Limitless Wandering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kekeira, Nov 29, 2007.


How would you rate Sasuke Uchiha?

Poll closed Jan 14, 2008.
  1. He's F****** AWESOME!! GO SASUKE!!!

  2. He's great

  3. neutral...he's cool....and he's weird..

  4. no feelings toward him.

  5. HE'S A B****!! MOTHER******

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  1. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    OOC: Could I join as an existing character? (A villain?)
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: it think it'd be fine, we need more characters. she'll tell you when she comes on again.

    BIC: Serifina wanted to scream but kept her breath even. Those idoits! I said to go! But I can't think about it, breath Serifina... she blocked out worries about the others and focused on her concentrations. One... two... thr- before she finished counting she sliced her blade throught the darkness, controling the space tear until it was large enough and then jumping through it before closing it. Imediatly her head began to swim as the poison in the air got to her so she let a blast of air come from her hand. It cleared enough for her to see and breath easily.

    Takeo jumped from the fire, narrowly missing being burned to a crisp. He caught sight of Serifina out of the corner of his eye. "No." he hissed, his eyes narrowing. "No, she'll be killed!" he jumped down from the tree he had jumped to, next to her and placed a finger at her neck. "I'm sorry, love. I really am. But I can't let you die and I can't let you go." he whispered in her ear.

    Serifina's eyes widened as she felt the special venom seep into her and then it felt like something exploded in her as the venom, the same as from the kind in the air before, erupted in her. The vemon this time was concentrated in her and it hurt ten times more, making her drop to her knees clutching her head. "No, stop it stop it!" she screamed, her eyes squeezed shut.

    "I'm sorry, Seri." Takeo muttered, letting her fall and suddenly racing off as fast as he could, away from the fight.
  3. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Lolz..Me back! Okay...available villains are two people:

    1.) The SES (Synapid Extermination Squad) Boss~ Setsuko

    2.) Or Haratu's partner in battle ~ Ryoko

    3.) Haratsu himself....yes Serifina..he did not die...he used a portal just before he brned up...he has third-degree burns though....

    if u chose # 1, this is where u are now~ You are at the SES headquarters talkin to a groupof SES squad mdmbers and duscssing plans about other ways to kill Synapids (I'm one and Serifina is one),\

    #2~ Ryoko is miserable and enraged because Serifina 'killed' his best friend, and he wants can be anywhere...u can make up an island..a place....whatever.

    #3~ Haratsu is in an island. Possible in Irisacytla, after he opened a portal just before Serifina sent him into the sun for all eternity.

    Kyoshi and Sartre cant do a thing till the gs is the'll come in in a while.

    "And where do yo think you're goind, TAKEO!!!! WE AREN'T FINISHED YET!!!" Alex roared in fury. She leaped right in front of Takeo, blocking him from the safety of the forest. She then made a large circle of flames around Takeo. "You aren't going anywhere...."
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Takeo stopped, "I'm going, I can't contiue to fight you without one of us harming Serifina, and that defeats the purpose of my being here." he explained, calmly. "I will see you again, hopefully we can actully finish our fight to the death then." he gave a mock bow to Alex and ran through the flames, gritting his teeth against the pain, and covered them all in darkness until he was far enough away. When the darkness lifted so did the gas in the air and you could see the damage of their fight clearly.

    Serifina was unaware of anything around her changing. It's not going to stop. I have to get up. she forced herself to her feet. "Sartre, Akio, Kyoshi?" she croaked, trying to focus on anything.
  5. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Alex transformed back into her true self (u know, bloack and white skirt, black headband, black angel wings..etc,...). She looked around and saw Sartre and Kyoshi beside a bush. "You two okay?" she murmured.

    "Yeah, I'm alright..." Kyoshi replied.

    "Me too, where's Seri?" He asked. He looked towards the tree, now black with ashes, and saw Serifina. "SERIFINA! Are you alright!!??"

    "You don't need to shout...she can hear you clearly..." Kyoshi grumbled, rubbing his ear.

    "Well, guess I won't be needed her anymore..." Alex told herself, and changed back to Aiko.

    Aiko look around, dazed and confused. She looked at the burnt trees, and smelled a faint scent of the paralysis toxin. "Woah...what happened here??"

    "Finally you're back! Alex was starting to be a pain..." Kyoshi said annoyed.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina looked around at the blurry shapes around her. She realized they were talking when one of them shouted, Sartre? why is he yelling? i can't understand him, but i'm not deaf..., she tried to focus in one what they were saying. "What?" she asked, hoarsly, "Stop moving, your making me dizzy... er" she put a hand her head and winced, even talking made it hurt more. No, i can master it. I won't let myself be carried anymore.
  7. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko looked around and saw Serifina. "Serifina!" and waved her hand. she started running towards her.

    Sartre was also running towards Serifina.

    Kyoshi was busy looking at the burnt tree. 'How did this happen, Toshiro's flame doesnt cause this much damage....' "Aiko, how did this tree burn down....?"

    Aiko looked at him confused. "How the hell should I know?? Ask Alex."

    "You ask her..."

    "Uggg...fine..." Aiko stared into space for several minutes....then came back to reality and faced Kyoshi. She turned into a dragon and spewed flames onto the tree......hapy now?"

    "Are you mad at me..?" Kyoshi sounded hurtful.

    Aiko sighed. "No..i'm just tired and dizzy today.....I'm sorry....."

    Kyoshi grinned, "It's okay.."

    OOC: Aww...Kyoshi is hurtful....lolz :)
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: aww XD

    BIC: Serifina closed her eyes and covered her ears, "Stop moving and shouting." she mumbled, again. "You're hurting my head." she opened her eyes and uncovered her ears. Everything was still blurry, "Where is everyone?" she asked, squinting at each blur. I'm going to kill that man when I see him. Alex'll have to wait her damn turn. Ow! her knees buckled momentarily as a huge wave of pain swept over her. She tried to stand steady but tripped a little. "Oh... I hate everything and everyone." she moaned, holding her head. "Stupid earth, stop turning for a second!" she said, low and to herself

    OOC: haha, serifina's
  9. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Lolz...everyone is dizzy!!! weel except Kyoshi and Sartre....lolz XD..I wonder what hapened to the dude.....'The King'..thought he was going to join........T.T

    Aiko walked towards Serifina. 'Oh dear, Serifina does not look well....myabe she's sick.......''

    " you still have those bombs??" Kuoshi asked.

    "Yeah. Why?"

    "We'll need them when we encounter him again. "

    "Got it." Sartre nodded.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina still couldn't see well but she focused on the voices and could now understand them. "Have fun with that." she said, offhandly. "In the mean time you'll be dying of poision again." she looked at each of the blurs, half of her mind still trying to figure out who was who. "Alex had it right, finding a way to imune herself to his poision. Then only his two other powers would be of any use." she closed her eyes as a wave of pain washed over her. "Kyoshi, you said before something about being imune, maybe you could explain?" she grit her teeth on the words, fighting back the pain.

    OOC: idk, he's been posting around but i guess he forgot about here. weird.
  11. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Kyoshi scratched his head. "Did i really say that? Hmmm.....I don't really remember......." Kyoshi stared into space trying to remember what he had said about immunity.

    Aiko rolled her eyes. "You really do have memory loss, don't you?" Aiko chuckled.

    Kyoshi stared at Aiko, "Well, least I'm not absent-minded....."

    Aiko stuck out her tongue at him.

    "Very mature, Aiko...." Kyoshi taunted playfully.

    "Are we ever going to get out of's almost dawn..." Sartre said worriedly.

    OOC: sory about offline crap...yeah......I had to do some project on the college ball or whatver i t was.....lolz....ohh! do you have a Gaia account? If you do PM me and I'l tell you why...
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: no problem. projects are like that. and sorry, i dont' have an account with them. I pmed u so u can explain there. ^-^

    Serifina looked away from them, getting annoyed with Kyoshi, "Okay..." she said, through gritted teeth, "If you can't remember something so incrediably important... I guess we'll figure it out anyway, somehow." she crossed her arms and gripped them tightly, trying not to yell.
  13. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko noticed Serifina clutching herself. "Serifina, are you sure you're alright?" Aiko asked worriedly.

    "Is it really dawn?" Kyoshi asked Sartre.


    "Do you know what time it is?"


    "Does anybody have the time???" Kyoshi said out loud.

    "Don't ask me, I don't have a watch.....use a sundial or something....." Aiko said irritated.

    "Whatever..." Kyoshi muttered.

    OOC: lawls....what WAS that thiing about immnity.....srry my memory sucks.....i need a new brain or something......
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: oh, he just said something about being immune to Takeo's venom when they all met in that HQ place.

    BIC: Serifina shook her head angrily. "When did I ever say I was!?" she snapped at Aiko, "But it doesn't matter, I'll take care of it myself." she forced herself to stop leaning on the tree and let go of her arms. I just wish my eyes would start working right again, I hate this everything looking like burrs. she clenched her hands into fists, "On a more important subject, what the hell are we doing? It's getting light and if we're going to move, then let's move." she attempted to sound less angry, knowing she should be nicer to them right now, and succeded mostly
  15. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "Looks like someone's in a bad mood..." Said Kyoshi grudgingly.

    Aiko glared at Kyoshi. She used Telekinesis. 'Dude, you can help by not saying anything rash....'

    'When was I rash??'

    'Just now......'

    'Fine, I'll just stop talking....'

    'Okay, that works too.'

    "Why are you guys staring at each other?? It's creeping me out..." Sartre wondered.

    Aiko rolled her eyes.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina couldn't see them looking at each other but she did understad what Kyoshi had said. She sighed, "Sorry for being that way, Kyoshi..." she apologized equally as grudingly but sincerely.
  17. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    "That's alright...everybody gets pissed at Aiko sometime in their lives..." Kyoshi grinned.

    "Ah ha ha ha.....and everybody threatens to kill Kyoshi every other day in their pathetic lives...." Aiko murmured.

    Kyoshi smiled "Yeah, they do threaten me...but I kiil them..."

    Aiko sighed.

    "Well, are we going to sit around here, and wait for more SES to arrive...or are we going to move??!!" Sartre said loudly. ' When are we ever gonna leave this place?'
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina bit her tounge to keep from adding that she had actully been mad at Kyoshi, not Aiko. "Yeah, let's go." she agreeded quickly with Sartre.
  19. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    Aiko got up and grabbed her things. "Okay, let's go."

    "Sorry tointrude...but go where?" Kyoshi asked questioningly.

    Aiko stopped. "Ithink there's a village that direction..."

    "You think or you know?"

    "I think!!"

    "just asking...."

    "Well, let's not stay around here leisurely, let's get a move on." Sartre ordered.

    "Yes, sir!" Aiko said sarcastically.

    Kyoshi laughed.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Serifina picked up her bag, smiling a little at their dialoge, and felt her head swimming when she straightend up but tried not to show it. Damn Takeo, that poision is so, AH! Stupid! Painful! And I'll bet he has an antidote too, artard... she blew a stand of hair out of her face angrily, "Lead the way." she said, to anyone, more cheerfully then she felt.
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