Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sartre didnt say a word. He grabbed Serifina's hand and ran towards the rooms. He got in and closed the door. "Do you have any idea what's happening Serifina?" Sartre asked worriedly. "I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this place...."

    "Boy, you always have bad feeling about everything...." Aiko said as she opened the door. "Did you guys look outside lately?" Aiko walked towards the window and brushed away the shades. "The Sky is green and the clouds are pink.....ever seen anything like it?" Aiko asked.

    "Of course not.....I've never seen anything this outrageous..."

    "You and your big words...."

    "We are in a really inauspicious position,it is scientifically impossible that the atmosphere could be green and the stratocumulouses could be pink....." Sartre wondered.

    Aiko glared at Sartre. "I wasn't complementing you......."

    "By the way, where's Kyoshi?"

    "He's at the hospital......I put a charm around him so he wouldn't be harmed...." Aiko replied.

    "Then how would the nurses give him medication....?" Sartre questioned.

    "I don't trust the nurses or anybody in this village at all....." Aiko replied solemnly

    [MARQUEE]I miss Angelina!! (Riku_Gaara):([/MARQUEE]
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Seifina sat on a bed and stared at the wall, happy that they were too into their converastion to notice she didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Green and pink sky? Crazy, I hope the air isn't posioned, I probably couldn't even tell right now anway...she frowned, angrily, at her throughts, not paying any attention to the other two.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: is what I had in mind....
    The whole place is an illusion, they are actually deep within a dangerous forest...the one who made the illusion is one of Aiko's or Serifina's FORMER friends now enemies........whichever....we have to think of a name......
    desperate battle.....etc....... = ^.^ = Clarissa <- sounds like an evil name...lolz dont know about the last name though....anyways...the girl is putting tension between us. They are getting angrier and angrier at each other....she LOVES the tension....

    Aiko looked up at the sky wondering what the heck was going on.

    "What do you think is going on?" Sartre asked Aiko.

    "i have no idea.....I feel tired....." Aiko said calmly.

    Sartre couldnt help but worry.

    Kyoshi woke up dizzy. "My head hurts..." he moaned.
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: sounds confusing... but awesome! i'll play along best I can! XD

    bIC: "Something stupid." Serifina said, bitterly. She turned to face them, once again at a lost for who was who, so just looking at all of them. "I'll be right back." she stood up, teetering on her feet and clutching the wall. "I'm fine." she said quickly, before they got worried, and then walked towards the door.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko wondering about what the hell was going on with everybody. "That air battle took almost all of my energy, I can barely stand, let alone walk......" Aiko sighed miserably.

    Sartre nodded. 'I wonder where Serifina went........"

    Kyoshi stood up dizzy but conscious. He looked around, dazed. "Where am I?" He said aloud. Then he remembered. 'I'm in a hospital....i thought I lost it right there......" He began to walk around. He met a nurse that looked at him with a smile, a very big smile.

  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina stumbled down the hall, now not having to worry about if the others were watching her. She came to a dead end in the hall way and slumped to the floor, pulling her knees into her chest, and holding her aching head in her hands. Tears slide down her cheeks and she let them, thinking she wouldn't get a chance to cry in a long time anyway. I hate you Takeo, when I find you, I don't care how much you 'love' me. You're as good as dead to me...
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko fell asleep on the windowsill.

    Sartre didnt bother her. He looked sleepy too. He went to his room and decided to take a short and quick nap.

    Kyoshi walked down the corridor and came upon a nurse. "Excuse me," he asked, "do you know where the Hotel might be?"

    The nurse giggled, but she didn't say anything. She turned and walked away.

    Kyoshi stood staring at her, puzzled. 'What the hell??' He saw another nurse, and asked her. The nurse, just like the one before her, smiled sweetly and turned and walked away. Kyoshi shook his head in dismay. 'Fine,I'll find it myself....' He thought furiously. About 30 min. later, he found the hotel. He asked for the room number Sartre, Serifina, and Aiko were staying at. The concierge gave him the key, while smiling. He took one look at him and ran towards the rooms. He slams the doors open. "Some thing's wrong with this town....." he said aloud.

    Aiko woke up with start. She looked at Kyoshi. "Quiet down.....some of us are asleep..." Without further ado, she began to sleep again.

    Kyoshi, angry at not being listened to, shook Aiko awake. "Listen to me! I'm serious! There's something wrong...."

    Aiko looked at him bewildered. 'Did he wasn't being violent..I'm overreacting....' she thought. "Okay...there's something bad here....we'll take care of it......" Aiko yawned and put a force field around her. She went back to sleep.

    Kyoshi walked towards Aiko but was stopped by the force field. Frustrated, he decided to find outnthings on his own.
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifna, after a few moments, stood up shaking a little more than before but not crying anymore. okay, i'm done... she told herself, using the wall as a support to get back to their rooms. She suddenly realized she couldn't see the number on the door. "oh hells" she muttered, annoyed.
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi went out of the room and began to search for some clues as to why the town looked creepy. He spotted something moving in the corner. It was Serifina. "Serifina? I thought you would be with Sartre. What are you doing out here?" He questioned.

    A few yards from the town, a bush shook. Two girls plan out what to do with their victims that had fallen into their traps.

    "Why don't we just kill them?!" A girl yelled irritated.

    "Carissa, we have been going over this for a long time already, we are going to force them to tell us where the synapid camps are..." The other girl replied.

    "jeez Sasha, sometimes you can be a big pain in the ass...." Carissa murmured.

    "Like you?" Sasha chuckled.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina recognized the voice as Kyoshi's, "I was just, just taking a walk." she answered quickly, instantly glad that she had stopped crying when she did. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at the hospital?"
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "My leg was fully healed and I walked out of the place....have you noticed this town is......wierd?" He asked Serifina.

    Aiko and Sartre were asleep.

    Carissa was looking to see if any of their victims were trying to escape. "Nobody's escaping.." She told Sasha.

    "Good." Sasha replied gratefully.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "eh, yes." Serifina lied, "It's a bit off, that's for sure. Like how Sartre and Aiko have been saying about the sky." she added, not wanting to lie that much. she shrugged half-heartedly. "I think we should just leave tomorrow. but now everyone's tired, we should probably go to sleep." she started to walk past him, and then paused, remembering again that she didn't know which door. "Uh, where do you think we should all sleep?" she asked, trying to get him to say where the rooms were.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Well, I guess I'll be with sleeping with Sartre room 401.....then you will be with Aiko room 402. Wow, there's a lot of rooms. Alright, we leave tomorrow. Cya then." Kyoshi waved, and walked towards the rooms.

    Carissa saw movement in the 6th floor. He saw a young man with dirty blonde hair. "Sasha, is he one of our victims are is he one of your holograms?"

    Sasha eyed the stranger. "No, he's on of the victims...why?" She eyed Carissa.

    "Just saying..." Carissa murmured.
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Cya..." Serifina mumbled. "Okay, 402." she squinted at the doors to the left and right of where he had gone into. "That looks more like a two than that one." she guessed and was about to knock on the door when she heard a familar voice. She paused and listened, and heard it again. "Sasha?" she whispered turning around and trying to locate anything that looked like a person. "Sasha?" she repeated, louder. I don't forget a voice, even now, with this blasted posion, I know that was her! "Sasha?" she repeated a final time, a little louder again. A spasm of pain went through her when she raised her voice but she ignored it, she was paying to close attention to listening for her only, old best friend.
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sasha was looking out the window when she noticed her name being called. "Who's there" she said aloud. "I'm armed..." She said warningly. the voice sounded familiar, but couldn't tell who it was.

    Kyoshi yawned as he opened the door towards his room. He saw Sartre awake. "I thought you were asleep?" Kyoshi muttered.

    "I was..but I heard someone talking in a high voice. i'm going to check it out. " Sartre said.

    "But it's nearly midnight...." Kyoshi said irritated.


    "i'm tired....."

    Sartre rolled his eyes" go to sleep...while I check it out.....fine with you???"


    Sartre got off the bed and left to find out what had made the noise.

    Carissa tugged Sasha's sleeve like a little girl. "What was that? Who is the person? What's going on?" she asked nonstop.

    "SHUTUP!" she hissed. "Who's there...." she asked again, more loudly this time.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina's face lit up as she heard Sasha answering, "It's Serifina!" she called back. "Where are you? I can't tell where your voice is coming from." she would have noticed Sartre coming out of his room, but she was again, concentrating on listening. "Come up to the 400 rooms!"
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Sasha stared at the door. She glared at Carissa as she knocked down a vase in her fury. "I thought I told you to secure the rooms so that our voices wouldn't be heard..."

    Carissa looked down at the floor and the vase. "I forgot to bring the equipment..."

    "You can I rely on someone who forgets every small thing!" Sasha groaned.

    Sartre walked down the hallways, trying to locate the sound. He noticed Serifina against a door. "Serifina? Were you making that noise?" he asked quietly.

    Aiko woke up to a strange banging somewhere. She sat up, 'What was that?' she wondered. She turned around, the door was slightly ajar. "Kyoshi?" She said aloud. Aiko got up and opened the door and looked around the hall. 'Hmm.....nothing unusual....I must be going insane......' Aiko chuckled to herself. She noticed the bed was empty. 'Where's Serifina' she asked herself. She grabbed her coat and got out of the room to search for Serifina. But before she searched, she made a quick stop at Sartre and Kyoshi's room. She knocked. When she didn't get an answer, she knocked louder.

    "Who's there" groaned a tired Kyoshi.

    "It's me...Kyoshi, have you seen Serifina?" Aiko asked.

    "The last time I saw her, she was in the edge of the hall around the corner towards the elevator....why?"

    "Because I needed to know..I'm going to search for her and get an understanding of what is going on with this inn......"



    "Hold up, I'm coming with you....." Kyoshi said aloud.

    "To protect me in case there's danger?" Aiko said sweetly.

    "In your dreams...." Kyoshi laughed.

    "And nightmares..." added Aiko.

    Kyoshi opened the door. "Let's go..." He grabbed Aiko's hand and raced down the hallway.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina's hand shot back to in a 'shut up!' motion. "Yeah, it was. Did you hear her?" Without waiting for an answer, she ran downstairs, following the voices, she finally came apon the two and stopped. "Sasha, is that you?" she asked, hoping she was looking at the right person.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi and Aiko made a mad dash towards the 5th floor, where Serifina was supposed to be.

    Sartre ran after Serifina. "Wait....!" He yelled.

    Sasha blinked several times. Trying to make sure what she saw was reality or maybe she was going insane. "Serifina? What the.....?"

    Carissa couldn't stand her curiosity any longer. Tugging at Sasha's sleeve she asked question after question, "Who is she? How do you know her? How does she know you? What is she doing here? Why is she here? Answer me!!!!" Carissa wailed.

    Sartre stopped on the door Serifina had opened."Seri,'t just.....barge in.." Sartre said out of breath.

    Aiko and Kyoshi caught up to them. "Wow Sartre, you are out of shape....." with that Kyoshi laughed.

    "Right now is not the time to laugh!" Scolded Aiko.

    Kyoshi stopped laughing gradually. "So Sartre, what the hell's going on?"

    "Childhood friends, I suppose...." Sartre replied.

    "Seri? You're with them?" Sasha pointed towards Aiko and Kyoshi. "Whose side are you on?"
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina looked between her old friend and her new ones. "Side, what do you mean?" she asked, confused. As far as she knew, there had never been sides with Sasha and her. "These are my friends, and half brother." she explained, now feeling uncomfortable, "What do you mean 'who's' side? Aren't we on the same one?"
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