Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo laughed, coldly. "So, you're all finally thinking. What figured out you still need me? That took a long time. My god." he had gotten weak enough that his words were more something to keep him from giving up than anything meaningful. He looked around for Serifina, finally catching sight of her. There you are. All my problems for you. This better not be a waste of time.
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi held his sword at Takeo's neck. "Where's the antidote?" he asked. "Don't fool around..."

    Sartre also held his shotgun against Takeo's head.

    Aiko sighed in the distance. Her patience did not last long, she got up and ran towards the base.

    Toshiro dropped the Tetsugen right where Aiko was going to be.

    Aiko grabbed the Tetsugen in mid-air. 'Thanks...'

    'Be wary, and cautious...'

  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo sighed. "I have to make it, you morons." he replied, acidicly. "It's in me as all my potions are. You'll have to release me or i can't give it to Serifina."

    Serifina stood behind Satre and looked Takeo, who was looking straight back at her.
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "I'm not taking any chances...drop your weapons, then I'll release you..." Kyoshi retorted. He gripped his sword tighter. The branches loosened a little.

    Sartre stood waiting.

    Aiko peeked through the rubble. "Is it over yet?" she said warily.

    Kyoshi jumped a little. "Jeez, don't just pop out of nowhere...and no, it's not over...."

    Aiko rolled her eyes. "Well, pardon me for intruding...."

    "Aiko, is your energy back to normal?" Sartre asked.

    "Yep!" Aiko said cheerfully.

    "Great..." Kyoshi muttered.

    Aiko stuck her tongue at him. "You're mean..."

    "That's really mature, Aiko..."

  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: This pic is cute!!

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  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC; haha, very cute

    BIC: Takeo raised an eyebrow at Serifina as if to ask what she thought of their banter. "Alright." he said, over them, as he dropped his blades. "Happy now?"

    Serifina glared at him. She was a little annoyed by the other's going back and forth but hated Takeo for looking so smug about it. don't you dare look so supior. They can do whatever they want to. she yelled at him silently. But she didn't want to get into an argument so she kept it to herself.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi said nothing, he kicked the blades towards Aiko.

    Aiko picked them up, and looked at them curiously. She then sat down and began to polish and clean her sword...which..was full of blood from the recent battles. Aiko smiled, remembering the battle at Crystal Creek (a long, long.long time ago).

    Sartre asked Takeo gently. "How could we get the antidote without you getting a boo-boo, and getting into a rampage..." Sartre mocked.

    Kyoshi stiffled a laugh.

    OOC: srry..i had to add that..I just LOOOVE mocking him!!! ^^ boo-boos RULE!! jk....they hurt...sometimes....
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "You'd have to let me give it to her." Takeo answered, cooly, smiling wickedly at Satare. Then his gaze went back to Serifina. "That would entitle a little trust of course."

    "As if you deserve an inch of trust!" Serifina snapped, glaring into his eyes. "think of way to give it to me without touching me!"

    Takeo sighed, "Seri, I'm sorry to tell you that even if I wanted to find a way..." he paused. "Which I don't. But even if I did want to, I couldn't. This antidote needs to go in the same way the poison did: directly through the skin and not by any needle or drink." he reached out to touch her face, at which she recoiled and he laughed darkly. "You know that, dear. Don't act stupid."

    OOC: XD that's pretty funny dudet. ^^
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi eyes narrowed. He looked at Serifina. "What do you want him to do?" he asked.

    Sartre shifted uncomfortably. He dropped his gaze towards Aiko. She was staring into the sky, with a dreamy look in her face. She sighed.

    Aiko laughed. She snapped back into reality. Her eyes flashed a dark shade of red for a moment, but she regained control. She called towards Kyoshi, "I'll be right back. I'm going to check up on Tsuki, okay?"

    Kyoshi looked up. "Alright, see you in a bit." He waved. He stared back towards Sartre.

    Aiko muttered a teleportation chant. She disappeared in a swirl of fire.

    Sartre looked puzzled. "Who?"

    Kyoshi smiled. "Tsuki, Kurenai is her real name, is Aiko's cousin. I don't know if you know you?"

    Sartre shook his head. "Anyways, back to the prisoner..." He sneered.

    OOC: Yes, I'm introducing another character..^^...but it's Aiko's yeah..Tee-hee <(^.^)> *hug*

    NAME: Kurenai (Mitsuki) Ariatzu
    AGE: 15
    LAND: Arakystar
    POWER:Water, Ice, and Shadow manipulation, telepathy, acid generation, empathy, summoning, animation, and electrical energy blasts. =^.^=
    WEAPON: Kunai blades, longsword, and best of all - hundreds of grenades! ^^
    PERSONALITY: She is also deadly, but if you put her in a good mood, she can be as happy as a person can be. Protective about her cousin. Doesn't trust Kyoshi much, she belives he doesn't like her as much as she likes him (which in reality is sooo not true..). And she is very, very, VERY playful.
    FAVORITE QUOTE: "To Hell with the SES...."
    PAST: Related to Aiko. Cousin. Childhood playmates until the war began and everybody had to evacuate the village. They got separated. After 7 years, they found each other while escaping a group of SES.

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  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina sighed. "Oh fine! If you haven't been lying every step of the way... I don't think you'll hurt me." a chilling smile cracked her face. "you love me right?"

    Takeo winced, "Serifina..." he tried in a warning voice but she grabbed his wrists and put them to her shoulders.

    "Get it over with now." Serifina ordered, not caring how she sounded or looked.

    Takeo smiled softly. "What happens if I say no?"

    Serifina's laughed, "Don't be stupid. You'll do it or I'll let space tear you atom by atom apart slowly as hell. I don't love you in the least so I don't care how much you hurt."

    Takeo looked at the boys. "Such a kind and caring girl isn't sh-OW."

    Serifina had stepped hard on his foot. "Now. Make it stop hurting! Cure me."

    Takeo looked into her eyes. "Of course..." he muttered, closing his eyes and creating the antidote in him carefully. "Just wait one moment... that was quite the intense poison you know... I am sorry about that, dear. I really am."

    OOC: awesome. :D i'll be making a few new characters eventually. ^^ can't be too uneven right? i like the new character u made. she looks kick ass!
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi rolled his eyes in disbelief. He put his sword back into the sheath, and waited patiently.

    Sartre was lying down on the ground, lazily staring up at the sky.

    Meanwhile, Aiko appeared moments later in an empty, barren town. She cupped her mouth to amplify her voice, "Tsuki!!!!!" she yelled as loud as she could. The echo went around vor several minutes. She then spotted a silver cat with purple eyes beside the now empty tavern. Aiko giggled. "So that's where you have all this time.....being a wimp now are you?" she taunted.

    The cat started grumbling.

    Aiko took a step back. "Geez, it's not my fault you're in a grumpy mood today.."

    The cat moved 2 steps forward. And tensed, ready to jump.

    Aiko stared at the cat. "T-Tsuki?"

    The cat jumped towards Aiko, claws unsheathed.

    Aiko screamed for a moment. Then she felt a hard thump on her back.

    Kurenai laughed. "Why'd you scream, you know I'll never hurt my wittle cuz..."

    "Who're calling 'wittle' you over-weight cat..." she groaned.

    Kurenai pursed her lips. "'re a.....a stupid excuse for a person!"

    Aiko laughed. "Wow, is that the best you can come up with? Even Kyoshi can come up with a really good one once in a while.."

    Kurenai's eyes lowered. She got off of Aiko and stood up.

    Aiko sighed. "What's your problem?" she asked.

    Kurenai didn't answer.

    "Well, I got to go..I told Kyoshi I was only going to check up on you." she said gloomily.

    Kurenai just nodded, and waved her hand, as if she was dismissing someone.

    Aiko glared at her. She muttered another spell, and disappeared.

    Aiko came back to the base seconds later, with an angry expression on her face.

    Kyoshi looked up. He sighed, "She still doesn't trust me...does she?" he asked Aiko.

    Aiko smiled half-heartedly, "Don't worry about it..."
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina suddenly stiffened as the antidote flowed into her.

    Takeo held onto her shoulders and sent the antidote into her pores. A slight smile shadowed his expression at her shocked expression. "Well, there you go, my dear."

    Serifina looked around sharply, from one of them to the next. "What are you doing on the ground?" she suddenly demanded of Satare, pushing Takeo back into a wall and holding him there with her blade. A grin formed on her lips as she felt balanced enough to do all this. She kept flicking her eyes around, loving that she could see perfectly like she hadn't for a long time now. "You actully trusted him enough to just lay down? Geeze, I trust him, but why the hell do you?"

    Takeo felt the air rush out of his lungs as he hit the wall but kept himself up so her blades wouldn't touch him. "Alright Seri, what now?" he asked, "You are cured, balanced, have your sight back, have me where you can kill me."
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre yawned. "Jeez Seri, I was just bored and...yeah" Sartre said sheepishly.

    Kyoshi grinned. He raked his hair back, and walked over towards Takeo. "Guess your peppy know that you have your vision back...and you," he pointed his sword at Takeo, "Don't do anything stupid, or Serifina will skin you alive.."

    Aiko sighed. She sensed another presence in the room. She looked around at the dark corner where the power was strongest. Her eyes widened as she saw a portal opening, and Haratsu came out onto the floor in a heap.

    His clothes were severely burned, but no contact to his skin, luckily for him, he wore 2 overcoats. His first coat was nearly burned off, his second was black with ashes from his top coat. Haratsu stood up and looked around the room. He saw 4 people; an amazed Aiko, Kyoshi shaking his head, a very puzzled Takeo, and a really, really pissed Serifina. Haratsu sighed angrily, "Ahhh....son of a --"

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  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina's jaw dropped. "How the hell?!" she turned her free hand on him and shot a blast of air at him, trapping him against a wall. "How'd you survive?" she demanded, keeping her sword against Takeo and the air pinning Haratsu.

    Takeo looked at the man. "And what exactly did they do to you?" he asked, casually. "Since Seri is the angry looking one and she doesn't control fire... may I assume you got sent into a star?" he glanced at her. "Well suddenly I feel much worse for you than I do for me."
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu glared at Takeo. "Shut up...and to answer your question, she did...but I managed to open another portal just before i was going to die...and now...the portal dragged"

    Aiko giggled.

    Sartre just stared at Haratsu. "You never learn do you?"

    Kyoshi stayed silent, he decided not to intervene and get himself killed for Haratsu's stupidity.

    Toshiro then appeared out of nowhere and started pecking Haratsu harshly.

    Haratsu tried to shield himself. "ACK! Get it off me!!!" he yelled.

    Aiko whistled, and Toshiro flew towards her and landed on her shoulder. He was still seething in anger.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina smiled wickidly at Toshiro, "My thoughts exactly." she looked back at Haratsu, her smile disappearing. "So what do we do with him this time?"

    Takeo ignored everyone's angry expressions and contiued cheerfully. "That's interesting, you must need some practice on your portals if you can't make them take you where you want. Might I suggest practicing now?"

    Serina tightened the hold the air had on Haratsu and pushed her sword slightly more agaisnt Takeo. "Shut up."
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Why yes, I really should be practicing...but how am I to practice if Serifina IS HOLDING ME! OR HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT MAY I ASK??!!!!" he yelled in fury.

    Kyoshi smiled. He walked towards Aiko and sat down next to her. "So, where was Tsuki at now?" he asked gently.

    "She's still in that barren, desolate place she calls home..." she said darkly.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina sighed, deciding just to ignore them now. "So what are we going to do with him?" she repeated, her arms growing tired of holding both of them in place. Great, now that I can see and stand, they all sit down! Lazy bums... her thought wasn't really upset, just a little exasperated.

    Takeo shrugged at Haratsu, "Well if you were any good at it, you could portal away from her grip." he pointed out. "But since you're not that good yet, aw well." he paused for a moment. "Maybe I could help you if you'd be willing to help me."

    "Shut up Takeo." Serifina ordered. "You both are going to die soon, stop trying to make connections."

    Takeo smiled at her and then contiued as if she hadn't said anything. "Well?"

    Serifina's foot connected with his shine and he yelped. "I told you to shut up."
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Haratsu laughed. He used telepathy to communicate with him. 'So, if I help you take Serifina off you, you'll in return help her let go of me...then we just go our separate ways or what?' He thought.

    Kyoshi stared at the two bickering people and stood up. He took out his sword again and walked towards Haratsu.

    "Hold it!!!" yelled Aiko. "He's mine!!!" She took out her tetsugen and ran towards Haratsu. "We haven't yet settled our arguments....right Haratsu?"

    "As I said before, you are....INSANE!" Haratsu emphasized the last word.

    Kyoshi laughed. "He's right about that..." he stared at Aiko's glowering face, "I'm just know that..." he said gently.

    Aiko glared at Haratsu, taunting him to say more.

    Haratsu saw the warnings and stopped talking.

    Sartre too got up and walked towards Takeo. He asked Serifina, "Would you like for me to help you hold Takeo, or do you have everything under your control?" He held his shotgun at Takeo, daring him to make a move.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo ignored Satre and returned the telepathic thought. That would be wonderful if you would do it without harming her and if you can't move but I think you're a bit busy right now. Let's just make a little deal. We'll help each other get out of here if we can and then work out how we might be able to really help each other later.

    Serifina smiled at him sweetly. "Oh thank you for finally getting off your ass." she purred. Then she gave him a more real smile, "No, really, I actully would like help. How do you thinkk we should get rid of the murder?"

    "I suppose my opinion doesn't count here does it?" Takeo asked, vaguely, thinking about how to get himself and Haratsu out of here.
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