. What.?" she asked, through gritted teeth.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko didn't say a word, she just stared at the space where Haratsu was standing moments ago.

    Kyoshi shrugged. "I can trace them, but since I can't pick up the trail, they must be hundreds of miles away..or else they've tampered with my skills and hidden their 'scents'."

    Sartre stomped on the ground, "DAMMIT we almost had them!"

    Haratsu sighed. "I thought I was a goner back there, anyways...about Aiko? We were childhood friends when we were she was 8 and I was like was fun." he remembered.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Huh..." Takeo smirked. "And the wanting to murder you bit... did you steal her favorite doll or something?"

    Serifina nodded to Kyoshi. "Yeah... I can't feel them on the wind either. Son of a gun..." she leaned against a tree, tearing the bark behind her.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu laughed. "Nope...see, she was my first crush...and then she met Kyoshi when she was 16 (Aiko's now 18), and yeah....I...umm....killed him. And Aiko is now trailing me. I never expressed my feelings toward she didn't know that I loved i decided to erase Kyoshi from her mind...but After I had killed him, I made it worse. She later revived Kyoshi, and he doesnt know what's all you need to know correct?"

    Aiko gripped her sword. 'I'm not losing him again, next time I will show no mercy...'

    Kyoshi looked towards Aiko. He sighed and walked towards her. "We're going to look for coming?" he asked gently.

    Aiko nodded.

    Kyoshi gripped her hand, and followed Sartre out the building. "Where should we start looking?" he asked Sartre.

    "I dunno......Serifina? Any ideas?"
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo nodded, impressed. "That's quite a story. Maybe you can tell Serifina that one later, it'll make me look like much less of the monster she thinks I am." he laughed to himself.

    Serifina looked around. "Well Takeo took them, if we think about what they said... and he's not so stupid as to go anywhere obvious. He's proabably hidden in some random forest or something. We'll either need to think of something better or just look at random."
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Hmm.....we'll need to split up to cover as much ground as possible" Kyoshi said. He eyed Aiko warily.

    "I'll head south..." Aiko muttered.

    Kyoshi raked his hair, "You sure you don't want me to go with you?"

    Aiko shrugged. "It doesn't matter..."

    Kyoshi shook his head. "so where are you two headed?" he looked towards Serifina and Sartre.

    "Umm....I don't think we should split up....that may be a bad idea..if one of us found him, then we are outnumbered. Odds are Haratsu teamed up with Takeo, and then we would be fighting a losing battle, 2 to 1..." he said reasonably.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "But there are two of us. And we can contact each other. If we just split up in groups of two, it would work right?" Serifina suggested. "so long as you two don't team up because you'd goof off the entire time." she added, looking at the two boys.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre laughed. " are we to team up?" Sartre asked.

    Kyoshi leaned towards Aiko. He grinned his stupid grin at her.

    Aiko started laughing aloud. She wiped away tears from her eyes. "Well, I can guess where they might be..but I'm not sure. Toshiro's checking his old base cirhg tnow...he'll be back in a where do we begin searching?"

    Kyoshi shrugged. He looked up at the sky. "Hey, Toshiro's back.." he pointed at a fiery bird soaring aimlessly in the sky.

    Aiko looked up confused. "Huh?" Her eyes widened. "U-umm..Kyoshi, t-that's not T-Toshiro...that's a r-rogue phoenix..." She started backing away into the trees. "Just hope it doesn't see us..." she whispered.

    The phoenix cocked his head and noticed them. It started shrieking and sent a massive shower of sparks towards them.

    "CRAP! RUN!" Aiko shouted as she jumped over a bush. She took out her sword.

    "ARE YOU CRAZY??!!" Kyoshi yelled at her. "That phoenix is just as fast as Toshiro is, you'll never catch up to it to be able to strike...."

    "Fine, what are our other options?" retorted a very annoyed Aiko.

    "First, we'll need a distraction.." he looked towards Aiko hopefully.

    "Oh no...I will NOT be a distraction..." Aiko yelled back.

    "We have no time to argue about this!!! Go and fly around it, while we think of something..." Kyoshi muttered.

  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Oh damn, more friends." Serifina muttered, looking up at the phynix (shhh i wanna spell it wrong). "Alright, how do you beat one of those things?" she asked.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "What beats fire? Water or ice. It's very easy to defeat a phoenix, just spray it with either water or freeze it and phoenix down...but the difficult thing is that..phoenixes are very it's very hard to aim. Which is why I'm going to try to pin it down." Kyoshi whispered.

    Aiko was already in the air dodging the Phoenix's deadly flames and snatching claws. "Anytime now..." Aiko yelled impatiently.

    Sartre took out his shotgun and aimed. He fired.

    The phoenix yelled in agony, the bullet broke a bone in its wing. She looked around for someone to blame. She saw Kyoshi muttering something. She streaked towards him.

    'Oh no you don't!' Aiko thought angrily. She flew towards the phoenix and pulled her tail with all her strength, while plucking a few feathers. 'Uh...oh...' she stared at the phoenix, frozen in fear. She turned and flew upwards as fast as she can.

    The phoenix followed furiously. suddenly, there was an explosion, and something black fell towards the earth.

    Aiko fell to the ground with a sickening crack.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina shreiked, seeing Aiko fall. "Take out that thing, I'll take care of her. If you need a cold wind, call me." she said, quickly, before running to Aiko's side and trying to wake her up. "Aiko?" she whispered, creating a temperary sheild of wind around them and proping Aiko up.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko didn't move or make a sound. She lay still, her breathing rate started to slow down.

    Kyoshi finished his chant and aimed his sword at the phoenix. He threw it at her with great force. It wen staright into the air and went through the phoenix's uninjured wing.

    The phoenix began to fall and landed on the bush. she began to shirek furiously, and started flapping her wings uselessly.

    "We're going to need that wind now..." Kyoshi yelled towards Serifina.

    Haratsu stared at the ground for a long time. "So....what do we do now?" he asked Takeo. "What's our next move?"
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina shot a huge blast of freezing wind at the falling phinx, still holding up Aiko. She was getting more worried as she felt her breath slow. "You guys, we need to get rid of that thing now!" she yelled, shrilly.

    "Well, I'm not quite sure. What is your plan for yourself, to begin with?"
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi stepped forward and retrieved his sword, then he walked towards the wounded phoenix. He was waiting for the right moment to kill it.

    Haratsu shrugged. "I was wondering if we should kill them off one by know...of course we'll leave Serifina alive..." he looked at Takeo with a smile.

    'NOW!' Kyoshi ran forward and struck the phoenix at the heart with the tip of his sword.

    Haratsu got up, picked up his rifle and shoved it into his pocket.

    The Phoenix gave one last dying shriek, and died.

    Kyoshi wiped his forehead. He ran towards Aiko, he took out several feathers.
    "Maybe this will help..." he gave them to Serifina.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina took them eagerly and layed them over Aiko's eyes, heart, stomache and throat, the main points of healing.

    Takeo grinned. "That sounds like a plan. Of course we'll have to think of a way to catch them so that we don't end up getting killed. There are more of them then there are of us, remember."
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "No sh**, Sherlock" Haratsu eyed Takeo. "So, where do we strike first, and whom?" he questioned him.

    Aiko started breathing normally, though she didn't move.

    Kyoshi put a hand on her temple and stood still. "She's unconscious right now, but she's fine. She used too much of her power...."

    "So, in other words..she's tired?" Sartre asked.

    Kyoshi grinned and nodded. "So........where should we head to next? Or do we split up as Serifina suggested?"
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Oh, why don't we pick off that one boy, the one who seems to like Aiko alot. He seems pretty powerful and like a big tie to her support." Takeo suggested.

    Serifina took the feathers off of Aiko and put them into her bag for safe keeping. She let the boys decide what to do and started to wipe off some of the dust that had collected on Aiko from the fall.
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