Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "What the hell are you alking about miss? I'm not hiding. Honestly, where did my Seri find a stupid creature like you? I'll bet it was where I found my little assistnaces." Takeo sighed and looked around at the three clones. "Oh my! How on earth will I ever find the real you?" he cried in mock depression. Then he flicked out his hands and a burst of pure energy pulsed through the room, throwing each clone into the wall.

    Serifina stopped walking and looked back at the inn. She felt pure dread wash over her. "yeah... it was probably them." she looked down at the ground, "I... I don't know how to find them but they were working for Takeo." she balled her hands into fists at his name, "Just one more thing he can take isn't it? Sasha isn't enough? Everything isn't enough..." she muttered angrily
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: nice, first time I've seen Takeo talk like! Sasha and Carissa are still groping around the dark..^.^

    Kyoshi sighed. "I knew he had something to do with it. But, I have no idea where to go...Serifina, haven't you been in Takeo's base before?" she questioned her.

    Aiko felt a stab of pain as each of the clones turned to mist. She went into the room, wondering why her clones had vaporized. She fell onto her knees as she screamed when the waves hit her and a loud and blaring noise came over her. She couldn't see or hear anything. Using her senses, she managed to run towards Takeo, wielding her sword. A smile of myrth escaped her lips. "If that's all you got, no wonder Serifina's always manages to get away from barely damage your enemies." Aiko yelled as she made a swipe towards Takeo, and jumped backwords with a backflip.

    Carissa and Sasha looked up at Takeo's faint shadow. "We're not stupid, it's just that we sometimes get carried away!!!" Sasha yelled, as Carissa whimpered.

    Sartre sat wondering. "Wasn't Takeo's base hidden in the forest near the SES base?"
  3. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo pulled his torso backwards, avoiding her hit. "Well miss, if you think this is all I've got look at it this way and see how wrong you are. Have you noticed the pain Serifina is in? Have you seen how she can't see much of anything? Or how pain racks her body? Now if I want her alive and well and with me then that must be my gentle method, don't you think?" he grinned. "So what does that leave me to do with you?"

    Serifina jaw tighted, "Yes, I've been there, and yes it should be near the SES base although I didn't know it at the time... I was sorta busy." she muttered the last bit.
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko swore. She made a lunge towards Sasha and Carissa. She held a knife blade in her hand as she made a swipe at Sasha's throat.

    Sasha started bleeding heavily.

    Aiko glared at Takeo. "I'm not gentle either..." she muttered fiercely. She lunged towards Takeo again, and thre her tetsugen at him, she caught him in the leg. She smiled.

    Sartre nodded, and teleported Kyoshi, Serifina, and himself near the SES, so as not to be detected. "I think Takeo's base is to the left of the torturing area.

    "Torturing area?" Kyoshi stared at Sartre.

    "It's where we torture our enemies...."

    "Wow, I never knew that," Kyoshi whispered sarcastically.

    "Shut up and let's hurry." Sartre yeled as he ran towards Takeo's hiding base.

    OOC: You do know what's a tetsugen right? if you don''s a very deadly wire wepaon, at the ned of the wire, there's a kunai blade. A person can cut a person in half, hang, or decapitate their enemies with the testugen. ...I love those weapons..Takeo better watch his footing...^.^
  5. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo swore. "Oh good hit." he spat, sarcasticly, already creating darkness to wrap around the harsh cuts and help the healing go faster. "Sasha, Carissa." he called, angrily. "Get out! I'm going to kill this girl and if you're in my way, you may die too, and we don't want that do we?" he smirked in the darkness, following Aiko's movements with his eyes.

    Serifina clamped her jaws closed, biting her tounge so she wouldn't cry out at the thought of the torture she knew Takeo helped with. Don't let him hurt Aiko like he did others... or me...
  6. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko swore. 'I forgot...Takeo also has accelarated healing.' She summoned a fire dragon from one of Hell's cells. "Try dodging the dragon's intense wary though...they cannot be extinguished.." she smiled wickedly.

    The dragon roared and sent a show of red-hot sparks at Takeo.

    Kyoshi ran towards the building where Takeo's base were. He suddenly heard a type of rumbling, and the wall to the left of the building 'exploded' releasing bright blue and white flames. He stared in shock. "AIKO!!" he yelled as he came towards the building.

    "NO!" Sartre stopped Kyoshi from getting nearer to the blast. "You'll...just...get...yourself...killed.." he gasped as he struggled with Kyoshi.

    "SHE...NEEDS...HELP...JUST...LET...ME GO!!!" he whispered furiously.

    "WAIT! We don't know what had made the blast...We'll see who it is then we'll-" he stared at the wall that had melted of the intense heat. "What that what i think it was?"


    "I-I think I just's impossible...they dont exist.." Sartre reasoned himself.

    "WHAT??!!" Kyoshi grabbed Sartre by the shoulders. "What did you see?"

    "A-A dragon..." he whispered.

    Kyoshi let go of his shoulders and ran towards the building. "It's her! She summoned Ikeru!!!"

    Sartre stood there puzzled.

    OOC: Ikeru's one of Aiko's faithful 'pets'. And now to the Heat colors: from barely heat to the most intense..
    Red, yellow, blue and white..Red is like ur normal campfire..and white is the vaporizing

  7. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina grabbed Sarte by the wrist as she ran after Kyoshi. "Come on, she needs our help." she suddenly looked at him. "And you need to help me." she added, in and undertone. "You need to make sure I'm looking in the right direction and don't let anyone kill Takeo until I get to talk to him..." she looked away from him as they ran. "I need something from him."

    Takeo laughed. "Finally! A challenge. I was beginning to think you were as usless as most pepole." he took out two blades and readied himself. "Well bring it on miss, let's have this."
  8. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko smiled. "I wasnt quite finished summoning...if you dont mind another challenge.." She summoned one more time. Out of thin air a young girl appeared right before Aiko. She looked no younger than 13. She looked helpless. She seemed to be staring at Aiko. Aiko nodded and the girl cheered. She looked around and spotted Takeo in battle with the dragon. "When his guard is down, then attack him full force." Aiko muttered silently. The girl nodded happily with a gleam in her eye.

    The dragon fought more ferociously than ever. More white flames burst from its mouth towards Takeo.

    Kyoshi ran towards the wall. Peeking inside, he saw Takeo battling a dragon, and Kitsa in front of Aiko. 'Good, she's alive...' he sighed with relief.

    Sartre came bounding towards Kyoshi. "Get away from there!" yelled Sartre.

    Suddenly the dragon, enraged, spewed a long stream of fire towards Takeo and the wall behind him. The wall and the left side of the building collapsed under the heat and pressure.

    Aiko saw something in the rubble that caught her eye. She saw a hand underneath the rubble. She gasped in horror. She ran and removed the rubble as quickly as she could. She saw Kyoshi lying still on the ground. 'No...' she thought miserably. She knelt down beside him and tried to resuscitate him.

  9. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo payed no attention to the two boys, focusing on the dragon and avoiding it's fire as well as keeping an eye on the girl. She looked helpless and his first thought was she was no harm but he quickly reminded himself how many 'helpless' people he'd learned were a danger.

    Serifina ran after them, hoping Satre had actully listened to what she'd said. Her vision was suddenly a blur of fire and falling things so she couldn't make out anyone. She stifled a yell and covered her head incase anything fell on her.

    Takeo caught sight of Serifna out of the corner of his eye. "No." he hissed, looking suddenly at Aiko. "You see what you've brought to us, girl? You're friends, all in danger because of you. So if you do manage to kill me, what have you gotten? He is already hurt, maybe dead, and he just got here." his cold laugh had a hint of panic in it, but he knew his words would hurt her even if she hid it. So he went on trying to dodge fire, attempting to get closer to Serifina and get her out of the way.
  10. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko didnt say anything. Fury blazed in her eyes. " ....myself..." She whispered furiously towards Takeo. She laid her hands upon Kyoshi's chest adn muttered something.

    A few seconds later, Kyoshi coughed several times, and started to get up. He grabbed his head in his hands. "What happened?" He looked at Aiko curiously.

    Aiko felt tears in her eyes, and hugged Kyoshi without replying to him.

    Kyoshi looked confused. He then saw the Ikeru and Kisa withing the building...and he saw Takeo. His eyes widened in surprise. 'I thought I'd never see that day that Aiko would summon Ikeru....he has such a temper...' He grabbed Aiko around the waist and took off towards the safety of the woods. He lowered her down...or tried to anyway. Aiko still clung to him. He gently uncurled her fingers from his shirt. "'ve lost enough energy today.We'll take over from here..." he whispered softly.

    Aiko nodded, brushing tears from her eyes.

    Sartre yelled towards Kyoshi, "Do you want to join in the fun or not?!"

    Kyoshi chuckled. "Be right there...STAY..." he looked back towards Aiko one last time before speeding off towards Takeo.

    Aiko heard wings flutter above her head. She looked up. Toshiro gently landed on her lap. Aiko smiled. "I was wondering where you been..." she murmured.

    Toshiro looked up. 'I was hunting...the prey here isn't very tastes like dry grass.' he 'spoke' to her.

    Aiko laughed.

    Kyoshi and Sartre both took out their weapons. Kyoshi waited for Takeo to let down his guard. He noticed that Kisa was also waiting. He decided to help Kisa with bringing Takeo down.

    Sartre was going back to Serifina, and attempted to defend her if Takeo veered to close. She took out his shotgun, reloaded and ready to be fired at any given moment. 'Just give me th reason to use it, Takeo.....just give me one reason, and I'll let you have it...' he thought furiously.
  11. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo contiued to ignore the boys, preoccupied with the child, the dragon, and Serifina standing in the middle of it all. "Maybe it likes darkness?" he muttered, controling a small amount of darkness in his hands and then letting it grow steadily until it was almost too large and strong to hold. "Have fun dragon." he smirked, still letting it grow.

    Serifina tried to feel for a wall or something to lead her out of the flames and debree around her. "Satre?! Where are you?" she yelled, I told him I needed his help to put me in the right direction. Where is he? Where is anything! Damnit why a dragon!!
  12. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    The dragon started to back away, growing bitter and angry with each pacing step. Ikeru managed to shoot another stream of vaporizing heat before bravely charging towards him. While he ran, he rolled himself into a fiery ball and came bounding towards Takeo.

    Kisa, ready to pounce on Takeo, waited impatiently.

    Kyoshi couldn't wait any longer...he muttered a chant that lit up the room with tons of light. He was blinded for a few minutes after casting the spell. He groped around for something to hold onto.

    the dragon, still within the ball, screeched when it saw nothing but white all around him. He too, was blinded, but only for a few seconds. His eyes quickly adjusted to the light and once again, saw perfectly.

    Kisa jumped and ran towards Takeo, sword in hand.

    "I'm here..." Sartre yeled towards Serifina. He took her hand and quietly led her to the forest. He grabbed her shoulders. "Serifina, this charade has gone long enough...what has happened to your vision?!" he growled.

    Aiko heard rumbling in the distance. She stood up, but sat back down when she remembered what Kyoshi told her. 'He was energy is low...but I cant just sit here!!!' she groped around for her tetsugen when she realized, she left it with Takeo. 'Oh-no...' she grew worried. She looked up at Toshiro, "Toshiro, I want you to go back to the base and grab my tetsugen before Takeo does...WITHOUT harming yourself....can you do that?" she asked pleadingly.

    Toshiro nodded. 'I'll see what I can do..' Without further ado, Toshiro took flight and headed towards the base.
  13. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina grit her teeth, "What do you think?" she snapped. "Takeo poisoned me directly, so... so everything hurts and i can't see and I need the antidote."

    Takeo saw Satre leading Serifina off but couldn't stop them, being too busy blocking Kisa. "So you're going to kill me kid?" he asked, using one sword to block and the other to attempt to hit Kisa's legs.
  14. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kisa sneered. "As if you can hit me...a mere mortal like yourself can never strike me...I am what you mortals call ' a spirit'." She planned to strike again and again till Takeo tires out, then finish him with a fatal blow.

    Ikeru watches the battle between Kisa and Takeo. Seeing as though he wasnt needed, he vanished from sight.

    Kyoshi's vision was slowly coming into focus.

    Toshiro, flying above the battle, was searching for the Tetsugen. He finaly spotted it between Kisa and Takeo. ' am I going to get...If I attempt to get it, I'll only get myself killed.' Toshiro landed on a branch nearby until Takeo was out of reach of the Tetsugen.

    Sartre let go of Serifina. "Does Takeo have the potion right now?" he asked quietly.
  15. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo kept up his attacks and defenses, trying not to let Kisa's words frighten him as he could see she seemed to be right. "Ah, but such pride. They say the bigger they are the harder they fall and your head is quite large." he retorted, remember someone once telling him the same thing a few years ago. Ah what victoms will say. he thought.

    Serifina lifted her hands up in a shrug. "I dont' know. He might have it hidden in this cursed building or right in his sleeve. Or... well it would make more sense for him... he might just create it out of himself like he often does with poisons. But wherever it is we need to get him to give it to us, and he can't if he's dead and I'll bet Aiko is trying to kill him right now."
  16. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre shook his head. Aiko's in the clearing healing herself. Kyoshi's...hold on..." Sartre cupped his mouth to amplify his voice. "Oi! Kyo! Knock it off! Get over here!!!"

    Kyoshi looked at Sartre in confusion. He sighed and ran towards him. "What?" he hissed.

    "Takeo has the potion right now. We need to corner him when he's weak, and force him to give us the antidote.."

    Kyoshi stared at him. Then he understood. "Gotcha...I'll call of Kisa when he's growing weaker....if he's not then we'll just have to force it out of him.." he had a stern look.

    Kisa started chanting a countercurse, that enabled her to consume his energy right out of his body, making Takeo weaker by the minute. Kisa laughed to hide the curse's flaw. 'If he knows what this curse does to me...he'll kill me in a second...I must not let him find out..' "Who has a big head? You are the idiot for picking the wrong person to fight!!" she laughed.

    Toshiro was waiting. The tetsugen was still in Takeo's reach. He started to get worried. 'If he ever attempts to get it...I will have no choice, but to get in there and get it away from him before he figures out how to use it to its ultimate power....'

    OOC: ....>.<....xD....But there is a flaw to the curse, every minute that energy is consumed, the more vulnerable and alive the curser will be every minute. To shorten it, more energy consumed - more alive Kisa will be...that means she could be wounded, bleed, or even be killed.
  17. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "I never picked a fight with you little girl, I just want what should be mine." Takeo snapped back, trying to keep fighting even as his strength seeped away. He threw out small blades, aiming for any area around her incase she moved.

    Serifina nodded, and then regretted it as a pain hit her head. "Just don't let him die before we get that antidote. And if you can... let me kill him." she looked at each of them, hoping she was making eye contact sharply.
  18. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kisa easily dodged his attacks. She sneered, "Is that really the best you can do? I expected more from an Elite...but i guess you're really not Elite material are you?" She laughed. She continued to consume the energy out of him. then she spotted Kyoshi near the edge of the door.

    Kyoshi sent her a message, 'When Takeo's weak enough, don't kill him...we need him to tell us where he hid the antidote...kill him and you are going to die..' he warned.


    'Who said life was fair?' he muttered glumly.

    Toshiro decided to take his chances. He dived towards the Tetsugen, and grabbed it with his powerful, talons. He prepared to take-off.

    'Damm...stupid bird...'

    'I heard that..I'm hearing everything you IT!'

    'Aiko, stay out of this!' He chanted a spell to block his mind from outisde intruders. Apparently, it didn't work.

    'I'm here wether you like it or not'

    'Fine...whatever....just stay put..okay?'


    Sartre headed cautiously towards the base. He waited patiently for the right time to corner.
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo noticed her distraction and shot a blow striaght at her face. Even though he was weaker, he knew it would have some effect. "I do not need to be Elite to fight you, girl." he snapped, backing up from her now, anticipating her to be pissed.

    Serifina followed Satere, refusing to be left by herself again. I'm not going to get lost again and I'm going to make sure I'm there to kill him.
  20. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kisa fell backwards. Blood pooled on the floor. She glared at Takeo. "Y-you dare..." She raised her sword to decapitate him.

    "NO!" Kyoshi yelled as he lunged towards her, throwing her to the wall. "YOU...CAN'T....KILL.....HIM...YET!!" He panted.

    Kisa nodded, while seething in anger.

    Toshiro flew off into the forest, Tetsugen in talons. 'That was close'.

    Kyoshi chanted a curse. Long branches started curling onto Takeo, binding him.
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